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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service
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03/31/1998 : U.S. Runners Capture Fourth in CISM Cross Country Meet      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1998 - The U.S. men's 4,500-meter short course and women's 5,500-meter teams captured fourth place in the 46th Cross Country Military World Champions in Curragh, Ireland, March 9-14.
03/31/1998 : Kansas National Guard Called Out to Help Blizzard Victims      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1998 - It was ironic. The Kansas Army and Air National Guard had planned an Emergency Awareness Week Fair March 8 at the state capitol, but Mother Nature had other plans.
03/31/1998 : Alabama National Guard Assists Elba Flood Victims      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1998 - "Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink!" That was the cry of people in the southeast Alabama city of Elba when El Nino-induced floods devastated the area, said Alabama National Guard spokesman Lt. Col. James Atchison.
03/31/1998 : U.S. Military Helps Russia Drawdown Nukes  This story contains photos.    
MOSCOW, March 31, 1998 - A handful of American service members working here have an unusual task: helping the Russians safeguard nuclear warheads as they are dismantled, transported and stored.
03/31/1998 : www.huh?/Facts and Figures for Federal Employees      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1998 - Downsizing. Reduction in force. Base closures. Outsourcing. Privatizing. Pay comparability. Retirement income. Promotion opportunities. Health benefits.
03/31/1998 : Sports Minded      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1998 - Name the four hockey teams that merged with the National Hockey League following the collapse of the World Hockey Association.
03/24/1998 : Fuel Additive, Not Agent Filled Tank Near Kuwaiti      
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1998 - Inhibited red fuming nitric acid, a highly corrosive fuel component used with Iraqi missiles, filled a liquid storage tank found by British ordnance specialists after the Gulf War.
03/24/1998 : NATO Strategic Reserve to Train in Bosnia      
MONS, Belgium, March 24, 1998 - About 1,800 troops from six nations, part of the 5,000-strong strategic reserve of the NATO Stabilization Force, will soon train in Bosnia for the first time.
03/24/1998 : DoD Searching for Bay of Pigs Remains in Nicaragua      
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1998 - A nine-person DoD search and recovery team arrived in Nicaragua March 15 to hunt for remains of a B-26 bomber crew that crashed there in 1961. The two-man civilian crew was supporting Bay of Pigs-related operations.
03/24/1998 : Modernization Will Carry Warfighter Into 21st Century      
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1998 - Modernization of current weapon systems and the development of new systems is necessary to carry the warfighter into the 21st century, DoD's acquisition chief told Congress March 12.
03/24/1998 : 'Brats' Newsletter Tells All      
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1998 - Where were you in '92, or any other year, for that matter? If you were a student in one of DoD's overseas schools, Overseas Brats cordially invites you to subscribe to a new, free newsletter.
03/24/1998 : Do You Know?      
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1998 - When was the first crossword puzzle published in a newspaper?
03/24/1998 : Worth Repeating      
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1998 - "If we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find we have lost the future."
03/19/1998 : Hamre Says Defense Reform on Track      
BRUSSELS, Belgium, March 19, 1998 - Five months after announcing a business reform plan aimed at cutting fat to save military muscle, Deputy Defense Secretary John J. Hamre reports progress is encouraging.
03/19/1998 : Cohen Says Saddam Must Provide Full Accounting of Weapons      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1998 - Saddam Hussein must offer "convincing evidence" Iraq has destroyed its weapons of mass destruction before the current crisis can come to an end.
03/19/1998 : Taxes Part 4      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1998 - If you can't face doing your taxes, don't have the time or have a complicated return or tax situation, you may want to hire a professional tax preparer, said Internal Revenue Service officials.
03/19/1998 : Safety Shapeup Tips      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1998 - The DoD initiative "Operation Be Fit" focuses on improving physical fitness activity opportunities and encouraging greater participation in fitness activities by service members, their families and DoD civilians.
03/19/1998 : Do You Know?      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1998 - What is the only major sport created in the United States that did not have its roots in another sport?
03/19/1998 : Worth Repeating      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1998 - "There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction."
03/19/1998 : Fitness for Girls and Women      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1998 - My daughter is an avid soccer player who loves the game but doesn't necessarily understand the rules. She just loves the action.
03/18/1998 : NATO, Partners Train in Portugal, Norway  This story contains photos.    
BRUSSELS, March 18, 1998 - Based on a dual-crisis scenario, NATO's largest-ever training exercise is testing the alliance's ability to conduct territorial defense and peace support operations simultaneously at two locations.
03/18/1998 : Cohen Unveils Program to Combat Domestic Terrorism  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1998 - Saying the "front lines are no longer overseas," Defense Secretary William S. Cohen announced a new DoD program March 17 to respond to domestic attacks with weapons of mass destruction.
03/18/1998 : Guard, Reserve To Take On New Role      
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1998 - Army Brig. Gen. Roger Schultz is both clear and direct when he talks about the potential for attacks with weapons of mass destruction: "We don't know when and we don't know the place, but we will be attacked."
