CSFP Association



CSFP was created by Congress to address hunger in specific population groups in a way that mutually promotes agriculture policy and alleviates hunger through the use of food commodities acquired under government farm supports.  CSFP is an important outlet for the food commodities supported under various farm programs.

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  Must read info for today, 

The NCSFPA National Conference Committee wants to formally invite you all to join in the

2009 Annual Conference

St. Louis, Missouri

Millennium Hotel

Below are the  links to the Preliminary Agenda/Registration Form & a Round Table Session Survey Form so those who need to get travel approval might be able to begin that process. 

<<Agenda/Registration Form>>

<<Round Table Survey Form>>


Tuesday May 5, 2009 7:00 PM – Friday May 8, 2009 12:00 PM

Room rates reserved for $109 per night

We will update you as time nears on any specific session changes. 

Please review and complete the attached Survey form and return to Tina Osso as this will help us finalize that session. 

Hope to see you all there! 

Kathy Rhodes & Vicki Metheny, Co-Chairs



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