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06/30/2003 : Fourth Events to Highlight Nation's Support for Troops      
WASHINGTON, June 30, 2003 - More than 4,000 military troops and Defense Department civilians will take part in Independence Day events across the United States as part of Operation Tribute to Freedom, the DoD initiative encouraging Americans to thank and support U.S. troops.
06/30/2003 : Third International Division Possible in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, June 30, 2003 - A third international division- sized unit could possibly be stood up in Iraq in the future, DoD officials said during a press conference today.
06/30/2003 : Rumsfeld Uses American History as Iraqi Lesson      
WASHINGTON, June 30, 2003 - As Independence Day approaches, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld compared what the United States went through after the American Revolution to the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan.
06/30/2003 : Iraqi Operations Net Baath Officials, Sympathizers      
WASHINGTON, June 30, 2003 - Coalition forces detained thousands of suspected Baath Party members and sympathizers during Operations Desert Scorpion and Sidewinder, Combined Joint Task Force 7 officials said today.
06/27/2003 : All-Volunteer Force Has 'Come of Age,' Chu Says      
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2003 - After 30 years of existence, America's all-volunteer force has proven to be a success, DoD's top personnel official said here June 27.
06/27/2003 : Nation Will Not Forsake Missing, Not Stop Seeking Fullest Accounting  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., June 27, 2003 - The quest to account for missing servicemen from the Vietnam, Korean and Cold War and World War II "is unwavering, untiring and will not fail!" Jerry D. Jennings told the audience during the 34th annual National League of Families conclave here June 27.
06/27/2003 : 'We Don't Need to Lose People' to Accidents, DoD Personnel Chief Asserts      
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2003 - Aviation and other types of serious accidents across DoD have gone up and the department's senior leaders have vowed to do something about it.
06/27/2003 : DoD Officials Discuss Asia-Pacific Region Challenges      
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2003 - The United States is looking at changing the "footprint" of American forces around the world. But the Asia-Pacific region remains important and any changes the U.S. makes there does not herald disengagement, said DoD leaders during testimony before a House subcommittee June 26.
06/27/2003 : Coalition Not in Guerrilla War, Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2003 - Former regime sympathizers and criminals are behind the attacks on coalition forces in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said on Capitol Hill today. The secretary also said he does not believe the activity in Iraq rises to the level of a guerrilla war.
06/27/2003 : Soldier Killed, Two Missing in Separate Incidents in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2003 - A soldier was killed near an Najaf June 26 and coalition forces are searching for two soldiers missing since June 25, U.S. Central Command officials said today.
06/27/2003 : Silent No Longer: Iraqi People Reveal the Past  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2003 - For the first time in decades, the Iraqi people can talk openly about what happened during Saddam Hussein's regime.
06/26/2003 : POW/MIA Poster Unveiled; En Route to Troops, Families, Vets Groups Worldwide  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., June 26, 2003 - POW/MIA Recognition Day isn't until Sept. 19, but, as with tradition, this year's poster was unveiled June 26 during a national organization's annual meeting, according to Jerry D. Jennings.
06/26/2003 : New Software Streamlines TDY Process      
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2003 - A new software program being tested by the Defense Travel System will make arranging, paying and reimbursement for official government travel a speedy, seamless and almost paperless process.
06/26/2003 : Rice Says Europe, U.S. Must Seize Historic Moment      
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2003 - Condoleezza Rice called on freedom-loving countries to unite and turn away from the temptations of playing great power politics during a speech at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London today.
06/26/2003 : U.S., EU to Cooperate on Terror, Counterproliferation      
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2003 - U.S. and European Union leaders signed agreements designed to counter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and to increase cooperation in the global war on terror.
06/26/2003 : Iraqi Killed in Attack Near Baghdad Airport      
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2003 - An Iraqi driver was killed and an unknown number of people wounded in an attack on an Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority vehicle near Baghdad International Airport, Combined Joint Task Force 7 officials said today.
06/25/2003 : CJCS Says Volunteer Military Going Strong After 30 Years      
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2003 - Today's all-volunteer force is strong, vibrant and has successfully met myriad challenges in the global war on terrorism, the U.S. military's top officer said here June 25.
