EPA Regional Programs



Jul. 15, 2008
This draft report (EPA/600/R-07/094), subtitled "A Preliminary Synthesis of Climate Change Impacts on O3" is available for comment until August 25, 2008. POC is Brooke L. Hemming, PhD, National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA); telephone: 919-541-5668; e-mail: hemming.brooke@epamail.epa.gov (Federal Register: July 10, 2008 [Notices], Page 39695-39696).
Jul. 10, 2008
The conference proceedings are now available for the 2008 Federal Environmental Symposium West, held at Big Sky, MT, June 16-19, 2008.
Jul. 9, 2008
This notice announces the opening of the application period for the U.S. EPA's third annual Water Efficiency Leader Awards. The awards recognize those organizations and individuals who are providing leadership and innovation in water efficient products and practices. These awards are intended to help foster a nationwide ethic of water efficiency, as well as to inspire, motivate, and recognize efforts to improve water efficiency (Federal Register: July 9, 2008 [Notices], Page 39287).
Jul. 7, 2008
DOE's site to aid in the location of alternative fueling stations. Just specify which kind of fuel you want, then enter your address, and the locator will map out the closest stations that sell that fuel.
Jul. 7, 2008
EPA is launching the SmartWay Leaf Campaign to encourage consumers to purchase SmartWay-certified cars and trucks. SmartWay is a partnership among government, businesses, and consumers designed to protect the environment, cut fuel consumption, and improve air quality while reducing greenhouse gases.
Jul. 7, 2008
This supplement describes the procedures and technical criteria that laboratories must meet to analyze drinking water compliance samples. According to EPA, laboratories must be certified by EPA or the appropriate state to analyze drinking water samples for compliance monitoring. Certified laboratories must successfully analyze proficiency testing samples annually, use approved methods, and pass periodic on-site audits.
Jul. 7, 2008
Senate bill 2146 (Pub. L. No. 110-255) was signed into law on 30 June 2008 and it allows EPA to include diesel emissions-reduction projects as restitution in settlements of civil environmental enforcement actions. The House passed the bill June 10 on a 406-0 vote, and the Senate followed suit June 17, approving the measure by unanimous consent.
Jul. 2, 2008
Please take a few moments to tell us how we are doing as a compliance assistance provider for Federal facilities and what we can do to improve our service.
Jul. 1, 2008
Quarterly publication of "The Corps Environment" newsletter by the USACE Environmental Community of Practice, covering recent environmental activities conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and their partners.
Jul. 1, 2008
The Green Electronics Council has released annual benefits figures for the environmental improvements resulting from worldwide 2007 purchase of EPEAT registered products. The June 17, 2008 press release is available here. See "More Information" below for the full report.
Jul. 1, 2008
EPA is currently working on a replacement permit, however, the Agency expects a short delay before the replacement permit is finalized. Construction site operators in need of permit coverage are directed to follow the terms and conditions of the 2003 CGP, without submitting an NOI. Operators must develop and implement a SWPPP and follow the other requirements as stated in that permit. EPA expects to issue a final 2008 CGP shortly and construction site operators may obtain permit coverage through the eNOI system (http://www.epa.gov/npdes/eNOI) as soon as the new permit is published in the Federal Register.
Jun. 30, 2008
EPA/600/R-06/013F, titled "Concepts, Methods, and Data Sources for Cumulative Health Risk Assessment of Multiple Chemicals, Exposures, and Effects: A Resource Document'' is now available. The document was prepared by National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) within the U.S. EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD). The document provides concepts, methods, and data sources for consideration and possible use in the conduct of a cumulative risk assessment.
Jun. 27, 2008
EPA Document number EPA-740-F-80-003, June 2008 is published as a handbook for contractors, property managers, and maintenance managers working in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978. The handbook includes, but is not limited to, guidance on requirements which become effective April 2010.
Jun. 26, 2008
This year's winners include, but are not limited to, work on biobased toners, use of Spinetoram for insect control, and boronic esters.
Jun. 26, 2008
This program is sponsored by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), Center for the New American Dream. RPN will select three government agencies that sign on to the program before June 30, 2008 and provide pro bono assistance in the form of:
  • Customized webcasts and/or workshops exclusively for officials and employees of the chosen entity;
  • Outreach to your citizens, employees, or other relevant audience about how breaking the bottled water habit benefits them;
  • Promotion in ongoing media efforts and ceremony celebrating achieving your goal to eliminate bottled water.
