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10 January 2009 

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 Steve Herman - New Delhi

Steve Herman

Veteran journalist Steve Herman became VOA's South Asia bureau chief in February, 2007 after nearly two decades based in Tokyo reporting for VOA and other broadcasters. He initially lived in the Japanese capital in the early 1980s as a news anchor and morning producer for the country's first English language cable television channel.


During the remainder of the 1980s, Steve worked in local television and radio newsrooms in Nevada and California before joining the Associated Press. At AP, Steve was State Broadcast Editor in West Virginia before moving to the AP's Broadcast News Center in Washington, D.C.


Over the years he has also reported from such locales as Fiji, Guam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel and the Occupied Territories, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.


A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Steve is a graduate of Thomas Edison State College in Trenton, New Jersey. Terming himself a "life-long learner,"  he has also pursued graduate studies at such institutions as the American Military University, The School of International Service of The American University, Bath Spa College in England, Harvard University and the New School for Social Research.

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