Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How can my son or daughter volunteer a project for Eagle Scout or Gold Award? The Coprs of Engineers have many great opportunities for volunteers, the volunteer coordinator at Waco Lake is Eric Haskell. Contact information: 254-756-5359,
  • What is the record for the largest fish caught out of the lake? Texas Parks and Wildlife provide this information on their website Texas Parks & Wildlife
  1. Where do I report illegal dumping on Government property? Contact Park Rangers @ 254-756-5359, or McLennan County Sheriff Department @ 254-757-5000
  1. Where can I operate my ORV on Corps land at Waco Lake? The Corps of Engineers at Waco Lake does not offer this type of recreation.
  1. What facilities are available for a family reunion? Lake Waco offers facilities for large groups within Airport Park (camping), Airport Beach, and Twin Bridges (day use).
  1. What is the current lake elevation? click here



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This site last updated on April 18, 2007

April 18, 2007