Jun. 25, 2008
Quarterly publication from the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive promoting sustainable environmental stewardship throughout the federal government. The Spring 2008 edition focuses on sustainable design and green building practices in the Federal government.
Jun. 24, 2008
DOE is accepting entries of Solid-State Lighting (SSL) products for full performance evaluation which have the technical potential to qualify for one of two entrant categories: 60-watt incandescent replacement and PAR type 38 halogen replacement lamps. The entry period for the 60-watt incandescent and PAR 38 halogen replacement lamps is now open and will remain open until a qualified winner is announced. POC is C. Eddie Christy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 3610 Collins Ferry Road, MS E-06, Morgantown, WV 26505, (304) 285-4604, E-mail: cchris@netl.doe.gov.
Jun. 24, 2008
The specification is designed to ensure sustainable, efficient water use, as well as a high level of performance and customer satisfaction. WaterSense labeled new homes will combine with other water efficient fixtures and practices to reduce water usage by approximately 20 percent. The public comment period for this draft specification ends on July 21, 2008.
Jun. 20, 2008
Federal employees representing Federal departments and agencies from across the United States gathered on June 10, 2008, at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, in Washington, DC, to accept awards for their commitment to environmental stewardship. The awards presented are part of the White House "Closing the Circle" awards program under Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.
Jun. 11, 2008
As declared by Proclamation 8268 of June 2, 2008, June is proclaimed as National Oceans Month in recognition of their importance in our lives.
Jun. 9, 2008
Federal community please note that today, Monday, June 9, is the final day to register for the Federal Environmental Symposium West conference to be held at Big Sky, Montana, June 17-19,2008. For more, information and the conference schedule, please go to http://www.fedcenter.gov/symposium2008-west.
Jun. 2, 2008
(New York, N.Y.) SavATree, a lawn care company, MacArthur Waste to Energy, a solid waste processing facility, and U.S. Postal Service in Schenectady, New York have all volunteered to minimize pollution beyond environmental regulatory requirements while reducing landfill, water and energy use. They are among the newest additions to a growing list of facilities that have been accepted into the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Performance Track Program. Members commit to develop a set of processes that will reduce environmental impacts, called an environmental management system, and set three-year goals to continuously improve environmental performance, while working closely with their respective communities and reporting publicly on their performance. There are now 34 facilities in New York that have been accepted into EPA's Performance Track program. Nationally, there are nearly 540 members.
May. 22, 2008
The President intends to appoint Joseph Cascio, of Maryland, to be Federal Environmental Executive of the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Cascio currently serves as a Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton. Prior to this, he served as Vice President of the International Resources Group, Limited. Earlier in his career, he served as Vice President of the Global Energy and Technology Foundation. Mr. Cascio received his bachelor's degree from Polytechnic University of New York, his master's degree from the University of Southern California, and his JD from Fordham University.
May. 21, 2008
This report (EPA/600/R-07/045F) compiles the most reliable indicators available to help understand important trends in the environment and human health. The report was made available on May 20, 2008. The report was prepared by the National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) within EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) with significant input from partners across EPA and other federal agencies.
May. 20, 2008
The abstract submission deadline is August 4, 2008. The four tracks offered by the conference are: Source Development and Protection; Supply Storage and Conveyance; Indoor/Outdoor Use; and Resource Management.
May. 20, 2008
Mr. Kenneth Davis, Warren Air Force Base, is an individual winner of the Climate Protection Award for his work at Warren AFB to establish the first Air Force wind turbine generator installation in the continental United States and the only application of current generation wind technology on a federal installation.
May. 20, 2008
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) of DOE has released "U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Energy Sources for the year 2007." These estimates are considered to be preliminary. More detailed estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from all sources, energy and non-energy, will appear in the report Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2007, which is scheduled to be released in November 2008.
May. 20, 2008
Any member of the public may comment on the proposed changes to LEED. The public comment period will be open for 30 days, from Monday, May 19 through Sunday, June 22 at 5 pm Pacific Time.
May. 20, 2008
Co-sponsored by the Building Materials Reuse Association, the American Institute of Architects, Southface Energy Institute, and West Coast Green – invites professionals and students nationwide to submit designs and ideas by July 31, 2008 that support cost-effective disassembly and anticipate the future use of building materials. Students, architects, reuse experts, engineers, builders, product designers, educators and environmental advocates are encouraged to apply for the web-based competition.