06/25/2003 : Bremer Calls on People to Keep Perspective on Iraq      
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2003 - Ambassador Paul Bremer said Americans must keep things in perspective as they hear reports from Iraq.
06/25/2003 : Abizaid: U.S. Displaying 'Offensive Spirit' in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2003 - "The best protection that we can give our soldiers is an offensive spirit in a tough place," said Army Lt. Gen. John Abizaid today during his Senate confirmation hearing to be the next commander of U.S. Central Command.
06/25/2003 : Smallpox Vaccine Has "No Serious Side Effects," Military Study Concludes    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2003 - Mass smallpox vaccinations can be conducted safely with "very low" rates of serious adverse effects, the Defense Department's senior medical official said today.
06/24/2003 : Shoppers Give Commissaries High Grades      
FORT LEE, Va., June 24, 2003 - A steady rise in customer satisfaction continues as commissary shoppers gave high marks a 4.42 overall score out of a possible 5.0 in the latest commissary customer service survey, Defense Commissary Agency officials announced today.
06/24/2003 : U.S., Pakistan Presidents Agree to Continue Fight Against Terrorism      
WASHINGTON, June 24, 2003 - Calling him a "courageous leader and friend to the United States," President Bush thanked Pakistan President Perves Musharraf for assisting the United States in its war on terrorism.
06/24/2003 : Senators Concerned About American Ops in Iraq, Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, June 24, 2003 - Following meetings with DoD leadership, Senate Armed Services Committee members said they are concerned about the continuing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
06/24/2003 : DoD Web Homepage to Have New Look June 25      This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 24, 2003 - Defense officials are revamping their public face on the World Wide Web. Beginning June 25, visitors to the department's homepage,, will see a completely new page.
06/24/2003 : Progress Made in Iraq, but Deaths Hammer Home the Danger    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 24, 2003 - Coalition personnel are making progress in Iraq, but the recent deaths of American and British soldiers show the world is still engaged in a dangerous war against terrorism, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said during a Pentagon briefing today.
06/23/2003 : Teleradiology: Evaluating Medical Images From Around the Globe      
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2003 - Through teleradiology, today's military radiologists just like their civilian counterparts -- routinely evaluate medical images sent from around the globe.
06/23/2003 : Wolfowitz Explains Pentagon Strategy Changes    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2003 - The 9-11 terrorist attacks confirmed for DoD leaders the need for significant changes in U.S defense strategy to one that would focus on "uncertainty and surprise," Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told the House Armed Services Committee June 18.
06/23/2003 : Bush Nominates Brown as Special Ops Commander      
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2003 - President Bush has nominated Army Lt. Gen. Bryan D. Brown for promotion to general and as the next U.S. Special Operations Command commander.
06/23/2003 : Coalition Forces Launch Operation in Eastern Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2003 - Coalition and Afghan militia forces launched Operation Unified Resolve with a series of movements throughout the eastern province of Nangarhar, June 18, Combined Joint Task Force 180 officials said today.
06/23/2003 : Joe Collins: Career Officer, Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2003 - When the Army commissioned Joseph J. Collins as a second lieutenant in 1970, the Long Island, N.Y., native never dreamed his service career would take him to the top echelons of the Pentagon.
06/23/2003 : Marine Killed in Djibouti Training Accident      
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2003 - A Marine was killed and eight Marines and Navy service members injured in what appears to be a training accident in Djibouti June 22, Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa officials said.
06/23/2003 : Postal Service to Issue Stamp Honoring Korean War Memorial, Armistice  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2003 - A photograph of stainless steel statues of a patrol trudging through snow toward an objective is featured on the new commemorative postage stamp honoring the Korean War Veterans Memorial that's slated to be dedicated by the U.S. Postal Service on July 27.
06/22/2003 : Bush Says U.S. Facing Down Remnants of Iraqi Regime      
WASHINGTON, June 22, 2003 - U.S. military personnel are facing down the remnants of the Hussein regime even as coalition personnel continue to search for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, President Bush said in his weekly radio address June 21.
