
borrow pit home

pit approval


Environmental Clearance

Property Maps
Landowner needs to provide three maps: 1) a scaled site location map preferably (USGS quad 1:24,000) showing the nearest town, 2) a scaled drawing of the property overlaid onto aerial photography, showing property boundaries with coordinates (lat/lon), borrow pits limits, staging and stockpile areas, access routes, and haul roads, and 3) a scaled map with the following agency cleared overlaid areas: 404 wetlands, threatened & endangered species, cultural, and the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) area.  Note: All of the following agency coordination maps should also have coordinates (lat/lon).

Section 404
The applicant needs to hire an environmental consultant to conduct a wetland determination according to the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual.  The wetland determination should be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CEMVN) Regulatory Branch for approval at the following address:

ATTN: Chief, Surveillance & Enforcement
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Post Office Box 60267
New Orleans, Louisiana 70160-0267

CEMVN Regulatory Branch will review and investigate the site and provide the applicant with a jurisdictional determination (JD) letter and map. If the applicant proposes a borrow area that will impact jurisdictional wetlands, then a Section 10/404 permit application and drawings will be required from the CEMVN Regulatory Branch for evaluation. If property has wetland impacts the landowner must show proof that they have paid for any mitigation that CEMVN identified in the permit. Refer to the CEMVN Regulatory Branch’s website for processing information 

Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
If the proposed project is located in the Louisiana Coastal Zone the landowner applies for a Joint Permit Application through the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, CZM to obtain a Coastal Use Permit (CUP).  The CZM will distribute a copy of the permit application and drawings to the CEMVN and local parish coastal management for review. Landowner must provide proof that he has received a CUP from the CZM or parish coastal management or a letter of no objection.  A permit is typically only required if there are wetlands on the property. 

Threatened & Endangered Species
Landowner will need to hire an environmental consultant to complete a threatened and endangered species investigation of the property and submit a report of their findings to:

Mr. James F. Boggs
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
646 Cajundome Blvd., Suite 400
Lafayette, Louisiana 70506

A copy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concurrence letter and report is required.

Cultural Resource Report
Landowner will need to hire a professional cultural resource management (CRM) company to complete a cultural resource investigation of the property.  (The Louisiana Division of archaeology maintains a list of CRM firms at  Once the investigation is complete, then the resulting report will need to be forwarded to the CEMVN.  A CEMVN archaeologist will review the report to ensure that the work has met regulatory standards.  Once the CEMVN archaeologists approves the report, the CEMVN will coordinate consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and Federally and State recognized Native American tribes.  Upon approval of the report by a CEMVN archaeologist, allow a minimum of 45 days to complete the process.

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
Landowner must provide an ESA Report that shows that there is a low risk of encountering recognized environmental conditions (REC) on the property.  The ESA investigation will need to conform to ASTM 1527-05 standards.  CEMVN ESA Specialist will review the report, conduct a site visit before making a concurrence determination. 

Landowner investigations must include all the property to be used (borrow, staging, and stockpile areas, access routes, and haul roads) on legible maps with coordinates in all of their investigations or the site information will not be processed.

POC for Environmental Questions:
Mike Brown
US Army Corps of Engineers
New Orleans District
Environmental Planning and Compliance Branch
Borrow, Environmental Manager
504-862-1570 Office