May. 20, 2008
This base, located in Texas, will be recognized by the EPA for exemplary environmental programs that reduce pollution at the 2008 National Environmental Partnership Summit in Baltimore on May 21, 2008. Sheppard AFB is a member of Performance Track.
May. 16, 2008
HURRY to register for the 7th Annual Federal Environmental Symposium EAST! The registration date has been extended 5 days to Wednesday, May 21st for signup and Friday May 23rd for making payment. Only a few days remain so if you are a Federal employee or Federal contractor representing your Federal Agency, hurry and register today! Symposium EAST will be held June 2-4, 2008, and be hosted by the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Registration for Symposium WEST in Big Sky, Montana is also still open.
May. 15, 2008
The 6th Annual Progress Report for the National Environmental Performance Track (Performance Track) program shows that since its inception in 2000, members have collectively saved enough energy to power 46,000 homes for one year, enough greenhouse gases to offset the annual emissions of 57,000 cars, and prevented solid waste equivalent to that produced by 553,000 households yearly. Performance Track membership includes both private and public sector organizations.
May. 15, 2008
On May 20 through 22, 2008 EPA is hosting its annual Science Forum to introduce new technologies that are expanding environmental protection and making going green economically profitable. The three tracks to be presented are:
  • Technology Advances and Future Directions, including sessions on environmental monitoring, clean technologies, air pollution control and more
  • Energy, Climate, and the Environment, with emphasis on Agency activities in the areas of energy, climate change and the environment...all priority focus areas of the EPA Administrator
  • Water Systems Infrastructure and Security, introducing technical solutions to improve the Nation's aging water and wastewater infrastructure and advancements in water protection and security.
The Forum is held at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center in Washington D.C.
May. 14, 2008
EPA and the CNMI Department of Public Safety (DPS) finalized a unique agreement to manage and treat unexploded munitions on the Mariana Islands in the Pacific. This RCRA Administrative Order on Consent/Remedial Action Plan (AOC/RAP permit) will help encourage residential and economic development on CNMI by providing a framework to address the threat of unexploded ordnance.
May. 14, 2008
USDA has finalized the amendment of existing biobased procurement regulations and added requirements for new biobased products. [Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3].
May. 14, 2008
Sponsored by EPA and hosted by EPA Regions EPA Regions 1, 4, 7, and 10, this is a monthly educational series to learn directly from experts working throughout the country about the issues, projects, and practices for creating successful waste management programs. The 1 1/2 hour programs will be held the 3rd Thursday of each month, September 2007 through September 2008 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time.
May. 9, 2008
This is a quick reminder for the Federal community that the cut-off date for registering for Federal Environmental Symposium EAST is quickly approaching. Registration for all attendees and exhibitors closes Friday, May 16, 2008 for the EAST conference, which is being held on the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, on June 2-4. For information on this year's conference, either Symposium EAST or WEST, please see our website at http://www.fedcenter.gov/symposium2008.
May. 5, 2008
Awarded by the SmartWay Transport program, these awards honor partners and affiliate organizations that have made outstanding contributions to reducing climate change emissions and other air pollutants. Award nomination forms must be submitted by June 30, 2008.
May. 1, 2008
Abstracts are due June 30, 2008. The focus of the conference is innovative science, engineering, and management approaches related to contaminated sediment characterization, assessment, and monitoring; processes and modeling; management and policy; and remediation and restoration.
Apr. 30, 2008
"Greenversations" is a blog authored by EPA employees stationed around the country. Greenversations features EPA employees sharing their unique perspective on environmentalism and personal experiences in protecting and improving our nation's water, land, and air. Bloggers will give a behind-the-scenes look at activities that are often not publicized but greatly affect how the agency protects our environment. Readers of Greenversations are in turn encouraged to comment on blog entries, entering into green conversations. Greenversations replaces "Flow of the River," a blog written by EPA Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock. Mr. Peacock will continue to blog, joining other employees on Greenversations.
Apr. 30, 2008
U.S. EPA Region 10 is committing to reduce their Greenhouse Gas emissions by 5% over the next year and challenging other federal agencies in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington to do the same.
Apr. 30, 2008
The U.S. EPA and the U.S. DOE have initiated a joint national data center energy efficiency information program. The program coordinates a wide variety of activities from the DOE Industrial Technologies Program Save Energy Now initiative, the DOE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), and the EPA ENERGY STAR program. One activity is the development of an ENERGY STAR rating for data center infrastructure by initiating a nationwide data collection effort. Toward this end, ENERGY STAR is calling on data center owners and operators to collect data for twelve months on energy use and operating characteristics in existing data center facilities.
