Government Owned Land

Govenment land which is owned in fee by the Federal government consists of the land inundated by Proctor Lake at the conservation (normal) pool elevation of 1162 feet above mean sea level, as well as a strip of land of varying width which surrounds the lake when the lake is at the conservation pool elevation. The limits of this public land are defined by the U.S. boundary line, the corners of which are marked by concrete monuments. These monuments, or boundary markers, are topped with a brass cap which is usually about four inches above ground level. At some lakes the brass caps may be mounted on rocks or onmetal pipes as well. The U.S. boundary line may or may not be delineated by a fence.
If you have questions about the location of the government property boundary, contact the Proctor Lake Project Office at (254) 879-2424. A field appointment with a Corps ranger can be scheduled to assist you in locating the boundary or in obtaining answers to any other questions you may have concerning the management of public land. Written inquiries may be addressed to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Proctor Lake Office
2180 FM 2861
Comanche, TX 76442


This site last updated on April 18, 2007

Proctor Lake