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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

JR Research Assistants Program

Shira Lowinger

USIP research assistants (RAs) provide support on a variety of tasks and projects. They are paid between $10-14 per hour and work an average of 20 hours per week.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis to fill program needs. The majority of RAs are hired to work one-on-one with Jennings Randolph Senior Fellows for ten months beginning in October. Interviews begin for these and other RA positions one to two months before the anticipated start date.

Shira Lowinger is the manager of the JR Research Assistants Program.


Only full-time students from universities belonging to the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area (CUWMA) can be considered for these openings. CUWMA members include: American University, the Catholic University of America, Corcoran College of Art and Design, Gallaudet University, Georgetown University, George Mason University, The George Washington University, Marymount University, National Defense Intelligence College, National Defense University, Southeastern University, Trinity University, University of the District of Columbia, Howard University, the University of Maryland at College Park.

How to Apply

Students from a Consortium member university who wish to apply to be a research assistant at USIP should consult the list of current openings below and submit the following application materials:

  1. A cover letter stating which position is of interest to you;
  2. A copy of your resume; and
  3. A brief writing sample demonstrating your research and writing ability.

Library (1 Position)

Project: Jeannette Rankin Library Program
Contact: Ellen Ensel, eensel@usip.org
Desired Qualifications: BA or MA student with some experience in cataloging, the ability to work with HTML, use text editing, web development and database software, and develop metadata is desirable. Knowledge of and/or familiarity with Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, FileMaker, and Innovative Interface's Millennium system is a plus. Ability to use a Macintosh computer is helpful; basic library database knowledge of OCLC, etc. is assumed.
Duties: The research assistant will work under the general direction of the Knowledge/Library Manager in assisting library staff on a variety of tasks and projects including the following: cataloging of print and electronic resources, interlibrary loan and document delivery, current awareness outreach, serials management, shelving and de-accessioning of print materials, development of the ILS database and OPAC interface, reference work, and development and management of web pages and digital collections for the Library's section of the Institute's Web site, www.usip.org/library/.
Expected Project Dates: April - September 2008


For further information on Research Assistant Opportunities contact:

Shira Lowinger
JR Program Coordinator and Manager of the RA Program
United States Institute of Peace
1200 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
E-mail: slowinger@usip.org

United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)