Office of Cutter Forces

Aircraft, Boats, and Cutters: Cutters

Inland Buoy Tenders, (large-small) (WLI)

100-foot Class Inland Buoy Tenders in service:

  • BLUEBELL (WLI 313) Portland, OR (Commissioned: 28 Sep 1944)

  • BUCKTHORN (WLI 642) Sault Ste. Marie, MI (Commissioned: 18 Aug 1963)

100-foot WLI-642, CGC Buckthorn

65-foot Class Inland Buoy Tenders in service:

CGC Elderberry
  • BAYBERRY (WLI 65400) Portsmouth, VA (Commissioned: June 1954)

  • BLACKBERRY (WLI 65303) Long Beach, NC (Commissioned: August 1946)

  • ELDERBERRY (WLI 65401) Petersburg, AK (Commissioned: June 1954)

Last Modified 9/11/2008