Procedures for Clerical Services

  1. Are the tasks to be performed within the DCSC Regions? If you know address for place(s) of performance, look up appropriate county with above tools.
  2. Does your task fall within the scope of the DCSC contracts? Contracts are for Clerical Services only. The labor categories available are listed in the Department of Labor ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT AND CLERICAL OCCUPATIONS (01000 Series).

    The list is available on the Department of Labor web site.

    Work under the Contracts can be ordered only for the following Federal Supply Codes:

    • R603 (Administrative Services - Transcription)
    • R605 (Administrative Services - Library Services)
    • R607 (Administrative Services - Word Processing/Typing)
    • R609 (Administrative Services - Stenographic Services)
    • R612 (Administrative Services - Information Retrieval)
    • R614 (Administrative Services - Paper Shredding)
    • R699 (Other Administrative Support Services)
  3. Can the work be separated from your other requirements? Since work can be performed only by the DOL Admin and Clerical Occupations it must be separated from any other work needed. The other work must be contracted separately through other means.
  4. Prepare a Performance Based Statement Of Work.
  5. Find an Ordering Officer. See below. Please use the appropriate Ordering Office within your Service or have your Ordering Office request access from the Program Office. Army and Air Force Commands please contact your Service Action Officer listed below.
  6. Submit your requirement.
This page last updated: October 10, 2008
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