United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Montana Go to Accessibility Information
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Submit Events to My.NRCS Calendar

The Montana NRCS Internal Events Calendar is now part of the NRCS Calendar on the my.NRCS Employee Intranet. Check the calendar before scheduling training sessions, meetings, teleconferences, and other activities in order to prevent conflicts. The calendar is also a good place to find out about events in Montana and other states, and to post deadline reminders.

To submit an event to the my.NRCS Calendar, send an email to Leslie Taylor. Your message must include the required event information in the following list. For an explanation of each item, see Tips for Submitting Events.

Required Event Information
  • Event Type
  • Event Name
  • Location
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone
  • Contact Email
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Is this an all-day event?
  • Does this event repeat on a periodic basis? If yes, when?
  • Description
Optional Event Information
  • Event Web Site
  • Event Theme
  • Sponsor Name
  • Sponsor Web Site
  • Contact Title
  • Start Time
  • End Time

Tips for Submitting Events

Event Type. You have the following choices:

  • Meeting/Conference - meetings, conferences
  • Reports - dates when reports will be released
  • Rollout - Rollouts for media, employees, or other groups, introducing program items, new applications, etc.
  • Significant Date - Earth Day, Farm Bill Signing, etc.
  • Training - Training classes, sessions, on-line and classroom
  • Review
  • Teleconference - teleconferences and net conferences
  • Other - anything that does not meet the above criteria

Event Name. Please do not use acronyms.

Event Web Site (optional). Enter the URL of a web page that contains more information on the event. NACD, for example,  often provides a web page with information on its annual conference.

Event Theme (optional). For example, enter the theme of the NACD conference.

Event Location. City, state - venue. For an events such as teleconferences and deadlines, enter the area affected. For example, a state-wide teleconference would have a location of "Montana".

Sponsor(s) (optional). For the example of the NACD conference, the sponsor would be NACD.

Contacts. This is critical. You must include name and email or phone number. If you cannot obtain this information, please use your own name, email, and phone number, and be ready to answer questions on the event.

Start Date/End Date. Enter the same for both if it is a one day event.

Start Time/End Time. Enter start and end times for events that do not last the full day.

Is this an all day event? Please enter Yes or No.

Does the event repeat on a periodic basis? Please enter Yes or No. If yes, when and for how long will it be repeated? Use the the Description field if you need more room.

Description. Please give any details not already provided.

Last Modified: 10/08/2008