*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1992.10.05 : Welfare Reform -- Utah SPED Demonstration Contact: Larry Dye (202) 401-9215 October 5, 1992 HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., announced today approval to implement the Utah Single Parent Employment Demonstration Program (SPED). "In developing one of the most comprehensive efforts to reform a state's welfare program, Utah will be initiating a broad, fresh approach," Sullivan said. "Utah, like other states, responded to the president's call to reform their welfare program with an experimental approach. Our commitment remains to review each proposal carefully and expeditiously." Utah expects to increase self-sufficiency through a combination of measures, including: - While providing more kinds of support services than before, require more welfare recipients to participate in the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training Program (JOBS), which is designed to help them become employed. - Further encouraging employment by allowing recipients to have higher monthly earnings before affecting their welfare cash benefits. - Making it easier for recipients to make the transition to self-sufficiency by broadening Medicaid, child care and JOBS services which can be provided after they leave welfare because of work. - Allowing case managers to work more intensively with clients by streamlining the Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Food Stamp administrative and verification processes. - Helping keep clients off welfare by providing, when appropriate, a one-time payment to meet basic or special needs instead. "With these extensive changes in its current welfare program, Utah hopes to restructure its welfare program to provide incentives for welfare clients to move from welfare dependency to self-sufficiency," said Jo Anne B. Barnhart, assistant secretary for children and families. "I look forward to the results." A rigorous evaluation of the SPED program is required under the waiver provided by HHS. The SPED demonstration program is to operate for five years. It will begin no later than March 1, 1993. # # #