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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 03-302, Version 1.0

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Redlands 7.5’ Quadrangle, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California

By J.C. Matti, D.M. Morton, B.F. Cox, and K.J. Kendrick


This geologic database of the Redlands 7.5' quadrangle was prepared by the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP), a regional geologic-mapping project sponsored jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and the California Geological Survey. The database was developed as a contribution to the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program's National Geologic Map Database, and is intended to provide a general geologic setting of the Redlands quadrangle. The database and map provide information about earth materials and geologic structures, including faults and folds that have developed in the quadrangle due to complexities in the San Andreas Fault system.

The Redlands 7.5' quadrangle contains earth materials and structures that provide insight into the late Cenozoic geologic evolution of the southern California Inland Empire region. Important stratigraphic and structural elements include (1) the modern trace of the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults and (2) late Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary materials and geologic structures that formed during the last million years or so and that record complex geologic interactions within the San Andreas Fault system. These materials and the structures that deform them provide the geologic framework for investigations of earthquake hazards and ground-water recharge and subsurface flow. Geologic information contained in the Redlands database is general-purpose data that is applicable to land-related investigations in the earth and biological sciences. The term "general-purpose" means that all geologic-feature classes have minimal information content adequate to characterize their general geologic characteristics and to interpret their general geologic history. However, no single feature class has enough information to definitively characterize its properties and origin. For this reason the database cannot be used for site-specific geologic evaluations, although it can be used to plan and guide investigations at the site-specific level.

This summary pamphlet discusses major categories of surficial materials in the Redlands quadrangle, and provides a conceptual framework and basis for how geologicmap units containing such materials are recognized and correlated.

Learn more about the Redlands data set and its contents

page-size version of the Redlands geologic map
This illustration is a .gif (GIF) non-navigable image of the USGS geologic-map plot of the Redlands quadrangle. A full-size, navigable map graphic can be viewed on-screen (red_map.pdf) or can be plotted from the PostScript file ( Note: the full-size plot requires a large-format plotter, and is best reproduced at 600 (or greater) dpi.


File Name
File Type and Description
File Size
PDF version of the readme file that explains how to use the digital database.
256 KB
HTML file of the FGDC-compliant metadata
28 Kb
Compressed tar file of the digital database for this map
2.5 MB
An 18-page report detailing the codes for geologic attributes in the Yucaipa database
336 KB
Compressed (gzip) PostScript file used for plotting a paper copy of the map
9.5 MB
PDF file of map sheet that can be used for viewing map in a browser, as well as for plotting
3.1 MB
PDF file of the description of map units for this map
336 KB
red_pamphlet.pdf A 14-page pamphlet that accompanies this geologic map
1.6 MB

Visit the Southern California Areal Mapping Project Home Page to find more geologic maps in southern California and to learn more about SCAMP and its activities.

For questions about the content of this report, contact author Jonathan Matti

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Maintained by: Carolyn Donlin
Created: 9-11-03
Last modified: 9-11-03 (cad)