*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1992.08.06 : California Public Housing Employment Project Contact: Larry Dye (202) 401-9215 August 6, 1992 LOS ANGELES--HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., and HUD Secretary Jack Kemp today announced support for a unique, coordinated approach by California to provide employment and training services to residents of Nickerson Gardens in Los Angeles, the largest public housing development in California. Most of those who will participate in the program are currently receiving welfare. HHS will contribute $1.3 million for the project this year. "State and local governments continue to respond to the President's call to reform their welfare programs with a variety of new approaches," Sullivan said. "Our department remains committed to encouraging new ideas at all levels of government and in our communities." "We join with President Bush in applauding this joint agency effort to empower inner-city residents through education and job training, and move them from welfare to economic independence," Kemp said. Under the program, the Nickerson Gardens Resident Management Corporation and The Training Institute, Inc., a proprietary post- secondary school, will operate a pilot employment and training program. The program will offer testing, assessment and other services to 500 Nickerson Gardens and other public housing residents in Los Angeles. In a distinctive feature, initial screening and intake of individuals will take place at the public housing development itself rather than at the local welfare department. "With this program, California extends its efforts to change the welfare system," said Jo Anne Barnhart, assistant secretary for children and families. "The program also supports the Rebuild Los Angeles effort. I look forward to the results of this effort." Residents of Nickerson Gardens and other public housing developments will be hired and trained to do the initial intake activities for the program. Funding for the program is more than $3.4 million. Funding is a combination of the federal Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program and the Aid to Families with Dependent Children child care ($1.3M), State of California Employment, Training Panel ($1.3M) and Los Angeles County GAIN ($800,000) resources. ###