Apr. 30, 2008
Beginning February 17, 2009, all television stations are required by law to join the digital revolution. From that day forward, all programming will be broadcast in a digital format. To help families keep their old analog TV sets working after February 2009, Congress created the TV converter box coupon program, which will help defray part of the transition cost. Each U.S. household can obtain up to two converter box coupons by phone or via the internet, each worth $40 towards the cost of eligible converter boxes.
Apr. 29, 2008
The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2008 White House Closing the Circle (CTC) Awards. This annual program is required by Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, and recognizes outstanding Federal environmental stewardship.
Apr. 29, 2008
This year EPA and the National Weather Service challenge all Americans to improve their knowledge of the Air Quality Index (AQI) during Air Quality Awareness Week. As warm weather approaches, using the AQI will help reduce exposure to ground-level ozone pollution. The Air Quality Index is EPA's color-coded tool for communicating air quality to the public. The most common AQI forecasts range from "code green," --- a good day to engage in outdoor activities, to "code red" --- when everyone should use caution.
Apr. 29, 2008
Quarterly publication from the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive promoting sustainable environmental stewardship throughout the federal government. The Winter 2008 edition focuses on federal recycling programs and efforts to minimize waste throughout the federal government.
Apr. 25, 2008
The Department of Defense announced today the winners of the 2007 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards.
Apr. 24, 2008
EPA announced a new ENERGY STAR specification for cable, satellite, and internet protocol boxes, also called set-top boxes. Effective January 1, 2009, set-top boxes that carry the ENERGY STAR will be at least 30% more efficient than conventional models. For the first time, EPA will also partner with the cable, satellite and telecommunications companies that deliver consumers content. As ENERGY STAR partners, these companies agree to purchase or replace a significant number of set-top boxes -- by offering newly qualified boxes to subscribers and/or by upgrading boxes already in homes -- to help subscribers reduce their carbon footprint and save money.
Apr. 22, 2008
This October 2007 report to the President addresses the status of Federal environmental and energy management from 2004 through 2006. Through EO 13423 the President called on the Federal government to lead by example, be a good neighbor, and be a good environmental steward -- while at the same time meeting their missions in an efficient and reliable manner. This report highlights the activities and accomplishments of the Federal community in meeting the charge.
Apr. 22, 2008
On April 22, 2008, OFEE and EPA announced the recipients of the 2008 Federal Electronics Challenge (FEC) Awards. The 2008 FEC Awards recognize the achievements of FEC partners and their leadership in federal electronics stewardship during 2007. See attachment for more information.
Apr. 22, 2008
EPA is launching a national campaign to help Americans join in the fight against climate change. The campaign, "Change the World, Start with Energy Star" helps people make important energy-efficient changes at home and at work that can add up to significant reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases.
Apr. 22, 2008
This user-friendly computer-based program assists owners and operators in developing and using plans for maintaining their small drinking water and wastewater systems and providing service to their customers. The program uses information provided on the system's assets, operation and maintenance activities and financial status to produce a prioritized asset inventory, financial reports and a customized asset management plan. Asset management programs support informed budget discussions, boost efficiency of the utility, and improve customer service by ensuring clean and safe water at competitive prices.
Apr. 22, 2008
A new EPA approach to encourage the mainstream adoption of green building practices was announced April 21, 2008. EPA's green building strategy builds upon and calls for better coordination among existing programs, such as ENERGY STAR and WaterSense, which are designed to reduce the impacts of buildings and development. It involves working with the building industry to improve the quality and supply of green buildings and related products while also increasing demand through improved understanding of green building characteristics.
Apr. 22, 2008
As part of the Earth Day 2008 program EPA is highlighting its Environmental Tips program where users receive daily environmental tips through their email.
Apr. 21, 2008
This event recognizes the innovative efforts of EPA and the IT industry to promote the "greening" of computer facilities. The idea is to use an existing EPA computer room as a laboratory for optimizing energy efficiency, to standardize processes and performance measures, and to share best practices for replication across the country. EPA has already begun reducing energy consumption in its National Computer Center (NCC) in Research Triangle Park, N.C. The partnership with Green Grid will further advance EPA's greening of its smaller computer centers.
