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PPQ Manuals

Port Program

Actions taken to exclude pests or to protect endangered plants through imported and exported articles.

Animal Product Manual

  • Minimal Risk Rule Aid - This job aid is associated with the "Bovine Spongiform Encephalopahty (BSE) Minimal Risk Rule Training for Customs and Border Protection Agriculture Specialists.

Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Monitoring Handbook (PDF; 1.63Mb)

CITES I-II-III Timber Species Manual (PDF; 7.82Mb)

Canadian Border

  • Canadian Agricultural Aid - This job aid is posted for information only. The guidelines are intended for Custom's and Border Protection Officers.
  • Firewood Job Aid - Helps CBP officers identify firewood as either a hard or softwood.

Detector Dog (PDF; 2.681Mb)

Manual for Agricultural Clearance

Mexican Border (PDF; 1.21Mb)

Nursery Stock Restrictions (PDF; 4.91Mb)

Plant Importation Manuals

TAG Reviewers (PDF; 1.63Mb)

Treatment Manual

Notice of Suspension of Tarpless Container Fumigations

Last Modified: December 10, 2008