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USAFA Contracting

Vendors Help Package

Thank you for your interest in doing business with the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs Colorado. We are eager to build long-term relationships with our vendors/contractors. You will find the members of this squadron professional, ethical and customer friendly.

This package was developed to acquaint you with our purchasing policies at the US Air Force Academy. We believe that the information provided will assist you in doing business with the United States Government. Please read the booklet carefully. We welcome any suggestions you may have for improving this guide.

We value the relationships developed with our suppliers. We look forward to a continued partnering with industry in an open manner with the highest professional and ethical standards. Quality products, services, and solutions will greatly enhance the development of our business/partnering relationship. We expect to receive the very highest quality at the most reasonable price, and delivery when and where required.

Wide Area Work Flow-Receipt and Acceptance (WAWF-RA)
WAWF-RA Home Page
WAWF Web Based Training

The Air Force Academy Contracting Office (10MSG/LGC) is excited to announce that Vendors can now obtain training and assistance for those wishing to submit their Invoices in the Wide Area Work Flow – Receipts and Acceptance (WAWF-RA).

What is DoD Wide Area WorkFlow-Receipt and Acceptance (WAWF-RA)?

WAWF-RA provides the baseline technology for Government Vendors and authorized DoD personnel to generate, capture, and process receipt and payment-related documentation, via interactive Web-based applications. Authorized DoD users are notified of pending actions and are presented with a collection of documents required to process the contracting or financial action. When the payment system is capable of receiving EDI transactions, the WAWF-RA system will send the appropriate EDI transaction sets.

What Does the WAWF-RA Allow Me to Do?

Vendors can submit invoices and receiving reports electronically using existing Electronic Commerce methods. Additional choices are now available: Web interactive forms and straight push from Vendor automated systems (FTP). These new choices do not result in significant cost or require changes to existing processes. Additionally, the Vendor will receive system-generated emails advising them of action taken by the Government Inspection and Acceptance Officials. If a receiving report or invoice is rejected, the Vendor will have the capability to correct the data and resubmit-thus only the individual data elements need to be corrected as opposed to retyping the entire document. Finally, the Vendor will be able to view previously submitted documents and determine the current status, review actions taken by Government officials (to include access to the name, email and phone numbers), and as appropriate initiate follow-on actions.

How Do I Register?
Vendors: We’ll send you an information packet with a training CD-Rom.

1) Send an E-mail to 10 (message subject needs to read: Vendor WAWF-RA)
Include the information requested on the Contractor Training form in your message:


2) Send the form to:
Operational Contracting Office
Attn: Vendor WAWF Training Request
8110 Industrial Drive #200,
USAF Academy, CO 80840-2315.


Purchasing Policy

The Air Force Academy believes that an open, competitive atmosphere is the most beneficial to both the Government and you the vendor. We make purchases on the basis of product/service performance and quality, advantageous prices, and delivery/performance capability.

To speed up the processing of transactions/awards, please only accept orders when provided with our order numbers (F05611 and FA7000). This procedure will also help the processing of your payment as well.

Orders as defined for this purpose can be any type of contractual document from a purchase order, delivery order, to a formal contract. No merchandise may be shipped, nor any service performed without an order number. The order number is located on the front page of our orders issued. In the case of telephone orders, a verbal order number will be provided. Order numbers must appear on all shipments, delivery slips, and invoices.

Terms and Conditions

The information printed on the contractual document is especially important to you and us. There are clauses, also known as terms and conditions that have an impact on the order. We strongly encourage you to read and understand these clauses. The clauses are available in full text on the Internet or the World Wide Web. Please contact the Contracting Officer immediately if you have any questions or concerns about the clauses on your order. The Contracting Officer will work with your company to resolve any concerns that you may have.


Invoices are paid based on the order, following a receipt of good or services. No order will be paid without an invoice, which must show the order number. If a remit to address is on your invoice, please ensure this information is reflected in the order. Invoices are to be mailed to the address listed in the order. Payments are made by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), our office does not have the capabilities to determine when payment will be made. DFAS can be contacted via their web site at: or by phone at: 800-330-8168.

Catalogs/Product Information

Your interest and assistance is solicited to keep our files of catalogs and other product literature up to date and accurate. However, our preferred method is now via electronic format, please provide us with your web site or other electronic media.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

We are an equal employment and affirmative action employer, we promote the utilization of minority and woman owned businesses, and we expect our contractors/vendors to be in compliance with any related federal, state, and local statues. Unless we are notified to the contrary, it is assumed that all suppliers are in compliance with all mandatory Executive Orders, Acts, and regulations as amended and implemented.

Deliveries/Return of Merchandise

It is important that the items purchased from your company be promptly delivered according to the delivery date agreed upon at the time the order was placed. Deliveries are to be made to the address listed in the purchase order. Standard delivery hours for the US Air Force Academy are 8:00 a.m.-3:00p.m. Monday through Friday excluding Federal holidays. Please remember that only authorized personnel can receive goods on behalf of the Government. Ensure you get the individuals printed name and signature for all deliveries. This helps the Government and Contractor in locating missing shipments.

The US Air Force Academy reserves the right to return merchandise, which does not meet our specifications. It is understood that such goods are to be returned at the supplier's expense.

Vendor Performance

Using proactive professional purchasing, we evaluate all vendors in several areas; including actual performance versus promised delivery dates or performance periods, ability to meet our urgent requirements, number of rejects due to poor quality, and adherence to agreed prices. Subsequent buying decisions are strongly influenced by this evaluation.

We are always looking for ways to reduce costs and increase savings; thus your ability to give and maintain low prices consistent with the quality and service is of great importance to us. New cost reduction ideas from our vendors/customers are always welcomed.

Gifts and Entertainment

Officials or employees of the government must not accept or agree to accept any gratuity for themselves, members of their families, or others, either directly or indirectly from any source that is engaged in or seeking business or financial relations of any sort with any Department of Defense office. Gratuities include, money, gifts, favors, entertainment, hospitality, transportation, loads or any other tangible item, and any intangible benefits including discounts, passes, and promotional vendor training given or extended to or on behalf of Government personnel, their families, or household, for which fair market value is not paid by the recipient or the government.

Vendor Demonstrations

We depend on you to provide us with current information about products, equipment, services, and techniques. In fact, samples and or/written descriptions of new ideas successfully used by other companies can be helpful. In certain instances, testing of innovative new ideas may be arranged.

Vendor Demonstrations are authorized when sponsored by a base organization and a vendor demonstration agreement is completed and approved by the Contracting Office.

Contacts/Interviews and Hours

The United States Air Force Academy Contracting Section is located in Building 8110, right side of the building. This building is located off of Academy Blvd then a left on Industrial Drive. Vendors are assured a prompt and courteous reception.

When you first arrive at our squadron, please use the phone at the front door to contact the individual you wish to meet. Please feel free to view our bid board located on the first floor in the lobby area. Some of our requirements are posted there for viewing. In addition to this location we also utilize the Federal Business Opportunities as means of advertising our requirements.

The Government Purchase Credit Card is used to purchase most items/services less than $3000.00. The credit card can be used to purchase higher dollar amounts when placing orders against established Government contracts such as GSA Federal Supply Schedule.

Thank You

We appreciate your company following our policies and procedures. We acknowledge your courtesies and the services extended to us. Just as you value our business, we value the service and assistance that your organization can provide. We will strive to ensure our relationship is mutually beneficial, ethical, and enjoyable. Thank you for wanting to be part of our successful team.


Last updated 04-Jun-2008



U.S. Air Force Academy, USAFA, CO 80840, (719) 333-1110 DSN: 333-1110, Updated: 08 Jan 09

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