United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Montana Go to Accessibility Information
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2008 Environmental Quality Incentives Program

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) has been assisting private landowners across the nation implement new conservation measures on their land since 1997. EQIP attempts to bring together the national goals of agriculture production with sustainability. It strives to assist private landowners from avoiding environmental regulation while addressing locally identified natural resource issues.

Five years of successful implementation led Congress to reauthorize the program in the 2002 Farm Bill with greater enhancements. Improvements were made to the program such as greater flexibility in contract length (from 1 to 10 years), increased contract amounts (from $50,000 to $450,000), and special consideration for Limited Resource Producers and Beginning Farmers. These attractive enhancements have only increased the popularity of the program which consistently has greater demands for assistance than dollars.

NOTE: The 2002 Farm Bill expired at the end of fiscal year 2007. A new farm bill may be implemented in 2008 which could change the specific program information within these Web pages. Therefore, all information is based on past policies (2007 and before) and is subject to change at anytime after October 1, 2007.

2008 Application Cut-off

The cut-off date for fiscal year 2008 (FY08) funding consideration in Montana was June 1, 2007. Applications received after June 1, 2007, will be considered for funding in fiscal year 2009 (FY09). The application cut-off for FY09 is June 2, 2008.

All sign-ups are conducted at local USDA Service Centers in Montana. For more information about EQIP, visit the National NRCS EQIP web page.

EQIP Program in Montana
2008 EQIP Application Information

Look on the 2008 EQIP Application Information page to find all information needed concerning the eligible practices, application ranking, and special initiative sign-ups.

Links to Other Useful Documents

The following documents are available in Acrobat Reader format.

Internet Query Tool for EQIP Ranking of Impaired Waters, Dewatered Streams List, Threatened and Endangered Species, and Wells Data (PDF; 24KB)

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Dewatering Concern Areas (PDF; 99KB)

Beginning and Limited Resource Farmers and Ranchers

EQIP Projects in Montana

The following stories describe how some Montana residents are using EQIP and NRCS expertise to help make their lands healthier and more productive.

Prior-Year EQIP (Archives)


Kris Berg, Program Specialist
Phone: 406-587-6849
Email: Kris.Berg

Carrie Mosley, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs
Phone: 406-587-6967
Email: Carrie.Mosley

Last Modified: 12/02/2008