FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid

FAQs: FAFSA on the Web

Customer Quotes

What People Like You Have To Say about FAFSA on the Web

“FAFSA on the Web has an easy step-by-step process. The questions were clear and easy to understand. It was nice that all of the information from last year was kept, making the renewal process a “piece of cake”.” - Graduate

“Do not change a thing!! The Web site is a very easy to use site with a very fluid process.” - Undergraduate

“The people at the Customer Service number were great. I didn’t have to wait and they answered my questions right away.” - Undergraduate

“As a parent, I really appreciated being able to pre-load my data into my second child’s form.” - Parent

“I really liked how easy it was to get set up for the application, such as printing the worksheet and working on that before I actually got online.” - Undergraduate

“The form was easy to understand, and the instructions guided you through every step of the application. There was a help key available at all times, to assist with any questions the application might have during the process of completing the application.” - Graduate

“The directions on the site were very clear and easy to follow. It made me feel more confident that I was doing the procedure the right way.” - Undergraduate

“FAFSA on the Web is better than filing out a paper FAFSA! It saves time and paper. I am NEVER going back to regular mail!” - Undergraduate

“I love the FAFSA on the Web site; it’s very professional and efficient. I don’t see how I could complain about anything! GREAT WORK... keep it up!” - Graduate

“Thank you for having the application available online for me to fill out so quickly and correctly. I love how it identified some of my errors, if I completed this through paper I would have had to fill it out again!” - Undergraduate

“Last year I accidentally went to a site where you had to pay to have them complete the application for you. My roommate told me about how I didn’t have to pay to complete the form and directed me to the correct site. It was easier to complete the application on FAFSA on the Web then it was last year when I paid somebody to complete it for me! Thanks for making this FREE site available for me! I just wish I could go back in time and save myself the time and money!” - Undergraduate

“Great job on the form; it was easy to use and I really appreciated the automatically completed fields using data from last year. Impressive!” - Parent

“Thanks for making it this easy and continue making it easier as the technology advances.” - Undergraduate

“Thank you for making this as easy as you can, the help sections are a great service.” - Graduate

“Thanks for making this process as simple as possible.” - Undergraduate

“I think completing the FAFSA online is great! After completing it on paper for my undergrad years, being able to sit down without a spread of papers in front of me and not messing with the time and hassle of the postal service, is a treat. Also, the ease of using the PIN for the signature saves time and paper.” -Graduate

“This is the best government use of information technology that I have ever seen. Great work!” -Graduate

“Thank you! Your telephone help service is excellent!!!!” -Undergraduate

“I went into the process thinking that it was going to be extremely difficult, but with the FAFSA Web site all of the answers to my questions where right there! The process was actually really easy. Thank you for making such a wonderful site!” -Undergraduate

“Mostly, I enjoyed the extremely efficient and secure way that the Federal Education Department made the Internet a secure and quick method of filing the FAFSA, while maintaining the individual’s privacy.” -Undergraduate

“Thanks for all the help, and I hope you are as helpful for someone else as you were for me thanks again.” -Undergraduate

“I had occasion to call your 800 number with questions and was impressed with the quality of assistance I received on 4 separate calls. Each representative to whom I spoke was courteous, helpful, and answered my question satisfactorily.” -Parent

“The whole application process is very user friendly. Your help sections answered all of my questions completely. I appreciated the dedication that the Department of Education has in making the application for financial aid so efficient.” -Graduate

“If I can do it, anyone can...I hate dealing with W-2s, 1040s, etc. but this is a breeze!” -Parent

“This was the best experience I had. I thought it would have been tougher, but I was wrong. This was so easy to understand. It was in plain English. Keep up the good work.” -Undergraduate

“Thank you for making this process so easy for students. We have enough to go through and worry about as it is. The aid I receive through FAFSA is the only reason I’m able to attend college. Thanks to you, it is also the easiest thing I have to deal with as a student.” -Undergraduate

“Keep up the great work; this is government serving the people at its best! Great job! Thank you.” -Undergraduate

“The system logged me off before I could submit the survey, so I just wanted to let you know that everything and everyone was very helpful and very professional, the site is great and the ease of use is all so great, including the chat. Thank you all!” -Other

“This will greatly increase the probability of completing the form correctly the first time! My younger brother filled his out online (incoming freshman) and it was SO much easier than when I did it the paper way!!” -Graduate

“I am grateful for this service specially for parent(s) like us that work and sometimes we forget the paper work and this way even at work if we have access to the internet we can complete the application during our lunch hour so thank you!” -Parent

“This is great! My advisor called and said she didn’t have a renewal for me and I hopped right on the Web and completed it!” -Undergraduate

“AWESOME JOB on the site! This is coming from a programmer myself.” -Graduate

Site Last Updated: Thursday, January 1, 2009

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