U.S. Government Accountability Office: Performance and Accountability Highlights: Fiscal Year 2006

GAO-07-3SP January 30, 2007
Full Report (PDF, 56 pages)   Accessible Text


This report presents the highlights of GAO's fiscal year 2006 Performance and Accountability report. In short, fiscal year 2006 was an exceptional year for GAO. For example, we received a clean opinion from independent auditors on our financial statements. Senior GAO executives and the Comptroller General delivered testimonies at 240 hearings covering a range of topics, including the tax gap and tax reform, U.S. border security, Iraq and Hurricane Katrina activities, and issues affecting the health and pay of military servicemembers. Our testimonies significantly surpassed the fiscal year 2006 target we set as well as our actual performance over the last 4 years, and 92 percent of the congressional staff responding to our client feedback survey either strongly or generally agreed that our testimonies and written products were delivered on time to them. Though we were 6 percentage points shy of our timeliness target, we will continue our quest to improve the timeliness of our products. In addition, we also met or exceeded four of our eight performance measures that gauge how well we developed, challenged, and managed our workforce. We documented $51 billion in financial benefits--a record high for us that represents a return of $105 for every dollar we spent--and over 1,342 nonfinancial benefits.