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Community of Practice Charter

Mission/Purpose: To ensure that Operations & Regulatory team members and missions are served by capable and visionary leaders. We will be effective at solving problems, using teams, sharing knowledge, and developing people so that we continue to safely & reliably operate & maintain the infrastructure and environment entrusted to us. We will administer the regulatory program in a responsible and transparent manner for the benefit of the Nation and its resources.

Mike Ensch, CoP Leader

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Operations & Regulatory Community Headlines
Operations & Regulatory

New Postings Link to All New Postings for Operations
12/15/08 - Operations Weekly Updates - December
10/10/08 - Operations Weekly Updates - October
09/20/08 - HQ-MSC Operations Chiefs Meeting
09/08/08 - Operations Weekly Updates - September
08/04/08 - Operations Weekly Updates - August
Important News Items Link to All News Items for Operations
12/08/08 SEEKING NOMINATIONS: Developmental Assignments - Capitol Hil
11/25/08 Reannouncement for the Deputy Chief Operations HQ
11/21/08 Chief Regulatory HQUSACE Selected
09/29/08 2009 Federal Engineer of the Year Award Program-Request for Nominations - Suspense 24 October
08/04/08 Chief Regulatory - NCFL08909344 Interdisc YC/YF-3 (vice Sudol)
Upcoming Events Link to All Calendar Items for Operations
Flood Risk Management

New Postings Link to All New Postings for Flood Risk Management
12/23/08 - FRM Newsletter
08/21/08 - ERDC eGIS Tool Workshop
07/11/08 - FRM Newsletter
03/21/08 - FRM Statements of Need
05/01/07 - National Flood Risk Management Program
Important News Items Link to All News Items for Flood Risk Management
09/29/08 2009 Federal Engineer of the Year Award Program-Request for Nominations - Suspense 24 October
09/06/07 FRM Spreadsheet 6 September
08/07/07 FDR spreadsheet
07/13/07 FDR Budget Spreadsheet - Suspense 22 July 2007
Upcoming Events Link to All Calendar Items for Flood Risk Management
May 18 - 21, 2009 : 8th Conference and Exposition of the National Hydrologic Warning Council
May 26 - 28, 2009 : 4th Tsunami Society Symposium

New Postings Link to All New Postings for Hydropower
06/18/08 - May 2008 Federal Hydropower Strategic Planning Workshop Presentations
03/18/08 - Federal Hydropower Strategic Planning Workshop
05/31/07 - Hydropower SmartBook
04/23/07 - Best Management Practices
06/21/05 - August 2005 Hydropower Strategic Planning Workshop
09/01/04 - Hydropower Strategic Workshop Presentations
08/31/04 - Hydropower Strategic Workshop Notes
Important News Items Link to All News Items for Hydropower
12/08/08 Recruitment for HQUSACE Senior Hydropower Program Manager
09/29/08 2009 Federal Engineer of the Year Award Program-Request for Nominations - Suspense 24 October
03/01/06 John Etzel Selected as Product Coordination Branch Chief, Hydroelectric Design Center
10/11/05 Hydroelectric Design Center Reorganization
05/17/05 Press Release, FPC Best Performers and EUCG benchmarking status
Upcoming Events Link to All Calendar Items for Hydropower
Inland Navigation Infrastructure

New Postings Link to All New Postings for Inland Navigation
03/09/05 - Inland Navigation Infrastructure: BMPs
01/12/05 - Inland Navigation Infrastructure: BMPs
Important News Items Link to All News Items for Infrastructure
09/29/08 2009 Federal Engineer of the Year Award Program-Request for Nominations - Suspense 24 October
Upcoming Events Link to All Calendar Items for Inland Navigation
Natural Resources Management

New Postings Link to All New Postings Natural Resources Management
12/08/08 - Sign Standards Program: News/Current Issues
11/13/08 - Lewis and Clark: After Action Reports
10/29/08 - Geocache
10/10/08 - Invasive Species Leadership Team
10/01/08 - Stewardship Advisory Team: News / Current Issues
10/01/08 - RLAT: News / Current Issues
09/10/08 - Park Ranger CoP
09/04/08 - NRRS: Correspondence - Corps NRRS Program Manager E-mails
08/28/08 - Invasive Species Alerts
08/05/08 - RecSTATUS - Self Assessment Tool
Important News Items Link to All News Items for Natural Resources Management
12/22/08 Association of Partnerships for Public Lands National Convention - March 2009
12/22/08 Annual Pass and National Water Safety Product Updates
12/15/08 New Department of Interior Firearm Regulation Is Not Applicable at USACE Projects and Facilities
12/10/08 Nominations for Chief of Engineers Annual Natural Resources Management Awards - Suspense 3 April 2009
12/10/08 Sign Standards Program - Approval of New Warning Sign
12/08/08 Omaha District - Chief of Natural Resources Section
12/08/08 Challenge Partnership Handshake Program 2009 Recipients
12/03/08 National Youth Marine Alliance's "Preserve America's Waterways" Initiative
11/25/08 Selections for the FY 09 HQ Career Assignment Program - Operations Natural Resources Management CoP
11/21/08 Chief Regulatory HQUSACE Selected
Upcoming Events Link to All Calendar Items Natural Resources Management
March 31 - April 3, 2009 : Accessibility Management for Parks and Recreation
September 9 - 13, 2009 : National Institute on Recreation Inclusion (NIRI)
 Black Dot Image Calendar View

New Postings Link to All New Postings for Navigation
12/11/08 - Western Dredging Association Eastern Chapter - NAD-SAD-MVD-SWD Corps of Engineers Dredge Scheduling Meeting
10/21/08 - Silent Inspector Newsletter
08/21/08 - ERDC eGIS Tool Workshop
05/14/08 - Industry/Corps Hopper Dredge Management Group (ICHDMG) Meeting
05/14/08 - National Dredging Meeting
Important News Items Link to All News Items for Navigation
Corps/Industry Weekly Report - Dredge Fleet Status
11/21/08 Chief Regulatory HQUSACE Selected
09/29/08 2009 Federal Engineer of the Year Award Program-Request for Nominations - Suspense 24 October
08/06/08 NavLocks Study Report - Suspense 31 August 2008
07/14/08 Sign Glare Issue and Memo
06/18/08 Sign Glare Issue and Memo
Upcoming Events Link to All Calendar Items Navigation
February 16 - 18, 2009 : Coastal Inlets Research Program 10th Annual Technology-Transfer Workshop
February 18 - 20, 2009 : 22nd Annual National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology
March 2 - 5, 2009 : Coastal GeoTools 2009
July 19 - 23, 2009 : Coastal Zone 09
Operations Project Managers

New Postings Link to All New Postings OPMs
01/07/09 - 2008 Southwestern Division Regional Operations Project Managers Conference
08/04/08 - 2008 July OPM Prospect Course
11/13/07 - 2007 Operations Project Managers Seminar
08/10/07 - 2007 July OPM Prospect Course
10/05/06 - OPM Feedback on Recreation Modernization
Important News Items Link to All News Items for OPMs
11/21/08 Chief Regulatory HQUSACE Selected
09/29/08 2009 Federal Engineer of the Year Award Program-Request for Nominations - Suspense 24 October
08/04/08 Chief Regulatory - NCFL08909344 Interdisc YC/YF-3 (vice Sudol)
03/03/08 New Members Selected to the Operations Project Management (OPM) Community of Practice (CoP) Advisory Board
01/18/08 FY08 OPM Career Assignment Program Selections
Upcoming Events Link to All Calendar Items for OPMs
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Updated: January 2009