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Visual and Performing Arts

photo of drama students in funny hats

photo of student drawing

The arts are the embodiment of human imagination, the record of human achievement, and the process that distinguishes us as human beings. We form human communities and cultures by making art – through stories and songs, drama and dance, painting and sculpture, architecture and design. The skills to create these works and to understand their meanings must be taught. Every flourishing culture and civilization has done so for its children, providing the necessary formal instruction. The language of the arts – word and sound, visual image, movement, structure – has to be learned and mastered. Through this process, the child bonds to the human community and acquires the dispositions of adulthood. Education in the arts is one of the fundamental purposes of schooling.

DoDDS Pacific/DDESS Guam sponsors two major activities in the arts each spring; the Far East Honor Music Festival for more than 100 student musicians and their teachers; and the SUN Journal of Creative Expression, a national award-winning publication showcasing student/staff art, creative writing, and photography.

Goal 1, Outcome B, of the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan states that all students will have access to varied and challenging learning opportunities. We encourage all students to take advantage of the exceptional opportunities in DoDDS Pacific/DDESS Guam to explore the arts, the heart of education.


photo of music teacher and student band  
photo of teacher and students dancing

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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
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