The Library of Congress

Wait a minute... The Library web site is huge! It's impossible to search quickly. It doesn't have what I thought it would have - but it does have resources I never knew existed! How will I ever use these resources to create a lesson? How can my students work through this maze? And, my lesson will go on the World Wide Web for all the world to see??? Oh, no! What have I gotten myself into?

Small Quilt Star Overview
This workshop's focus is the creation of engaging curriculum that uses primary sources to provide a powerful learning experience for students. We will work with several American Memory collections and share tools for curriculum design!

Small Quilt Star Objectives
At the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • "Know what you want 'em to know"
    understand that curriculum design begins with clarifying desired outcome (enduring understanding)
  • "Know how you'll know that they know it"
    create authentic student assessments (make it REAL)
  • "Hook 'em AND teach 'em"
    develop curriculum that is BOTH effective and engaging
  • align —
    enduring Understanding <--> assessment <--> learning experiences
  • apply —
    lesson design principles to a curricular lesson or unit of study


Summary | Process | Resources | Facilitators' Guide

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Last updated 09/26/2002