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Food Distribution

Instructions & Handbooks

This page provides links to instructions and handbooks issued by the Food and Nutrition Service for State Distributing Agencies administering the Food Distribution Programs. 

Bullet Instructions
-- FNS Instruction 709-5, Shipment and Receipt of Foods
-- 700-1 (Rev. 2) Delegation of Authority Relating to the FDPIR and the Food Distribution Program for Indian Households in Oklahoma, dated May 8, 2008.
-- 716-4 (Rev. 1) Administrative Budget Negotiation Guidance for the FDPIR and the Food Distribution Program for Indian Households in Oklahoma, dated April 28, 2008.
Bullet Handbooks, Forms, OMB and Treasury Circulars 
  -- FNS Instructions/Handbooks
  -- OMB & Treasury Circulars
  -- FNS Handbook 501, Food Distribution Program on Indian
Bullet Other Program Handbooks/Manuals
-- Commodity Disaster Manual
  -- Hold and Recall Procedures
  -- State Processing Handbook
-- State Processing Sales Verification Table
-- Storage Tips: Reminder of Storage and Handling of Dried
    Fruits, Fruit/Nut Trail Mix

Last Modified: 07/28/2008



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