About Contingency Contracting


Contingency Contracting support has evolved from purchases not greater than the simplified threshold to defense procurement and interagency support of commodities, services, and construction for military operations and for other emergency relief activities such as Hurricane Katrina Relief. As a top priority, Defense Procurement (DPAP) is working on many fronts to ensure contingency contracting needs across the world are met. Our department has set two goals to meet this mission:

  1. Providing timely, streamlined policy and regulations along with standard training
  2. Ensuring the lessons learned and best practices are incorporated into emerging doctrine


Since 2001, DoD's contingency contracting environment has changed dramatically, mainly as a result of our reconstruction efforts in Iraq. Contingency contracting encompasses all contracting done in a contingency environment (declared and non declared), including stability operations, natural disasters and other calamitous events. DoD has also experienced an unprecedented reliance on contractors to support the force. Contractors are now called upon to fill a growing number of back office positions, provide front line support in contingencies, and help with the cradle-to-grave contracting process. Keeping pace with these dramatic changes while fighting a global war on terror is an on-going challenge the Department is addressing head-on.

The Way Ahead

Today, the Department is improving contingency contracting. Working in conjunction with senior procurement executives across the Federal Government, DPAP is taking the lead in the following initiatives:

  • Developing joint contingency contracting doctrine that addresses responsibility, authority, training, missions, and the creation and manning of Contingency Contracting Commands
  • Consolidating implementation of relevant laws and policies in FAR , DFARS, and PGI
  • Improving DoD business processes for contingency contracting
  • Advocating ideas for legislative initiatives that support accomplishment of the contingency contracting mission
  • Formulating a single training plan for contingency contracting operations
  • Joint Contingency Contracting Policy (JCCP)
  • Creating a Contingency Contracting Corps
  • Coordinating activities with other Government agencies to provide unity of effort
  • Maintaining an open, user-friendly source for studies, reports, and lessons learned
This page last updated: April 30, 2008
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