03/18/1998 : Hamre Acts to Hamper Hackers      
BRUSSELS, March 18, 1998 - As U.S. troops, combat aircraft and warships gathered in the Persian Gulf in February, the U.S. military was quietly attacked on a second front. Defense officials detected systematic, sophisticated intrusions into DoD computer networks.
03/18/1998 : Location, Knowledge Keys to Reserves New Role      
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1998 - Deborah Lee has three words to sum up why Guard and reserve component forces have been given primary responsibility for responding to attacks by weapons of mass destruction: "Location, location, location."
03/18/1998 : TRICARE-Medicare Eligible Face March 31 Enrollment Deadline      
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1998 - Some DoD health care beneficiaries could lose access to TRICARE if they aren't enrolled in Medicare Part B by March 31.
03/18/1998 : The Surgeon General's Report - What's in It for Me?      
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1998 - Q&A for Living Healthy Longer
03/18/1998 : Exercise Risk Assessment      
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1998 - So you're taking the big step and you're ready to get started in a physical activity regimen that will lead to a healthier lifestyle.
03/17/1998 : DoD Accepts Gender-Integration Recommendations      
WASHINGTON, March 17, 1998 - Defense Secretary William Cohen deferred a decision on gender integration at the lowest levels of basic training, but told the services to implement many other recommendations made by the Kassebaum Baker Gender Integration Panel.
03/16/1998 : Investigators Blame Marines for Cable Car Accident      
BRUSSELS, March 16, 1998 - Investigators say the pilot and crew of a U.S. Marine Corps EA-6B aircraft flew faster and lower than their mission allowed, thereby causing the Feb. 3 cable car accident that killed 20 skiers in northeast Italy.
03/16/1998 : DoD Asks for Supplemental Funds      
WASHINGTON, March 16, 1998 - DoD civilian and military leaders called on Congress to approve emergency funding to offset expenses incurred in Bosnia and Southwest Asia.
03/16/1998 : U.S. Does Not Rule Out Attack on Serbs      
Washington, March 16, 1998 - President Clinton's special envoy to the Balkans said the United States is not ruling out military action against Serbian forces if violence in the province of Kosovo continues.
03/13/1998 : DoD Response to Gender Recommendations Due (Updated by 98152.)      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - Editor's Note: This article was updated March 17 by AFPSarticle 98152, DoD Accepts Gender-Integration Recommendations. (9803171.txt.html)
03/13/1998 : Memorial Will Preserve Women's Stories  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - Five months ago, more than 30,000 people crowded the gateway to Arlington National Cemetery to witness the dedication of the Women in Military Service to America Memorial. When the memorial opened, Oct. 18, the stories of 300,000 military women were forever part of history in the computer register, the heart of the memorial.
03/13/1998 : Remains of Former Army Sergeant Returned to Family      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - Skeletal remains of Army Sgt. Douglas Alan Ross who died during the Vietnam War have been identified and returned to his family in Temple City, Calf., for burial.
03/13/1998 : Do You Know      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - Who was the first woman to receive the Medal of Honor?
03/13/1998 : Events Honor Women's History Month      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - The Women in Military Service to America Memorial Foundation is hosting two events in honor of Women's History Month.
03/13/1998 : 17 Military Among White House Fellowship Finalists      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - Seventeen uniformed men and women are regional finalists for the 1998-1999 class of White House fellows.
03/13/1998 : White House Oversight of Illness Investigation      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - Although a presidential advisory committee filed its final report last fall, the White House will continue monitoring DoD's investigation of Gulf War veterans' illnesses and chemical and biological warfare events during the war.
03/13/1998 : Worth Repeating      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - "Courage is the capacity to conduct oneself with restraint in times of prosperity and with courage and tenacity when things do not go well."
03/13/1998 : Asthma Takes Your Breath Away      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1998 - Americans who occasionally cough, wheeze or suffer shortness of breath are invited to take part in a nationwide asthma screening program in May.
03/12/1998 : Commentary: Celebrating the Past, Building the Future      
WASHINGTON, March 12, 1998 - Throughout the military this month, the accomplishments of women will be recognized at luncheons, dinners, special recognition ceremonies and a host of other events.
03/12/1998 : U.S. Role in Bosnia to Decline      
BRUSSELS, March 12, 1998 - How long will U.S. troops be in Bosnia? Why are they still there? Will they serve as police in the follow-on force? Will NATO's peacekeeping mission ever end?
03/12/1998 : Contact Group Condemns Kosovo Violence      
BRUSSELS, March 12, 1998 - The United States, the United Kingdom and other European nations strongly condemn recent violence against ethnic-Albanians in the southern Serb province of Kosovo.
03/12/1998 : Alternative Health Plan Offers Toll-free Information      
WASHINGTON, March 12, 1998 - A nationwide toll-free information line now offers enrollment assistance to military families and retirees who choose the Uniformed Services Family Health Plan over TRICARE. The new number is (800) 258-7347.
