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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service
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02/27/1997 : Users Happy with TRICARE Latest Survey Reveals      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 1997 - Nearly 8,000 enrollees in TRICARE Prime say they are satisfied with DoD's managed health care program.
02/25/1997 : Chairman Addresses Service Members Concerns      
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, COLO., Feb. 25, 1997 - Health care, privatization and downsizing were top concerns of 40 enlisted members who quizzed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff here Feb. 18.
02/25/1997 : African Americans Garner Place in Pentagon  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 1997 - African-American heroes, veterans and active duty service members have garnered a permanent place of honor in the Pentagon.
02/24/1997 : DoD Funds Spouse Employment Projects      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24, 1997 - Carolyn Becraft, Ruby DeMesme and Karen Heath are top Pentagon personnel officials today, but they haven't forgotten what it's like to be unemployed or underemployed military spouses.
02/24/1997 : YMCA Sponsors Young Readers Project Contest      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24, 1997 - Entry deadline is March 21 for the Armed Services YMCA's Young Readers Project essay contest, open to military family youth from preschool through high school.
02/21/1997 : African-American Corridor Dedication at Pentagon #1  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21, 1997 - Medal of Honor recipient Clarence E. Sasser admires the African-American Medal of Honor display -- the first of many displays planned in the Pentagon's African-American corridor.Sasser, who earned the Medal of Honor in Vietnam, and World War II Medal of Honor recipient Vernon J. Baker helped dedicate the corridor Feb. 19
02/21/1997 : Cohen Warns Against Discrimination, Abuse  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21, 1997 - "I will tolerate no activity or behavior that undermines the human dignity, respect and honor of the individual," Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen said Feb. 19 during DoD's Black History Month observance.
02/21/1997 : More U.S. European Bases Returning to Host Nation Control      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21, 1997 - Six U.S. military installations in Germany will return to German control, according to a statement from the Pentagon Feb. 19. The return is part of troop and base realignment moves at U.S. installations in Europe.
02/20/1997 : New Talent Helps Army Retain Boxing Title  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20, 1997 - Nine new boxers, three defending armed forces champions and a new head coach combined to give Army its fifth straight title at the 1997 armed forces boxing championships Feb. 13 at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
02/20/1997 : 1997 Armed Forces Boxing Tournament Results      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20, 1997 - Below are results of the 1997 armed forces boxing championships, held Feb. 9-14 at Camp Lejeune, N.C. Army captured the team title, winning seven gold medals and four silver medals.
02/19/1997 : DoD Mandates Evening, Weekend Hours at Medical      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 1997 - Military clinics and hospitals will open for evening and weekend patient care, DoD's top doctor has told the services' surgeons general.
02/19/1997 : DoD Health Budget Reflects Ongoing Shift to TRICARE      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 1997 - The fiscal 1998 Defense health program budget request reflects the ongoing shift of funds from CHAMPUS to TRICARE.
02/18/1997 : Armed Forces Welcomes Cohen  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 1997 - "I pledge to defend and protect you, as you defend and protect our nation," William S. Cohen promised America's armed forces Feb. 14 as the military officially welcomed the new defense secretary.
02/18/1997 : Elite Military Athletes to Continue World Class Training      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 1997 - Military athletes with world-class skills will continue to receive DoD help toward reaching their Olympic goals, the Armed Forces Sports Council chairman said at a recent press conference.
02/18/1997 : Russia's Military Questions      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 1997 - Starving troops, field-grade officers committing suicide, soldiers' pay three to four months late -- these are the news reports coming out of Russia.
02/18/1997 : Zero Tolerance for Bad Behavior, Chairman Says      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 1997 - The military must have zero tolerance for racial inequality, sexual harassment and hazing, and must protect those who speak out against unwarranted behavior, the nation's top military officer said.
02/14/1997 : DoD Official Welcome #2  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 1997 - A joint service color guard passes Defense Secretary William S. Cohen, Deputy Defense Secretary John White and Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during ceremonies welcoming Cohen as the 20th secretary of defense. The event occurred at Fort Myer, Va., Feb. 14.
02/14/1997 : DoD Official Welcome #1  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 1997 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Army Col. David H. Huntoon Jr., commander of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), review the joint service honor guard welcoming Cohen as the 20th secretary of defense. The ceremony took place Feb. 14 at Fort Myer, Va.