06/22/2003 : Army-Navy Teams Slug It Out at the White House  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 22, 2003 - Most teams have to win a world championship before visiting the White House to meet with the president. That was not the case today.
06/20/2003 : Security Will Set Stage for Iraqi Economic Growth, Bremer Says      
WASHINGTON, June 20, 2003 - Coalition forces have made great strides in providing security in Iraq and rooting out the remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime, but for any change to stick, Iraq must change its economic underpinnings, said L. Paul Bremer III.
06/20/2003 : Regime Sabotage Attempts Continue Near Fallujah      
WASHINGTON, June 20, 2003 - Operation Desert Scorpion continues, with U.S. troops conducting nine raids throughout Iraq. U.S. 1st Armored Division soldiers conducted five raids in the greater Baghdad area June 20 and detained five Iraqis, according to a U.S. Central Command release.
06/20/2003 : Business Leaders Salute Troops, Defense Secretary  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 20, 2003 - More than 750 of the nation's top business leaders turned out in black-tie June 19 to pay tribute to the nation's men and women in uniform and the man who leads them, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
06/20/2003 : Rumsfeld Says World Needs to Work Harder to Control Nuclear Weapons    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 20, 2003 - The world's efforts to counter the proliferation of nuclear weapons have not been successful, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said June 19. If they had, he said, the United States would not have had to go to war in Iraq.
06/20/2003 : 'Transformation Means Profound Change,' Wolfowitz Tells NWC Grads    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 20, 2003 - Today's U.S. military leaders need to think outside the box to contend with massive changes occurring in the national security realm, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz declared June 20 to Naval War College graduates.
06/20/2003 : Bush Renominates Myers, Pace for Second Terms on JCS    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 20, 2003 - President Bush has nominated Air Force Gen. Richard Myers for a second two-year term as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace to continue to serve as vice chairman.
06/19/2003 : Wolfowitz Says U.S. Seeks Allied Relief for Forces in Iraq    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2003 - The United States is seeking support to relieve coalition forces of some of their commitments in Iraq, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told a House committee June 18, stating that "we need help from our allies" and "we are actively seeking it."
06/19/2003 : Eberhart: 9-11 Created Need for New Unified Command  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2003 - Air Force Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, commander of U.S. Northern Command, noted that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America brought about the most significant reorganization within DoD since the department was created in 1947.
06/19/2003 : American Admits Helping Al Qaeda; Plea Bargains With Justice Department      
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2003 - A naturalized American citizen from Columbus, Ohio, reached a plea-bargain agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, Attorney General John Ashcroft said here June 19.
06/19/2003 : New NATO Transformation Command Established in Norfolk  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.
NORFOLK, June 19, 2003 - "Haul up the Allied Command Transformation flag," Secretary General Lord George Robertson said during the ceremony here today. "Allied Command Transformation is now established."
06/19/2003 : Grenade Assault on Ambulance Kills, Injures Soldiers      
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2003 - One 804th Medical Brigade soldier was killed and two injured today during a rocket- propelled grenade assault on a military ambulance that occurred north of Camp Dogwood in the town of al Iskandariyah, U.S. Central Command reported today.
06/19/2003 : Joint Task Force Troops Donate Time, Care to Animals  This story contains photos.    
ALI SABIEH, Djibouti, June 19, 2003 - The scene here June 14 was organized chaos as soldiers from Company C, 478th Civil Affairs Battalion, medically attended to nearly 600 sheep, goats and donkeys.
06/18/2003 : CENTCOM Deputy Abizaid Nominated as Next Commander      
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2003 - President Bush has nominated Army Lt. Gen. John Abizaid for a fourth star and the position of commander, U.S. Central Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.
06/18/2003 : Rumsfeld: Garner 'Did Absolutely Superb Job' in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2003 - Retired Army Lt. Gen. Jay Garner did a great job organizing the fledgling free Iraqi government and coordinating reconstruction and humanitarian relief efforts in post-war Iraq, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.
