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Friday, Nov. 16, 2001
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Regarding Remaining Smallpox Repositories

The administration has concluded that the United States should not destroy its remaining repository of smallpox virus until adequate medical tools are available to counter any future outbreak of this disease. I have this week communicated that decision to the Director of the World Health Organization.

The eradication of smallpox in 1977 was one of our greatest public health achievements. Our purpose in maintaining the repository of smallpox virus at this time is to safeguard that accomplishment.

While known repositories of smallpox exist only in the United States and Russia, it is possible that the virus may also have been acquired by others. Events of the last two months make all too clear that if smallpox virus fell into the wrong hands, it might be deliberately unleashed. While the chance of release of smallpox remains small, it is nonetheless real - and we must be prepared to combat it.

Until we have developed our defenses, we must keep this killer secure but available for needed research. We must be able to counter this virus as well as any altered variant that might be produced. We must have the virus itself on hand to be sure we can carry out the research and development that is needed: new tools for diagnosis, effective antiviral treatments for the disease, and new vaccine to protect all Americans.

I have already launched a process for rapid new production of smallpox vaccine. Likewise, we have vigorous research underway to develop new diagnostic and treatment capabilities, as well as the next generation of smallpox vaccines.

The events of September and October have changed our world. We must and will be prepared to confront today's threats. We will continue to maintain the high security of our existing repository of smallpox virus. But at the same time, we will continue to hold this virus until we have in hand the diagnostic, preventative and treatment tools required to counter release of smallpox virus anywhere in the world.


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