03/12/1998 : Women Preserve America's Freedom      
WASHINGTON, March 12, 1998 - "These women, from Korea to Kuwait and from Sarajevo to San Diego, ... are preserving America's freedom in ways that their mothers and grandmothers could have only dreamed," Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said March 5 during DoD's Women's History Month observance.
03/11/1998 : DoD's New Finance Chief Pledges to Improve Services  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 11, 1998 - Gary W. Amlin has moved from acting director to director of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service here. He manages worldwide DoD financial resources in excess of $1 trillion.
03/11/1998 : Student Satellite to Hitch Ride With John Glenn      
MONTEREY, Calif., March 11, 1998 - When John Glenn makes his historic return to space after 36 years this October, another, yet smaller feat will also make history. The Navy's first amateur satellite -- designed and built by students at the Naval Postgraduate School -- will hitchhike on the same space shuttle mission.
03/11/1998 : Military, Civilians Protected by Patients' Bill of Rights      
WASHINGTON, March 11, 1998 - A new Patients' Bill of Rights directs all federal health plans to comply with the President's Quality Commission consumer bill of rights.
03/11/1998 : Vice Chairman Checks How Military 'Takes Care of Its Own'      
WASHINGTON, March 11, 1998 - The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited the U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Retirement Home here Feb. 27 to assess how well the military "takes care of its own."
03/06/1998 : JCS Chairman Gives 'Stockholders' Report      
WASHINGTON, March 6, 1998 - The "Chairman of the Board" presented his annual report to "stockholders" during a March 2 address at Washington's Sheraton Hotel.
03/06/1998 : Former Prisoner Speaks at DoD POW/MIA Prayer Breakfast  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 6, 1998 - Flags waved in the breeze. Military bands played upbeat patriotic tunes. Welcoming crowds and throngs of people around the world cheered, cried and prayed. Television cameras beamed pictures of the returning heroes around the world. Radio waves hummed with news of their release from prison while presses cranked out stories and pictures.
03/06/1998 : Project Outlook Opens Doors to Future Jobs  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 6, 1998 - A new career assistance center in the Pentagon, created in response to the Defense Reform Initiative, will help DoD employees and family members find new jobs outside DoD.
03/06/1998 : Martha Gellhorn: War Reporter, D-Day Stowaway      
BRUSSELS, Belgium, March 6, 1998 - Women reporting news today from Baghdad, Bosnia or any other world hot spot is not unusual. But 60 years ago, women war correspondents were a breed apart. Pioneers like Martha Gellhorn paved the way for CNN's Christiane Amanpour and others.
03/06/1998 : Fourth Suspected War Criminal Surrenders      
BRUSSELS, March 6, 1998 - A fourth Bosnian Serb war criminal indicted by the International Crimes Tribunal for Yugoslavia voluntarily surrendered March 4 to NATO stabilization forces in Bosnia.
03/05/1998 : Military Strength Figures Drop      
WASHINGTON, March 5, 1998 - Military strength decreased by almost 35,000 in the past year. As of Jan. 31, the armed forces is 1,422,766 service members strong.
03/05/1998 : President Proclaims March as American Red Cross Month      
WASHINGTON, March 5, 1998 - President Clinton has proclaimed March as American Red Cross Month. He urged Americans to support Red Cross chapters nationwide and challenged them to get involved in advancing the organization's humanitarian work.
03/05/1998 : Army Dominates Interservice Boxing      
PORT HUENEME, Calif., March 5, 1998 - The Army continued its dominance of interservice boxing competitions by winning the overall 1998 Armed Forces Boxing Championships Feb. 10-13 at the Naval Construction Battalion Center here.
03/05/1998 : Do You Know?      
WASHINGTON, March 5, 1998 - What is the highest overlook on the rim of the Grand Canyon?
03/05/1998 : Worth Repeating      
WASHINGTON, March 5, 1998 - "Learning is not obtained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."
03/03/1998 : President Nominates Bailey to Head Health Affairs      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1998 - A veteran physician and former deputy assistant secretary of defense may soon return to the Pentagon as DoD's senior health official.
03/03/1998 : Gulf Troops to Receive Anthrax Vaccine      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1998 - The 36,000 U.S. service members and civilians in the Persian Gulf will start receiving anthrax vaccine this week, Pentagon officials announced March 3.Immunization for all other active duty and reserve component service members will begin this summer. The immunizations are mandatory.
03/03/1998 : NATO Invitees Step Up to Membership      
MONS, Belgium, March 3, 1998 - Old ways are giving way to new in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Since the collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991, change has swept these lands.
03/03/1998 : Taxes Part 3      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1998 - Choosing the right Form 1040 tax form to use when doing your federal taxes may save you time and money, said Internal Revenue Service officials.
03/03/1998 : Between the Lines: The Small Stuff      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1998 - Many misused words and wordy constructions are so common they slip past even experienced copy editors and find their way into print. Here are a few examples. Would you catch them?
03/03/1998 : www.huh?/On line With Military Women      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1998 - Women in uniform are integral to the telling of military history, and fortunately, service women receive their due on the Internet.
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