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growth CDC Growth Charts Tools for assessing the growth of children

child Childhood Immunization Schedule Create a schedule customized by birth date (birth to 6 years)
» More Immunization/Vaccination Schedules Includes adult, child, adolescent, and catch-up schedules

ecard eCards Keep in touch with friends and family and remind them to be healthy.

languages Other Languages Translation of selected CDC materials in multiple languages such as Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese....

phil Public Health Image Library (PHIL) Free collection of photos, illustrations, and other media

training Training Opportunities for students, academics, and public health professionals

vital Vital Records How to get birth, death, marriage, or divorce certificates

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The Tag Cloud is an alphabetized list of the most popular search topics on the Web site. The text size of the term shows its relative popularity: bigger terms are more popular than smaller ones. Click a term to view a page with more information on the topic. The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
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