Clearwater Dam Update

PIEDMONT, Mo. April 12, 2008, – The unusually high amount of rainfall in the upper basin of Clearwater lake has caused the lake to continue to rise. The lake elevation as of 9 a.m. April 12 is 562.2’ with 88 percent of its flood storage capacity being used.
Predictions show Clearwater should crest April 14 with a pool elevation of 564.7’.

While there is no cause for alarm, people living or working downstream in flood prone areas should monitor weather forecasts and news media for alerts, follow guidance from local emergency planners and maintain individual awareness. Anglers who fish downstream of Clearwater are cautioned to watch for increasing water levels and be mindful of their departure routes.

Lake levels have remained high because the lake is doing what it was designed to do, reduce downstream flooding by trapping large amounts of water during heavy rains. Also, because of repeated rains, dam operators have been unable to release enough water in a controlled fashion between rains to reduce the amount of water in flood storage.

The normal maximum regulated release at Clearwater is 3,850 cubic feet per second, which is what is releasable without causing additional flooding in the areas immediately downstream of the dam. Currently no rain is forecast for a number of days, which may allow the Black River to drop and the Corps to release some of the excess water stored in Clearwater Lake over an extended period of time.

Corps personnel are monitoring lake levels and maintaining 24-hour surveillance at Clearwater Dam, and the dam is sound. Personnel from the Corps’ Clearwater Lake Project Office are staying in constant contact with state and local officials to help ensure public safety and minimize damage to property.

As the situation develops, the Corps is committed to keeping everyone informed. The phone number for the Corps’ Clearwater Lake Project Office is (573) 223-7777, while updated lake levels can be found on the Internet at For river stage information call (636) 441-8467, or go to the Weather Service website at

With the high waters the Corps would also like to remind visitors to the area to be cautious of low-lying areas that are prone to flooding and be prepared to use alternate routes if necessary. If planning to visit Piedmont Park or Bluff View Park, please call the project office for more details on the facilities as these parks are the most affected by the high water.

To make advanced camping and shelter reservations, call Reserve America at 1(877) 444-6777. Reservations can also be made on the Internet at

For more information about water levels and recreation at Clearwater, write the Corps at RR 3 Box 3559-D, Piedmont, MO 63957, e-mail General lake information is on the Internet at