02/14/1997 : Cohen on Committing Troops to Operations      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 1997 - Defense Secretary William Cohen said the United States must be selective about committing troops to operations throughout the world.
02/14/1997 : DoD Addresses Combating Domestic Violence      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 1997 - The speaker projected a simple, black and white stick-figure drawing on the conference room screen.
02/14/1997 : Navy Unveils Boorda Portrait at the Pentagon  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 1997 - The Navy honored the memory of the "sailor's sailor" at a Pentagon portrait unveiling ceremony Feb. 3. The portrait of the late Adm. Jeremy "Mike" Boorda, 25th chief of naval operations, is now on permanent display in the sixth corridor of the building's fourth floor.
02/13/1997 : Cohen Pledges to Investigate Seaman's Suicide      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 1997 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen has promised a Pennsylvania couple a thorough investigation into the suicide death of their 21-year-old son following a Navy hazing incident in October 1995.
02/13/1997 : Shorts #5      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 1997 - About 50,000 erroneous W-2 forms were sent to DoD civilian employees. However, Defense Accounting and Finance Service officials said contractors printed and mailed reissued W-2 packets Feb. 6.
02/13/1997 : DoD Film Reveals Black World War II  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 1997 - An important, revealing piece of military history has lain hush in a corner of America's closet for more than 50 years. It was something never talked about, but it's finally coming to light, said Army Lt. Col. Tom Surface.
02/13/1997 : 22 Officers Chosen for White House Program      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 1997 - Twenty-two military officers are among the 99 regional finalists competing for 1997-1998 White House fellowships.
02/11/1997 : Army Suspends Top Enlisted Soldier      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11, 1997 - The Army suspended its top enlisted soldier Feb. 10 pending the investigation of sexual misconduct allegations leveled against him by a former soldier.
02/11/1997 : Cohen Names National Defense Panel      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11, 1997 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen named the members of the National Defense Panel Feb. 6.
02/11/1997 : Votes Count During Off-Year Elections      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11, 1997 - Millions of Americans last year elected the president and vice president of the United States and members of the 105th Congress, but voting responsibilities do not end there. Elections also occur at the village, town, city, county and state levels, and happen every year.
02/11/1997 : Army Golden Knights Release 1997 Schedule      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11, 1997 - The Golden Knights -- the Army's parachute team -- released its performance schedule for 1997.
02/07/1997 : DoD Budget Goes to Hill      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 1997 - President Clinton's Feb. 6 budget request to Congress seeks a 2.8 percent pay raise for military and civilian personnel in his fiscal 1998 DoD budget.
02/07/1997 : Shorts #4      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 1997 - An additional 129 service members from 13 reserve component units recently began training for possible deployment in support of Operation Joint Guard in Bosnia. These units would replace similar units currently deployed.
02/07/1997 : Women's Memorial Reaches Halfway Point  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 1997 - Construction of the Women in Military Service to America Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, Va., has passed the halfway point, the builders said recently.
02/06/1997 : Senators, DoD Leaders Address Sexual Harassment      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6, 1997 - Sexual harassment allegations should not serve as an opening wedge for people to say military women are incapable of fulfilling their mission, said Defense Secretary William Cohen.
02/06/1997 : Marine Commandant Addresses Hazing      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6, 1997 - Gen. Charles C. Krulak, U.S. Marine Corps commandant, sent an open letter Feb. 4 to America's parents regarding hazing at Camp Lejeune, N.C. The text of the letter follows:
02/05/1997 : Shalikashvili to Retire in September  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5, 1997 - Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, briefs news media at the Pentagon on the formation of a follow-on stabilization force for Bosnia. Shalikashvili recently announced plans to retire in September after serving four years as the principal military adviser to the president, secretary of defense and the National Security Council.
02/05/1997 : Clinton Says U.S. Must Shape Events      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5, 1997 - President Clinton called the state of the union strong, and said America must lead in this, a decisive moment in world affairs.
02/04/1997 : Shalikashvili Set to Retire      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4, 1997 - Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili plans to retire in September after completing his fourth year as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
02/04/1997 : Pentagon Leaders Outraged by Hazing      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4, 1997 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said he is "disturbed and disgusted" by Marine hazing incidents reported in recent news broadcasts.
02/03/1997 : Cohen Committed to Troop Welfare      
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 1997 - Military service requires dedication and sacrifice, and members of the armed forces in turn deserve the nation's full support and to be treated with great dignity and respect, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said.
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