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The Newsletters page contains links to various Federal and State government-sponsored industry newsletters.

ARS research news in daily and weekly formats is available.
Newsgroup operated by the Center for Public Environmental Oversight (CPEO). Addresses brownfields concerns and issues at governmental and non–governmental locations. Subscription Info
A newsletter published by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS).
Air Force's quarterly environmental newsletter published by the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence.
In November, 1998, CPEO and the Pacific Studies Center introduced this newsletter, which disseminates reports and viewpoints on U.S. EPA's Brownfields program and on economic and environmental issues pertaining to private sites at which future use is linked to environmental remediation.
Several times a year CPEO publishes, in conjunction with the Pacific Studies Center, this newsletter, which highlights important policy developments in Defense Department cleanup and other military environmental issues.
Published monthly by the National Association of Clean Water Act Agencies.
From 1998 to 2007 CleanupNews provided the latest news about Superfund cleanups, RCRA corrective actions, and other remedial efforts related to underground storage tanks and oil spills. CleanupNews newsletter highlighted hazardous waste cleanup cases, policies, settlements and technologies. Although CleanupNews is no longer being produced; past issues are still available for you download in PDF format.
Quarterly publication from the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive promoting sustainable environmental stewardship throughout the federal government.
The U.S. Department of Energy's State Energy Program (SEP) publishes Conservation Update bimonthly to summarize renewable energy and energy projects of state energy offices.
PROACT's bimonthly publication, highlights current environmental issues affecting the U.S. Air Force, providing information on pollution prevention initiatives and environmental compliance, as well as spotlighting best management practices from the U.S. Air Force Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program (ECAMP). CrossTalk features regulatory alerts, upcoming environmental conferences, new environmental tools and technologies, and education and training resources.
This newsletter highlights work being done at the Department of Energy's national laboratories. DOE Pulse is distributed twice each month. Each issue will include research highlights, updates on collaborations among laboratories, and profiles of individual researchers.
This quarterly newsletter, begun in July 2007, is especially intended for participants and stakeholders in the DOE Solar Program and the Solar America Initiative. The content includes Features on technology development, market transformation, and policy analysis. News and Updates highlights funding opportunity announcements and awards, national laboratory technology developments, and a solar events calendar.
A free email bulletin that announces new and significant developments in EERE's programs and research. Issued as developments occur.
A free weekly newsletter that summarizes the latest news from EERE as well as the latest national news about renewable energy and energy efficiency.
FEMP Focus is FEMP's quarterly newsletter that promotes energy awareness, recognizes successes, and communicates information about saving energy and dollars to the Federal community. FEMP Focus keeps you informed about successful Federal energy-saving projects and partnerships, conferences and workshops, innovative financing strategies, technical analysis tools and updates, and developments in energy management.
The stated mission of Earth 911 is to empower the public with community-specific resources to improve their quality of life, and to ensure the preservation of our natural resources for future generations. Earth 911 is a comprehensive communication medium for the environment. Earth 911 has taken environmental hotlines, web sites and other information sources nationwide, and consolidated them into one network. Their Newsletter is issued monthly and covers a broad range of environmental topics with a large emphasis on recycling.
The EERE Information Center answers questions on EERE's products, services, and 10 technology programs, refers callers to the most appropriate EERE resources, and refers qualified callers to the appropriate expert networks.
This quarterly newsletter from BestPractices, under the Industrial Technologies Program, provides industry professionals with energy efficiency news, technical tips, case studies, and energy saving opportunities.
An electronic network aimed at advancing clean energy solutions. This free resource will help you stay informed and take action on renewable energy issues while expanding your skills and expertise. Sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Produced by the University of California Energy Institute.
These newletters inform the public and those regulated by environmental laws about important environmental enforcement issues, recent trends, and significant enforcement actions. The information they contain should help the regulated community comply with environmental laws and applicable regulations.
A quarterly publication of Army environmental news.
An EPA newsletter to help government purchasers consider the environmental factors in the EPP equation and to keep purchasers informed of EPP news.
This monthly newsletter contains information relevant to the environmental technology industry under the following headings: Government Funding Opportunities, Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Opportunities, and Upcoming Events.
