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The Federal Agency Links page provides links to the Environmental Home Pages of various Federal agencies. Click here to access environmental home pages for all 50 U.S. states.

The Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment provides Air Force leaders with the comprehensive expertise and professional services necessary to protect, preserve, restore, develop and sustain the nation's environmental and installation resources.
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force's home page for installations, environment, logistics and energy.
DENIX is the central platform and information clearinghouse for environment, safety and occupational health (ESOH) news, information, policy, and guidance. Serving the worldwide greater Department of Defense (DoD) community, DENIX offers ESOH professionals a vast document library, a gateway to web-based environmental compliance tools, an interactive workgroup environment, a variety of groupware tools and an active membership community numbering thousands.
The intent of these pages is to facilitate and communicate DOJ's commitment to serving as an example in the area of environmental stewardship and compliance with environmental legislation and Executive Orders.
The Department of Interior's environmental home page, including auditing and EMS, waste and recycling, green procurement, energy and water, and sustainable practices information. Also includes links to DOI bureau environmental websites such as the Natural Park Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Public Buildings Service’s environmental goal is to eliminate all damage to the environment resulting from its operations. The PBS Environment Program works in coordination with the Sustainable Design and Energy programs to ensure that PBS continuously makes progress towards that goal.
The IRS environmental home page. Provides links to information on program elements, roles and responsibilities, training, inspections, audits, and assessments.
A comprehensive clearinghouse, funded by the Joint Services, for pertinent and timely environmental information to help installations and facilities proactively plan for the future of their missions and operations.
NASA's Environmental Management Division serves as Agency lead in assuring that NASA meets its Federal stewardship responsibilities and achieves sustainability while carrying out its primary mission of understanding and protecting our home planet, exploring the Universe and searching for life, and inspiring the next generation of explorers.
Promoting sustainable environmental stewardship throughout the federal government.
The Environmental Community of Practice (eCoP) provides the public with a central point to access information on all the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers environmental programs. The Corps supports or manages numerous environmental initiatives including Ecosystem Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites, Environmental Stewardship, support to EPA Superfund and Brownfields programs, Abandoned Mine Lands, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program, Base Realignment and Closure 2005, and Regulatory. The Corps' environmental programs support the warfighter and military installations worldwide as well as the Corps' public recreation facilities throughout the country. See also http://corpslakes.usace.army.mil/employees/envcomp/envcomp.html for Corps-owned facility compliance.
USAEC is the Army's point organization for implementing environmental programs that enhance Army training and operations while protecting the environment. As a field-operating agency of the ACSIM, USAEC's mission implements the environmental program for the Army by providing a broad range of innovative and cost-effective products and services in support of Army training, operations, and sound stewardship.
Responsible for ensuring the compliance of the regulated community with federal environmental statutes.
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Last Updated: July 19, 2005