Apr. 21, 2008
Mojave National Preserve, a unit of the National Park Service in Barstow CA, reduced its impact on the environment by installing solar power systems to replace diesel-powered electric generators and storage tanks at some of its remote facilities. Situated in the heart of the Mojave Desert with 320 days of sunshine per year, the preserve is an ideal location for solar power. With the switch to solar, Mojave National Preserve greatly reduced is dependence on petroleum and its carbon footprint, and also significantly decreased the impacts and hazards associated with fuel deliveries and storage, including emissions from trucks, spills during transport, spills while filling the tanks and leaks to the environment from fuel tanks. Mojave is working in partnership with Cal State Fullerton to double the size of its off-grid system, furthering its environmental contribution.
Apr. 17, 2008
This just released final report finds that overall emissions during 2006 decreased by 1.1 percent from the previous year. The report is the latest in an annual set of reports that the United States submits to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle the challenge posed by climate change.
Apr. 15, 2008
This site will notify the public about new rules and other regulatory actions. AILs will be posted on the EPA Web site at roughly the end of each month; each will describe those actions that were approved for commencement during the given month. The AILs provide summaries, agency contacts, and other information about the rules EPA has approved for development.
Apr. 10, 2008
This gateway features information on EPA's environmental indicator projects. These projects provide information on environmental conditions and trends over a range of geographic scales and time periods. The Gateway provides summaries of the indicator projects and links to the related reports and Web sites developed by each project. You can search these summaries by geographic location, keyword, and topic. An environmental indicator is a numerical value that helps provide insight into the state of the environment or human health. Indicators are developed based on quantative measurements or statistics of environmental condition that are tracked over time. The gateway captures data from both national and regional reports.
Apr. 7, 2008
The new standard will provide all types of organizations and companies with a practical and widely recognized approach to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve their environmental performance. The project committee ISO/PC 242, Energy Management, will consider the development of a standard containing relevant terms and definitions and providing management system requirements together with guidance for use, implementation, measurement and metrics. The standard will be based on the continual improvement and Plan-Do-Check-Act approach utilized in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 to provide compatibility and integration opportunities. The secretariat of ISO/PC 242 will be held jointly by the ISO members for the United States and for Brazil: ANSI (American National Standardization Institute) and ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas).
Apr. 2, 2008
Everyday there are reports in newspapers, on television, on the radio and the web with suggestions on how to reduce our carbon footprint, make our homes and businesses more energy efficient and create communities that are sustainable. Now, you can now sign up for daily environmental tips sent directly to you by e-mail from EPA throughout April. These daily environmental tips are a part of EPA's 2008 Earth Day celebration.
Apr. 1, 2008
The Office of Water has announced a call for nominations for its 2008 National Clean Water Act Recognition Awards. The awards program, in its twenty-third year, recognizes municipalities and industries for outstanding and innovative technological achievements in wastewater treatment and pollution abatement programs. Awards will be given to first and second place winners for demonstrated outstanding water quality achievements for projects and programs in five awards categories, including: operations and maintenance, biosolids management, pretreatment, stormwater management, and combined sewer overflows control. Nominations are due to EPA headquarters by May 30, 2008.
Apr. 1, 2008
EPA's independent National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) has released a new report urging the agency to make stewardship its unifying theme and ethic and become the world's premier model and catalyst for this approach to environmental protection. It recommends that EPA focus all of its tools – strong regulatory programs, grants, voluntary partnerships and information programs – in this direction. Environmental stewardship is the responsibility for environmental quality shared by all those whose actions affect the environment. NACEPT advises, consults with and makes recommendations to the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environmental policy, technology and management issues. The Council is a balanced panel of representatives from academia, business and industry, non-governmental organizations, and state, local, and tribal governments.
Apr. 1, 2008
For the first time since TRI's inception, all facilities that are required to submit data to TRI will be able to do so over the Internet, using the award-winning TRI-ME software. Companies will no longer have to mail reports on compact disks or paper to EPA. This year, companies are required to submit calendar year 2007 data to TRI by July 1, 2008. Facilities will be able to use the Internet to send information directly to EPA through our Central Data Exchange.
Apr. 1, 2008
States receiving leaking underground storage tank (LUST) prevention assistance agreements must meet a twenty-five (25) percent cost share requirement. In addition, EPA is announcing the authority to provide assistance agreements to tribes using LUST prevention funding for the development and implementation of programs to manage underground storage tanks (USTs) in Indian Country. POC is Lynn DePont, Office of Underground Storage Tanks (5401P), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone (703) 603-9900; fax (703) 603-0175; depont.lynn@epa.gov.