FedEnviroNews-Online is a free computerized, subscription-based information service (listserv) operated by EPA that provides environmental news and information of interest to Federal Facilities. Access to the listserv includes access to the FedEnviroNews-Online Newsletter.
This is a FHWA monthly newsletter highlighting current environmental streamlining practices from around the country.
The first issue of this newsletter was issued in April 2005. The purpose of this newsletter is to summarize and disseminate available, up-to-date information about sustainability.
FedFacs is an EPA environmental bulletin highlighting news and developments of particular interest to Federal facilities. FedFacs highlights compliance assistance for Federal agencies, pollution prevention information, EPA-Federal agency partnerships and other topical information.
A monthly newsletter from the US EPA with information about activities and events that everyone can use to make a difference in their homes, communities, and offices.
A Free weekly newsservice from Western’s Renewable Resource program covering green power, renewable energy, and market research strategies provided for educational purposes.
Addresses major environmental issues (such as meat consumption, transportation, and energy use) and offers a range of suggestions for readers to reduce their environmental impact in their everyday activities. Greentips is sent out on a monthly basis. Sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
IRTA's quarterly newsletter reports the latest environmental news and discussing current issues involving cleaning, coating and adhesive technologies.
A quarterly electronic newsletter highlighting news, resources and policies impacting cleanup and reuse of contaminated properties.
GSA's premier feature length magazine that profiles GSA customers and partnerships and also highlights pertinent procurement, supply, property management, and travel and transportation information directed to federal users of the GSA supply system. MarkeTips is published on a bi-monthly basis.
Newsgroup operated by the Center for Public Environmental Oversight (CPEO). It addresses cleanup issues associated with military sites. Sunscription Information
Information on innovative approaches to environmental concerns.
The National Idling Reduction Network brings together trucking and transit companies, railroads, equipment manufacturers, local, state and federal government agencies (including regulators), and national research laboratories to identify consistent, workable solutions to heavy vehicle idling for the entire United States.
Issued 6 times per year, the intent of the newsletter is to provide accurate, timely, and in-depth coverage of wetland regulation, policy, science, and management.
This publication provides current information on environmental activities and events relevant to the U.S. Army interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities.
A periodic report on the Condition of the Water-Related Environment, The Control of Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution, and the Ecological Management and Restoration of Watersheds.
This is a newsletter published by EPA Region 9's Ground Water Office to bring information about source water protection, Underground Injection Control (UIC), and related compliance and public water supply issues to injection well operators, the public water supply industry, other regulators, and the general public in the Southwest and Pacific Islands. Ideas for articles and article submissions can be directed to Kate Rao at (415) 972-3533, or rao.kate@epa.gov.
The newsletter contains RPN program news, summaries of news articles related to responsible purchasing, and a calendar of events.
The Society for Ecological Restoration International provides RESTORE as a service to the restoration community. Subscription is open to anyone who is interested in sharing and/or learning about opportunities or information relevant to ecological restoration (conferences, workshops, jobs, informal requests, etc.). Listed events and announcements are not necessarily endorsed by SER. RESTORE is sent out as often as newsworthy events are submitted.
Sustainability News explores the relationships between people, their landscapes, and their future, and how national parks and park partners are demonstrating "best practices" systemwide.
Quarterly publication of environmental activities within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Latest version now available.
This is a quarterly newsletter produced by EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards as one of their tools to make Tribal air professionals aware of air pollution control activities early enough to allow them and their tribe to participate in their development. This newsletter will provide information on upcoming activities (e.g., workshops and trainings) as well as, a place to report progress. We welcome your suggestions for subjects to include in the Newsletter and ideas for improving it.
2nd Quarter 2005 Edition of the USCG Environmental Times, a quarterly publication designed to keep Coast Guard personnel apprised of environmental issues impacting Coast Guard facilities, operations, planning, and policy making.
The WasteWise Update is the WasteWise program's principal technical assistance periodical. Each WasteWise Update details a single waste reduction strategy and provides case studies of organizations that have successfully implemented that strategy.
A weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water.
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Last Updated: July 19, 2005