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USGS CMG InfoBank Terminology for Materials

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InfoBank Terminology for Materials

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InfoBank Management of Materials


    A fixed place where the materials are kept.
    Such as a... building,    room, or refer.


    A subset of "Location".
    An "Area" is contiguous storage section that has uniform characteristics (columns and rows).
    Such as a stack of... map cabinets,    bank of black boxes,    set of shelves, or set of racks.


    A part of an "Area".
    Such as a... map drawer,    box drawer,    shelf,    bin, or rack.


    An optional holder used to group "items" in a "container".
    Such as a... bucket,    plastic milk crate,    Rubbermain container, or cardboard box.


    A movable thing stored in a "Container" or "Canister".
    Such as a... map,    log book, or D-tube.


    Various information about an "Item".
    Such as a map theme, Field Activity ID, or sample ID.

"We are getting into semantics again. If we use words, there is a very grave danger they will be misinterpreted." -- H. R. Haldeman

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