Pricing of Services

Resultant Task Orders will be a product of competitive offers among the Multiple Award Contract holders identified above, based on socio-economic restriction applicable to your specific order, if any. The underlying MA contracts were awarded competitively and each Vendor agreed to price any resultant orders at the not to exceed Maximum Markup rate, or lower, during the life of their contract. All pricing will be based on the minimum Department of Labor Wage Determination applicable to the specific place of performance in each Task Order plus the mark-up rate. Thus pricing efficiencies will be maximized during performance.


All types of funds may be used. These IDIQ contracts do not obligate any funds. Funds are obligated when an order is placed under a contract. Each authorized purchaser is obligated only to the extent of the order placed under a contract.

Period of Performance

The MA IDIQ contracts have a two year period of performance from 1 November 2006 through 31 October 2008. The contracts contain one three year option period from 1 November 2008 through 31 October 2011.

The period of performance of a Task Order awarded under the MA contracts may not exceed 5 years, including all options. However, the period of performance end date for any Task Order must be NLT the contract end date of 31 October 2011.

This page last updated: April 30, 2008
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