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Gulf of the Farallones Underwater in 3D!
Bathymetry File

Bathymetry Icon

On the left is a bathymetry* image. It shows how deep the water is - the whiter an area is in the image, the deeper it is! In this picture, the lower left area is about 3200 meters (almost 10,500 feet, which is almost 2 miles) deep, and the lower right area is only about 550 meters (about 1800 feet, or more than a 1/4 mile) deep.

This information was used to make the 3D image below. The sonar image was comined with the 3D so you can see what the seafloor of the Gulf of the Farallones looks like in 3D! Cool!

3D Sonar Mosaic

Stereo Side-Scan Sonar Icon


Click on the sonar image (left) of the ocean floor in the Gulf of the Farallones to zoom in! You need your 3D glasses to see it in 3D!

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