Apr. 1, 2008
EPA is celebrating Earth Day throughout April by providing a calendar of events and activities throughout the U.S., daily "Green Tips," a family Take Home kit, and lessons on greening your home, neighborhood, office, school, and community.
Mar. 28, 2008
These awards recognize municipalities and industries for outstanding and innovative technological achievements in wastewater treatment and pollution abatement programs. The awards are intended to educate the public about the contributions wastewater treatment facilities make to clean water; to encourage public support for municipal and industrial efforts in effective wastewater management, biosolids disposal and reuse, and wet weather pollution control; and to recognize communities that use innovative practices to meet CWA permitting requirements.
Mar. 25, 2008
The new standards cover safety requirements for stationary compactors, waste containers, baling equipment, and facilities for the processing of recyclables. The standards are in the ANSI Z245 series and are available through the trade association WASTETEC and are not available at the ANSI website.
Mar. 25, 2008
EPA is launching an electronic reporting system that will allow producers, importers, and exporters of Class I ozone-depleting substances (except methyl bromide) and Class II ozone-depleting substances to submit quarterly reports electronically.
Mar. 25, 2008
These annual awards are presented to businesses and organizations in Illinois that have helped the environment and the economy of Illinois by successfully reducing the generation of gaseous, liquid, and solid waste. Any Illinois public or private business or organization is eligible to apply for an award.
Mar. 25, 2008
This competition is open to local and state governments and other public-sector entities that have successfully used smart growth principles to improve communities environmentally, socially, and economically. Awards will be given in five categories: Overall Excellence in Smart Growth; Built Projects; Policies and Regulations; Equitable Development; and Colleges, Universities, and Medical/Hospital Research Institutions.
Mar. 18, 2008
Seven citizens have been recognized nationally for their on-the-ground wetland conservation efforts and decades-long dedication to protecting these important natural resources. A diverse panel of wetland experts assembled at the Environmental Law Institute earlier this month to select the winners of the 2008 National Wetlands Awards.
Mar. 18, 2008
Award winners were selected after competition among over 60 different installations. Award categories include: Natural Resources Conservation, Pollution Prevention, Environmental Restoration, and Cultural Resources Management.
Mar. 13, 2008
The General Services Administration (GSA) has established an Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings to ensure full coordination of high-performance green building information and activities within the government as mandated by the recently-enacted Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. This newly created office will work in conjunction with the Department of Energy's office that will have a similar responsibility for commercial buildings. The duties of the office outlined in the legislation are to: establish a Federal Green Building Advisory Committee; identify and develop technical standards for high-performance green buildings; establish green practices for operations and maintenance of facilities; provide information and disseminate research results; identify practices and tools to achieve high-performance green buildings through budgeting and contracting; identify opportunities to demonstrate innovative technologies and concepts; and, identify incentives to encourage high-performance green buildings and technologies.
Mar. 11, 2008
These awards Awards recognize outstanding achievements in the following areas: conservation and efficient use of energy and water; new and emerging energy technologies; innovative strategies, best practices, and applications; renewable energy sources; alternative financing; and energy-efficient mobility by the federal government. Nomination are due May 23, 2008.
Mar. 11, 2008
This EPA Plan of action intends to reduce the environmental impacts of moving goods through ports. EPA's Strategy focuses on six themes: Clean Air and Affordable Energy, Clean and Safe Water, Healthy Communities and Eco-systems, Global Environment, Ports Communications, and Enforcement. There are more than 70 possible actions, including working with port authorities, their business partners and other sectors of the transportation industry to quantify and reduce air emissions from all sources along the shipping supply chain; setting up state innovative financing funds to help small owner-operators of diesel equipment finance the upgrading or replacement of older, dirtier engines; and collaborating with the international port community on innovative technologies and development of international standards.
Mar. 6, 2008
Applications are now being accepted for the 7th annual National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. The entry deadline is April 7, 2008. This competition is open to local and state governments and other public-sector entities that have successfully used smart growth principles to improve communities environmentally, socially, and economically.
Mar. 6, 2008
New Performance Track member Nellis AFB provides combat training and personnel support, and plans to slash its energy use by 46 percent, which will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent, or 18-thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions.