06/18/2003 : 4th Infantry Division Seizes Cash in Raids      This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2003 - The 4th Infantry Division confiscated $8.5 million U.S. dollars and between 300 and 400 million Iraqi dinar from two separate farmhouses during a raid today, said Army Maj. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, 4th Infantry Division commander.
06/18/2003 : Special Tribute Honors Unsung Women Heroes  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
ARLINGTON, Va., June 18, 2003 - A tribute called "Women Are Heroes, Too" was recently held here at the Women's Memorial to highlight "the unsung heroes of rescue and recover efforts" who happen to be women, according to Susan Brewer.
06/17/2003 : 'Full Battle Rattle' Saving Lives in Iraq, Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2003 - Any TV news report from Iraq or Afghanistan shows American service members wearing "full battle rattle."
06/17/2003 : White House Ceremony to Mark 30th Anniversary of All-Volunteer Force      
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2003 - For three decades, America's armed forces have served on a solely volunteer basis. The nation is about to mark the 30th anniversary of the All-Volunteer Force.
06/17/2003 : Joint Civilian Orientation Conference Takes First Trip Overseas  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2003 - Even after six grueling days, 44 influential U.S. citizens remained jovial and vocally prideful of what they'd seen of U.S. military outfits in four countries.
06/17/2003 : Bush Nominates Retired General for Army Chief of Staff      
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2003 - President Bush has nominated retired Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker to be the next Army chief of staff.
06/17/2003 : Operation Desert Scorpion Continues Throughout Iraq      
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2003 - Operation Desert Scorpion continues throughout Iraq, said Army 5th Corps officials.
06/16/2003 : Printing Company Takes Pride in Supporting Troops in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 16, 2003 - Many people are seeking copies of the Defense Department's "Iraqi Most Wanted Cards." Unfortunately, many U.S. troops are seeking them as well.
06/16/2003 : Security Needed for Prosperity to Reign, Bush Says      
WASHINGTON, June 16, 2003 - The United States cannot enjoy prosperity without security, President Bush said in a New York City suburb today.
06/16/2003 : Air Guard General Transformed by Army Desert Training  This story contains photos.    
FORT IRWIN, Calif., June 16, 2003 - The thing that generals claim to miss most is getting their hands dirty. That means they no longer do the work that they once did and others in their command now do for them.
06/16/2003 : 'Desert Scorpion' Searches for Anti-coalition Forces, Banned Weapons      
WASHINGTON, June 16, 2003 - U.S. and coalition troops in Iraq continued the search for Saddam loyalists and banned heavy weapons as Operation Desert Scorpion began June 15, according to U.S. Central Command news releases.
06/16/2003 : Online Registration and Voting Experiment to Be Launched    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 16, 2003 - A DoD voting experiment in the 2000 presidential elections that allowed military and overseas voters to cast their ballots through the Internet will be expanded in 2004.
06/13/2003 : Added Forces Strengthen Horn of Africa Task Force  This story contains photos.    
CAMP LEMONIER, Djibouti, June 13, 2003 - Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa recently welcomed the three-ship USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group and the guided missile frigate USS Gary in the Gulf of Aden.
06/13/2003 : U.S. Troops Defeat Enemy Attack, Kill More Than 20 Pro-Saddam 'Die-hard' Fighters      
WASHINGTON, June 13, 2003 - American troops in Iraq blunted a night attack by pro-Saddam regime fighters, counter- attacked, and routed the enemy, killing more than 20 in a June 13 battle fought north of Baghdad, according to the top U.S. general in Iraq.
06/13/2003 : New Internet Protocol Version Slated For Debut    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, June 13, 2003 - An improved version of the Internet, featuring enhancements that improve system security and data delivery, will be part of DoD's integrated information-communications network, a senior U.S. defense official said here today.
06/13/2003 : Vice President: Army 'Hard at Work' to Transform in a New Era    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, June 13, 2003 - "The most important ingredient for the Army's success will be the soldiers who take the risk and make the sacrifices and who win our wars," Vice President Dick Cheney, told a Pentagon audience today during a ceremony to salute the Army's 228th birthday.
