

Case Number - Title Company/Organization
+ 2005-D007 - Training for Contractor Personnel Interacting with Detainees
+ 2005-D003 - Incentive Program for Purchase of Capital Assets Manufactured in the United States
+ 2005-D002 - Restriction on Carbon Alloy and Armor Steel Plate
+ 2004-D033 - Levy on Payments to Contractors
+ 2004-D031 - Sole Source 8(a) Awards to Small Business Concerns Owned by Native Hawaiian Organizations
+ 2004-D028 - DoD Pilot Mentor-Protégé Program
+ 2004-D021 - Contractor Performance of Acquisition Functions Closely Associated with Inherently Governmental Functions
+ 2004-D017 - Combating Trafficking in Persons
+ 2004-D011 - Radio Frequency Identification
+ 2004-D010 - Export-Controlled Information and Technology
+ 2004-D009 - Competition Requirements for Federal Supply Schedules and Multiple Award Contracts
+ 2004-D008 - Notification Requirements for Critical Safety Items and Related Services
+ 2004-D001 - Reporting Contract Performance Outside the United States
+ 2003-D109 - Consolidation of Contract Requirements
+ 2003-D106 - Transition of Certain Weapons-Related Prototype Projects to Follow-On Contracts--Treatment as Commercial Items
+ 2003-D104 - Written Assurance of Technical Data Conformity
+ 2003-D101 - Quality Control of Aviation Critical Safety Items and Related Services
+ 2003-D097 - Limitations on Contract Period for Task and Delivery Order Contracts
+ 2003-D097 - Contract Period for Task and Delivery Order Contracts
+ 2003-D090 - PGI
+ 2003-D087 - Contractors Accompanying a Force Deployed
+ 2003-D085 - (T) DFARS Appendix F
+ 2003-D085 - Material Inspection and Receiving Report
+ 2003-D084 - Administrative Matters
+ 2003-D082 - Uniform Contract Line Item Numbering
+ 2003-D081(ll) - Unique Item Identification and Valuation (second interim rule)
+ 2003-D081 - Unique Item Identification and Valuation
+ 2003-D072 - (T) Required Sources of Supplies and Services
+ 2003-D071 - Component Breakout
+ 2003-D060 - Threshold for Small Business Specialist Review
+ 2003-D059 - Use of the Purchase Card for Micro-Purchases
+ 2003-D056 - (T) Communication Service Authorizations
+ 2003-D052 - (T) Authorization for Continued Contracts
+ 2003-D051 - Contract Administration Functions
+ 2003-D040 - Central Contractor Registration
+ 2003-D038 - Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information
+ 2003-D021 - (T) Clarification of Statutory Restrictions on Acquisition of Foreign Ball and Roller Bearings
+ 2003-D018 - Laws Inapplicable to Commercial Subcontracts
+ 2003-D017 - Competition Requirements
+ 2003-D014 - Contract Pricing and Cost Accounting Standards
+ 2003-D013 - DoD Pilot Mentor Program
+ 2003-D012 - Improper Business Practices and Organizational Conflicts of Interest and Applicable Sections of Part 209 that Relate to Debarment
+ 2003-D009 - Payment and Billing Instructions
+ 2003-D005 - DoD Activity Address Codes in Contract Numbers
+ 2003-D004 - Multiyear Procurement Authority for Environmental Services for Military Installations
+ 2002-D042 - Contractor Performance of Security-Guard Functions
+ 2002-D034 - Fish Shellfish and Seafood Products
+ 2002-D033 - Indian Incentive Program
+ 2002-D032 - Government Source Inspection Requirements
+ 2002-D025 - Purchase Card Internal Controls
+ 2002-D024(2) - Approval of Service Contracts and Task and Delivery Orders/ Proper Use of Non-DoD Contracts
+ 2002-D024 - Approval of Service Contracts and Task Orders
+ 2002-D023 - Follow-On Production Contracts for Products Developed Pursuant to Prototype Projects
+ 2002-D020 - Information Assurance
+ 2002-D017 - Payment Withholding
+ 2002-D016 - Liability for Loss Under Vessel Repair and Alteration Contracts
+ 2002-D015 - Production Surveillance and Reporting
+ 2002-D013 - Indian Incentive Clause-Contract Types
+ 2002-D009 - Foreign Acquisition
+ 2002-D008 - Exception for Acquisition of U.S.-Made End Products in Acquisitions Subject to the Trade Agreements Act
+ 2002-D005 - Foreign Military Sales Customer Involvement
+ 2002-D003 (Proposed Rule) - Competition Requirements for Purchases from a Required Source
+ 2002-D003 - Competition Requirements for Purchases from a Required Source
+ 2002-D002 - Codification and Modification of Berry Amendment
+ 2002-D001(i) - Electronic Submission and Processing of Payment Requests
+ 2002-D001 - 2002 Electronic Submission and Processing of Payment Requests
+ 2001-D018 - Performance of Security Functions
+ 2001-D017 - Competition Requirement for Purchase of Services Pursuant to Multiple Award Contracts
+ 2001-D013 - Provisional Award Fee Payments
+ 2001-D013 - Provisional Award Fee Payments
+ 2001-D012 - Customary Progress Payment Rate for Large Business Concerns
+ 2001-D006 - DoD Pilot Mentor-Protege Program
+ 2001-D002 - Research and Development Streamlined Contracting Procedures
+ 2000-D306 - Performance-Based Service Contracts Using Part 12 Procedures
+ 2000-D301 - Domestic Source Restrictions--Ball and Roller Bearing and Vessel Propellers
+ 2000-D029 - Restriction on Contingent Fees for Foreign Military Sales--Commercial Items
+ 2000-D028 - Subcontract Commerciality Determinations
+ 2000-D024 - Utilization of Indian Organizations and Indian Owned Economic Enterprises
+ 2000-D023 - Enterprise Software Agreements
+ 2000-D020 - Balance of Payments Program
+ 2000-D018 - Changes to Profit Policy
+ 2000-D014 - Ocean Transportation by U.S.-Flag Vessels
+ 1999-D028 - Anticompetitive Teaming
+ 0704-0386 - Small Business Programs
+ 0704-0332 - DoD Pilot Mentor Protege Program
+ 0704-0272 - Occupational Safety
+ 0704-0248 - Material Inspection and Receiving Report
+ 0704-0225 - Administrative Matters