Mar. 6, 2008
One million mercury switches have been removed from scrapped vehicles through the National Vehicle Mercury Switch Recovery Program, a collaboration among EPA, automobile manufacturers, steel makers, scrap recyclers, automotive recyclers, states and environmental groups. Before model year 2003, some vehicles contained mercury switches for convenience lighting in hoods, trunks, and some anti-lock breaking systems. The goal of the program is to capture 80 to 90 percent of available vehicle mercury switches by 2017 when most pre-2003 vehicles are expected to be off the road and the program is scheduled to end.
Mar. 3, 2008
The Department of Energy (DOE) is forecasting the representative average unit costs of five residential energy sources for the year 2008 pursuant to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. The five sources are electricity, natural gas, No. 2 heating oil, propane, and kerosene. The representative average unit costs of energy contained in this notice will become effective April 2, 2008 and will remain in effect until further notice. POCs are Mohammed Khan, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Forrestal Building, Mail Station EE-2J, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121, (202) 586-7892, Mohammed.Khan@ee.doe.gov and Francine Pinto, Esq., U.S. Department of Energy, Office of General Counsel, Forrestal Building, Mail Station GC-72, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0103, (202) 586-7432, Francine.pinto@hq.doe.gov (Federal Register: March 3, 2008 [Notices], Page 11406-11407).
Feb. 25, 2008
Performance Track members come from a wide range of sectors, such as automotive, paper, food processing, pharmaceuticals and government agencies. During this latest membership round, the 15th to date, the U.S. Postal Service was among 13 organizations already represented in Performance Track that added facilities to the program. Individual facilities apply for membership in Performance Track. Performance Track recognizes facilities that have a strong record of environmental compliance, set three-year goals for continuous improvements in environmental performance beyond their legal requirements, have internal systems in place to manage their environmental impacts, engage in community outreach and consistently report results.
Feb. 25, 2008
Information on the 2006 TRI data is available and demonstrates that nation-wide chemical releases into the environment are down by two percent from 2005.
Feb. 13, 2008
Two more dates have been added to the federal UST workshops schedule. Region 3 has added another workshop to be held in Philadelphia on May 13-14, 2008 and Region 5 will hold its first UST workshop in Chicago on September 9-10, 2008. For more information, see http://www.fedcenter.gov/training/ust/.
Feb. 13, 2008
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Feb. 8, 2008
EPA is raising the 2008 renewable fuels standard (RFS), which determines how much non-petroleum fuel will power your vehicle, to 7.76 percent. The move is in response to the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), which President Bush signed in December.
Jan. 30, 2008
February 2nd is World Wetlands Day. This year's theme "Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People" highlights the compelling relationship between healthy functioning wetland ecosystems and human health, and the critical importance of management strategies that support both the health of wetlands and the health of humans. February 2nd marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, an international treaty that promotes the conservation and wise use of wetland resources.
Jan. 29, 2008
The Winter 2008 edition of the Army's Environmental Update is now available online at: http://aec.army.mil/usaec/publicaffairs/update/win08/win08.html.
Jan. 28, 2008
This final document describes the design and format of EPA's Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program (``the program'') for nanoscale materials under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Based on ideas in the concept paper, written public comments, comments at public meetings, and scientific peer consultations on material characterization and risk management practices, EPA has developed this document to provide the final description and format of the program. EPA will consider refinements to the program over time based on experience and additional feedback from participants. POC is Colby Lintner, Regulatory Coordinator, Environmental Assistance Division (7408M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 554-1404; e-mail address: TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov (Federal Register: January 28, 2008 [Notices], Page 4861-4866).
Jan. 28, 2008
ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT: The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive is accepting nominations until 31 January, 2008, for the White House Closing the Circle (CTC) Awards. This program recognizes outstanding achievements of Federal employees and their facilities for efforts which resulted in significant contributions to, or have made a significant impact on, promoting environmental stewardship. The awards focus on waste prevention, recycling, green purchasing activities, environmental management, green/sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, alterative fuel use and reduced fuel usage under Executive Order 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management."

Now in our 14th year, we continue to seek exemplary programs and activities that promote continuous improvement and set the example for other Federal facilities to follow.

For instructions and the nomination form, please go to http://ofee.gov/ctc/ctc.asp

If you have any questions, please contact Juan Lopez, 202-343-9481, lopez,juan@ofee.gov

Jan. 25, 2008
The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive is inviting the Federal community to participate in this year's Federal Environmental Symposia (East and West) as conference presenters. This year's symposium will focus on the progress that has been made understanding and implementing the goals of EO 13423 "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management". Topic categories for this event will cover areas identified in the Executive Order as well as other hot Federal environmental issues. An overview of the topic categories is available here. The deadline for abstract submissions is February 15, 2008. So please take the time to visit http://www.fedcenter.gov/symposium2008-cfp for more information or to submit your abstract today!