06/12/2003 : "Time and Patience" Needed in Iraq, Bremer Tells House Committee      
WASHINGTON, June 12, 2003 - Roughly a month into his job as the chief administrator in Iraq, Ambassador Paul Bremer, said today that much work lies ahead and that it will take "time and patience" to rebuild Iraq and restore what he calls a very "sick" economy.
06/12/2003 : NATO Has Weathered the Storm, Robertson Says      
BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 12, 2003 - After a tough "spring storm," NATO is "stronger and more united", NATO Secretary General George Robertson said today.
06/12/2003 : Belgian Law May Force U.S. to Stop Attending NATO Meetings      
BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 12, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today that American officials may stop attending NATO meetings in Belgium because of a law that allows "spurious" suits accusing American leaders of war crimes.
06/12/2003 : U.S. F-16 Jet Crashes, Army Helicopter Shot Down in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, June 12, 2003 - A U.S. Air Force F-16CG fighter crashed southwest of Baghdad June 12, while on the same day a U.S. Army Apache AH-64 helicopter apparently was shot down by hostile fire in western Iraq, according to a U.S. Central Command release.
06/12/2003 : U.S. Iraq Operation Snags Pro-Saddam Suspects, Weapons, Ammo      
WASHINGTON, June 12, 2003 - Operation Peninsula Strike, a U.S. military effort to eliminate Saddam-regime loyalists remaining in Iraq, has "bagged" nearly 400 suspects, according to U.S. Central Command press releases.
06/12/2003 : NATO Ministers Okay Sweeping Command Changes      
BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 12, 2003 - NATO defense ministers approved the most extensive command structure revision in the history of the alliance today.
06/12/2003 : Spain Pledges Troops to Polish Division      
BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 12, 2003 - Spain today pledged 1,100 troops to the Polish-led division that will become part of the coalition force in Iraq.
06/12/2003 : Top Brass Launches Operation Tribute to Freedom to Honor Troops    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, June 12, 2003 - The military's highest ranking officer kicked off Operation Tribute to Freedom here today during a Pentagon press briefing.
06/12/2003 : Major League Baseball, Soccer to Salute Troops on Flag Day    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, June 12, 2003 - Spectators at 13 Major League Baseball games and one Major League Soccer game will have the opportunity to honor America's military forces June 14, Flag Day.
06/11/2003 : War on Terrorism Is 'Toughest Challenge' Yet, Myers Says  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 11, 2003 - The war on global terrorism, the U.S. military's top officer told National Defense University graduates here June 10, is the most difficult national security challenge he's experienced in his career.
06/11/2003 : Rumsfeld Talks About Dangers of 'Eroding' Sovereignty      
GARMISCH, Germany, June 11, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld had harsh words for the International Criminal Court and a Belgium law that allows anyone to prosecute anyone for war crimes.
06/11/2003 : Marshall Center Celebrates 10 Years of Transatlantic Service      
GARMISCH, Germany, June 11, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld spoke of the importance of international security cooperation at a joint American- German celebration marking the 10th anniversary of the founding of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies today.
06/11/2003 : Saddam 'Remnants' Responsible for Attacks on U.S. Troops in Iraq, Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, June 11, 2003 - Surviving followers of deposed dictator Saddam Hussein's regime are responsible for a recent spate of sometimes fatal attacks on U.S. troops serving in Iraq, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said June 10 during his ongoing four-day European trip.
06/10/2003 : Personnel Chief Says 'Time Is Now' for Changes in the System      
WASHINGTON, June 10, 2003 - The "time is here and now" to modernize Defense Department personnel practices with changes to the civil service system, said David S. C. Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, during a Pentagon briefing today.
06/10/2003 : Rumsfeld Discusses NATO Membership With Albanians  This story contains photos.    
TIRANA, Albania, June 10, 2003 - American and Albanian defense officials discussed the Balkan nation's desire to become a full-fledged member of NATO and the war on terrorism during meetings here today.
06/10/2003 : First Lady, JCS Chairman Praise Service Members at Gala  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 10, 2003 - The men and women of America's armed forces received a personal thank you from first lady Laura Bush and an award from a national media owners' and managers' group at a gala here June 9.
