BRS News and Information


In the News


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December 11 , 2008
USDA Seeks Public Comment on Deregulation of Genetically Engineered Corndividing line
December 3 , 2008
FDA, EPA and USDA Conclude That Accidental Release of Genetically Engineered Cotton Poses No Safety Risk to Humans or Animals
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November 24 , 2008
USDA Seeks Public Comment on Deregulation of Genetically Engineered Corn
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October 29, 2008
APHIS Implements New Electronic System to Enhance Compliance with Biotechnology Regulations

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October 6, 2008

USDA Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Rule for Biotechnology Regulations
Read more on the Proposed Rule
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Proposed Rule Revisions
Proposed rule details.

Genetically Engineered Alfalfa
Roundup Ready Alfalfa details.

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Transgenic Animals
APHIS' role in future regulation.

State Partnership
View current initiatives.

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Last Modified: December 11, 2008