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Joint State and Federal Permits

State Programmatic General Permits (SPGPs)

A State Programmatic General Permit is a type of general permit founded on an existing state, local or other Federal agency program and designed to avoid duplication with that program.

Pennsylvania SPGP-3

The PASPGP-3 will be implemented and in full effect within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on July 1, 2006. It is administered by the Corps and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Dams, Waterways and Wetlands
Rachel Carson State Office Building
Market Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105
(717) 787-6827

PA SPGP-3 Documents

The PASPGP-3 has been developed to provide a streamlined permitting process, which incorporates Federal Standards under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act with State Standards under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, while maintaining comprehensive protection to the aquatic environment.

Submit the following documents and all required information to the appropriate PA DEP office. The information will be forwarded by the DEP to the appropriate Corps office.

  • USACE/PA DEP Joint Permit Application Form
  • PA DEP General Information Form
  • PA DEP Single and Complete Project Screening Form
  • PA DEP Environmental Assessment
  • Cultural Resource Notice Form: 
  • Request to Initiate Consultation under the PA State History Code and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act   Submit this form to the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission with the required information. Submit a copy of this form and the return receipt of delivery of this notice to the DEP. You must also include, or forward upon receipt, the response letter from the PHMC to both the PA DEP and Corps.
  • PA Natural Diversity Index (PNDI) Search Form: Submit the required information to the appropriate DEP regional office or delegated County Conservation District prior to completing any DEP/Corps permit application.

  • Bog Turtle Habitat Screening Form:  Submit the required informatio to the appropriate contact for your county, along with a completed PNDI form, for a bog turtle habitat sreening.

    Conservation Easements & Deed Restrictions: Proposed activities/projects for construction or expansion of residential, commercial, or institutional subdivisions or developments that include greater than 0.25 acre of wetlands, in addition to the total wetland area directly impacted by the proposed project, located within the property boundary are potentially eligible for authorization under PASPGP-3 Category I or II Activities (no U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) review required), provided the submitted application includes a proposed deed restriction or conservation easement which protects such wetlands from activities such as filling, draining, mowing, placement of structures, cutting of vegetation, clearing, or plowing of natural vegetation. Additional information concerning this activity can be obtained by contacting the Corps or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP).

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    New Jersey SPGPs 17 & 19

    Please consult the permit documents below for further information.
    • SPGP 17: This general permit authorizes the construction of structures; performance of work and the discharge of dredged and fill material in substantially developed artificial tidal lagoons and their access channels.
    • SPGP 19: This general permit is for existing and proposed non-commercial piers, docks, mooring piles, boat lifts, timber breakwaters, and the replacement of existing bulkheads within eighteen (18) inches of existing serviceable bulkhead structures.

    Delaware SPGPs 18 & 20

    • SPGP-18: This permit is for the construction of structures, performance of work, and the discharge of dredged and fill material in substantially developed artificial tidal lagoons and their access channels.
    • SPGP-20: This permit is for the maintenance or replacement of existing and the construction of new piers, decks, mooring piles, boat lifts, modular floating platforms for jet skis and larger vessels, structural breakwaters and replacement of existing serviceable bulkheads.


    Maryland SPGP-3

    Maryland SPGP-3  View in pdf Issued August 31, 2006
    Re-issuance with modifications of the Maryland State Programmatic General Permit (MDSPGP-2) as the Maryland State Programmatic General Permit-3 (MDSPGP-3) for a five year period and Nationwide Permits (NWP) Suspension in the State of Maryland


  • Comments
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    Philadelphia, PA 19107-3390

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