06/10/2003 : Rumsfeld Thanks Portugal for Help on War on Terror  This story contains photos.    
FORT SAO JULIAO, Portugal, June 10, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld met with Portuguese Defense Minister Paulo Portas here today in advance of the NATO Defense Ministerial June 12.
06/09/2003 : DoD Examining Military Force 'Footprint' Worldwide      
LISBON, Portugal, June 9, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today that the military is examining the stationing of U.S. troops worldwide.
06/09/2003 : Rumsfeld: Iraqi Attacks May Have 'Element of Organization'      
LISBON, Portugal, June 9, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld does not believe that the recent spate of attacks on U.S. soldiers in Iraq is the result of any "well-organized nationally directed campaign," he said June 9.
06/09/2003 : President, Top Advisers: 'Iraq Had a Weapons Program'      
WASHINGTON, June 9, 2003 - President Bush, meeting with Cabinet members today, reiterated that U.S. credibility is not at stake over issues of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
06/09/2003 : "Uncle Sam Wants You" to Join the Operation Tribute to Freedom Team      
WASHINGTON, June 9, 2003 - "Uncle Sam Wants You" is a familiar recruiting slogan to generations of Americans. But in this case, it's an invitation for all Americans to sign up for a different kind of military operation.
06/09/2003 : And the Band Played On  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 9, 2003 - It's not every day that Vietnam veteran Paul C. Rock gets a call from the mayor. But then again, June 8 was a special all-around day for Rock and the town of Longmont, Colo.
06/09/2003 : U.S. Troops Assist Injured German Peacekeepers; Soldier Killed In Iraq Assault      
WASHINGTON, June 9, 2003 - U.S. military medical personnel treated the more than 20 German peacekeepers injured in the June 7 suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan, according to a Coalition Joint Task Force 180 press release.
06/09/2003 : Rumsfeld to Consult With European, North Atlantic Allies      
WASHINGTON, June 9, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld leaves today for four days of talks with European leaders, culminating in the NATO defense ministerial June 12.
06/06/2003 : U.S. Troops Slated to Move South From Korean DMZ      
WASHINGTON, June 6, 2003 - U.S. and Republic of Korea officials have agreed to a plan to realign American forces stationed in "The Land of the Morning Calm."
06/06/2003 : Logistics Agency Lines Out Its Support to Forces in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 6, 2003 - "Speed can kill the enemy" were some of Army Gen. Tommy Franks' words of wisdom for his commanders and troops during Operation Iraqi Freedom. And the U.S. forces' lightning thrust to Baghdad with minimal Iraqi resistance and few U.S. and coalition casualties substantiates this saying.
06/06/2003 : Consumer Group Says Military Targeted in Lending Scams      
WASHINGTON, June 6, 2003 - On his drive to work each day at Naval Station Mayport, in Jacksonville, Fla., retired Navy Capt. Bill Kennedy, a former aircraft carrier commander, passes three pawnshops, and two Cash Advance and two Florida Internet businesses.
06/06/2003 : Rumsfeld Sure WMD Intelligence Will Prove Correct      
WASHINGTON, June 6, 2003 - More searching in Iraq will uncover Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said following a meeting with House members yesterday.
06/05/2003 : Helping Iraq Rebuild, One Project at a Time      
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has stated that every day conditions in Iraq are getting a bit better.
06/05/2003 : Old Vet Drums Up Parade for New Vet  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2003 - Self-proclaimed "neophyte parade planner" Paul C. Rock is on a mission. The Vietnam veteran and president of a Vietnam veterans' support group is working to ensure that his son and his fellow troops returning home from Iraq get the tribute they deserve.
06/05/2003 : Coalition to Aid U.N. Inspectors at Iraqi Nuke Storage Site      
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2003 - Coalition forces will assist International Atomic Energy Agency officials as they inspect the Iraqi nuclear storage facility near Baghdad, DoD officials said today.
06/05/2003 : Bush Praises Coalition Troops During Qatar Visit      
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2003 - President Bush thanked coalition service members for enlarging "the realm of liberty" during a stop in Qatar today.
