Task Force on Energy, Technologies and the American Economy

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Terms of Reference

Scope and Objective:

The objective of this Task Force is to provide appraisals and recommendations to the Secretary of Energy regarding the applicability of recent developments and trends in a number of industry sectors to future Department of Energy endeavors. The scope of the Task Force should directly address questions relating to the recommendations and implementation of the President's National Energy Policy (NEP) and its affects on the competitiveness of firms in the industry sectors assessed. It should also examine the research & technology advances in various industry sectors to identify developments that could help address future national energy challenges, as well as industry applications that could benefit from research & technology efforts underway within DOE.

The Department of Commerce breaks down U.S. industry according to the following eighteen sector structure: Aerospace; Automotive; Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology; Consumer Goods; Computers; Energy; Environmental Technologies; Forest Products & Building Materials; Instrumentation; Machinery; Metals; Microelectronics; Medical & Dental Equipment; Services and Finance; Telecommunications; Textiles and Apparel; and Travel, Tourism & Entertainment. Working with the Task Force, the Chairman of the SEAB will designate a representative subset of at least six of these sectors for detailed and balanced consideration.


The President's National Energy Policy recognizes the importance of looking to technology to help us meet the parallel goals of increasing electricity generation, increasing energy efficiency and conservation, and enhancing transmission capabilities, while protecting our environment. The NEP also recognizes the inherent linkage between sound energy policy and robust domestic economic competitiveness. One year after the development of the President's NEP, it is appropriate to take stock of industry's views of the potential impact of the NEP on competitiveness. Moreover, industry maintains a vibrant technology development base, often targeted to specific sector objectives, which may be applicable to our national energy challenges but which has yet to be leveraged.

The Task Force will seek answers to the following specific questions:

  • To what degree has the industry sector already felt a direct impact from the President's NEP? In what areas does the industry sector anticipate being impacted?
  • What are the industry sector trends with regards to energy intensity (as measured by the amount of energy required for each dollar of economic productivity)?
  • How do energy costs and environmental regulations impact competitiveness within the industry sector?
  • How vulnerable is the industry sector to energy emergencies, or to reliability of electric power?
  • How does the industry sector apply research & technology developments related to energy conservation, efficiency and environmental protection to improve competitiveness?
  • What research & technology activities are in development in the industry sector for other applications that may have application to meeting national energy challenges or other DOE missions?
  • How can research & technology being conducted at DOE National Laboratories better address future energy and competitiveness concerns of industry sectors?
  • What proposals can the industry sector offer for future energy policy initiatives that enhance economic competitiveness and energy security?

Description of the Task Force's Duties:

  1. The members of the Task Force will conduct a series of industry sector summit meetings; each will focus on a different industry sector (or combination of sectors). Industry sector summit meetings will be subject to FACA and advertised in the Federal Register to encourage public participation;
  2. Each industry sector summit meeting will be convened by a member of the Task Force who is an appropriate expert in the industry sector being assessed (known as a Task Force industry sector lead);
  3. Each Task Force industry sector lead will draw together an appropriate balanced mix of senior executives from firms, trade associations, and advocacy groups with specific interest in the sector being assessed, for the purposes of this summit meeting;
  4. These industry sector executives will be requested to provide briefings and discuss the questions outlined above, consistent with the scope of this effort;
  5. The Task Force industry sector lead will document the output of the summit meeting in the form of a White Paper, which will be provided to the Task Force Chairman and other Task Force members;
  6. The Task Force will compile the White Papers from each of the industry sector summit meetings, identify common themes and cross-cutting conclusions, and present a final report including the industry sector summit White Papers to the full SEAB for consideration.

Estimated Number and Frequency of Meetings:

This Task Force shall meet as required to plan and conduct industry sector summit meetings, document its findings and prepare its final report. It is anticipated that the Task Force will conduct at least six separate industry summit meetings, at a frequency no greater than approximately one meeting per month. In order to enhance Task Force members' knowledge and understanding of the industry sectors, the Department may organize industry sector summit meetings at sites that optimize participation by industry sector executives. Additionally, the Task Force may hold meetings outside of Washington, D.C. as required to fulfill its mandate.


The Task Force shall have at least 8 members, including a Chairman, Co-Chairman, and at least 6 other members, each of whom is an appropriate expert in at least one of the industry sectors being assessed. The Task Force may be augmented with others with knowledge pertinent to the scope and objectives of this study. At least three members will be individuals who are also members of the SEAB. The Chairman of the SEAB, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall appoint the Chair (or Co-Chairs), as well as all other members.

Duration and Termination Date:

This Task Force shall serve for approximately one year, subject to the extension or dissolution by the Chairman of the SEAB.

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