Jan. 25, 2008
The free, 2-day laboratory workshop for federal employees has been set for March 25-26, 2008, at the EPA Office in Denver, Colorado. For more information, please see the Labs Workshop page on FedCenter.
Jan. 16, 2008
The deadline for submitting nominations for the 2008 National Wetlands Awards Program has been extended to January 31. The awards program honors individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the conservation and restoration of our nation's wetlands. The 2008 awards will be given in six categories: Education and Outreach; Science Research; Conservation and Restoration; Landowner Stewardship; State, Tribal, and Local Program Development; and Wetland Community Leader.
Jan. 14, 2008
Green Seal is proposing the revision of its environmental leadership standard for reusable bags (GS-16), and the development of a new environmental standard for plastic resin film bags (GS-45). These standards are being developed in hopes of helping consumers and purchasers identify environmentally-preferable products and services. To be included in the email list for this project that will include project updates and announcements, as well as enable your involvement in the standard development process and to submit comments during review periods, you will need to register during the scoping phase of the project.
Jan. 11, 2008
EPA is encouraging citizens in California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, and the Pacific Islands to nominate a friend, peer or organization for this year's U.S. EPA Environmental Awards program. Nominations can be submitted online beginning January 14 and ending February 17. The program seeks to recognize individuals and groups outside of the U.S. EPA who made significant contributions to improve the environment in the year 2007. Anyone can be nominated, such as scientists, teachers, journalists, citizen activists, young people, organizations, business representatives, public officials and others committed to protecting public health and preserving our natural surroundings. For questions regarding the program, please call the Environmental Information Center at (866) EPA-WEST or Wendy Chavez at (415) 947-4248.
Jan. 9, 2008
The organizers of the 20th Annual Environmental & Ground Water Quality Conference. In Pierre, SD are calling for abstract submissions on topics such as: remediation of groundwater and soil contamination; ground water monitoring and sampling techniques; impacts of petroleum products on ground water & soil; impacts of agricultural chemicals on ground water & soil; and impacts of mining activities on ground water & surface water. Abstracts will be accepted until February 15, 2008.
Jan. 9, 2008
The nation's leading cell phone makers, service providers, and retailers have teamed up with the U.S. EPA to answer America's call for easy cell phone recycling. As part of EPA's Plug-In to eCycling program, partners supporting the cell phone recycling campaign include AT&T Wireless, Best Buy, LG Electronics, Motorola, Nokia, Office Depot, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Sprint, Staples, and T-Mobile. Plug-In To eCycling is a voluntary partnership between EPA and electronics manufacturers, retailers, and service providers to offer consumers more opportunities to donate or recycle their used electronics.
Jan. 7, 2008
Abstracts are due 1 February 2008. For details on conference topics and submissions requirements, see http://www.nsti.org/Nanotech2008/authors/abstracts.html
Jan. 3, 2008
Nomination forms for the National Wetlands Award 2008 must be emailed or postmarked by January 15, 2008. The Awards Program honors individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the conservation and restoration of our nation's wetlands. The 2008 Awards will be given in six categories: Education and Outreach; Science Research; Conservation and Restoration; Landowner Stewardship; State, Tribal, and Local Program Development; and Wetland Community Leader. For more information on the program and instructions for submitting a nomination, please visit http://www.nationalwetlandsawards.org.
Jan. 3, 2008
EPA's revised site, "Laws, Regulations, Guidance and Dockets" has been enhanced with easily accessible ways to search and comment on EPA regulations and significant guidance documents, and to learn how environmental regulations are written. The site also includes new sections for finding regulations and related documents, plus regulatory history, statutory authority, supporting analyses, compliance information, and guidance for implementation. Searches for regulatory information can be conducted by environmental topics, such as water or air, or by business sectors, such as transportation or construction.
Jan. 3, 2008
The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive is accepting nominations until 31 January, 2008, for the White House Closing the Circle (CTC) Awards. This program recognizes outstanding achievements of Federal employees and their facilities for efforts which resulted in significant contributions to, or have made a significant impact on, promoting environmental stewardship. The awards focus on waste prevention, recycling, green purchasing activities, environmental management, green/sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, alterative fuel use and reduced fuel usage under Executive Order 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management."
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Last Updated: March 09, 2007