06/05/2003 : One Soldier Killed, Five Wounded in Fallujah Attack      
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2003 - One soldier was killed and five wounded in an attack in the Baath party stronghold of Fallujah early today local time, U.S. Central Command officials said.
06/04/2003 : Rumsfeld Makes Case for Transforming Civilian Workforce      
WASHINGTON, June 4, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld cleared up some misconceptions about the proposed DoD civilian personnel system during testimony before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee today.
06/04/2003 : Lessons Learned Process on Iraq War Explained      
WASHINGTON, June 4, 2003 - Although the U.S. and coalition campaign against Iraq lasted just 38 days, Pentagon leaders are now in the process of analyzing data collected during the war to better understand "what went right" and "what went wrong."
06/04/2003 : Military Officials Improve Speed of Iraq Mail      
WASHINGTON, June 4, 2003 - Even in the era of e-mail, getting a letter from loved ones is important.
06/04/2003 : U.S., Italian Forces Launch Strike in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, June 4, 2003 - U.S. and Italian forces launched an offensive June 2 against anti-coalition forces in the Shahi Kowt section of the Paktia province in Afghanistan, Combined Joint Task Force 180 officials said today.
06/04/2003 : DoD Policy Chief Seeks to Clear Intel Record      
WASHINGTON, June 4, 2003 - DoD officials attempted to lay to rest some media stories on intelligence information that are "not true and taking on the status of urban legends."
06/03/2003 : Arab Leaders Issue Strong Statement Condemning Terror      
WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - Following a meeting with Arab leaders in Sharm el- Sheikh, Egypt, President Bush said the region is united against terror and sees the potential "for broader peace among the peoples of this region."
06/03/2003 : Civilian Personnel System 'Not Cutting It,' Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - The civilian personnel system in the Defense Department "is not cutting it," said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today.
06/03/2003 : U.S-Japan United Against North Korean Threats  This story contains photos.    
TOKYO, June 3, 2003 - The United States and Japan are united to prevent destabilization in East Asia caused by North Korea's purported efforts to develop nuclear weapons and more powerful ballistic missiles, two senior U.S. officials told reporters here June 3.
06/03/2003 : Middle School Students Support U.S. Troops in Afghan Theater  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - "Supporting Our Troops in Afghanistan" has developed into more than a service-learning project for a group of middle-schoolers in Maryland.
06/03/2003 : DoD Campaign to Improve Financial Readiness      
WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - The Defense Department has begun an education and awareness campaign to help military personnel deal with personal financial problems.
06/03/2003 : G-8 Warns of Nuclear Proliferation in Iran, North Korea      
WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - Leaders of the G-8 nations called on North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program and on Iran to open its nuclear program to International Atomic Energy Agency inspection.
06/03/2003 : Iranians Detain Soldiers, Chopper Crash in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - Iranian forces released four U.S. soldiers and three civilians unharmed yesterday, U.S. Central Command officials said today.
06/03/2003 : Pentagon Launches National Salute to U.S. Troops Waging War on Terror      
WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - The Pentagon's latest military operation doesn't involve tanks, ships or aircraft. Operation Tribute to Freedom involves the American public.
06/02/2003 : Vice President Tells West Point Cadets "Bush Doctrine" Is Serious      
WASHINGTON, June 2, 2003 - "If there is anyone in the world today who doubts the seriousness of the Bush Doctrine, I would urge that person to consider the fate of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq," Vice President Richard Cheney told an applauding 2003 West Point graduating class May 31.
06/02/2003 : U.S. Force Review Won't Degrade Deterrence in South Korea  This story contains photos.    
TOKYO, June 2, 2003 - Any realignment of American military forces in South Korea would enhance, rather than degrade, that country's ability to deter potential threats such as those posed by North Korea, U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said June 2 in Seoul.
06/01/2003 : Wolfowitz Praises DMZ Soldiers, Marines 'On the Front Lines of Freedom'  This story contains photos.    
SEOUL, South Korea, June 1, 2003 - U.S. soldiers and Marines deployed along the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea "are on the front lines of freedom," U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said June 1 during a visit to Camp Greaves located a mile from the DMZ.
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