One of the most important elements of the AcqDemo project is the Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System, known as CCAS.

CCAS is the set of appraisal processes that measure an employee's contribution to the mission of his or her organization. For participants in the AcqDemo, it replaces the Title 5 Civil Service General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system.

The purpose of the Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) is to provide an equitable and flexible method for appraising and compensating the DoD acquisition workforce. It provides management, at the lowest practical level, the authority, control, and flexibility needed to achieve quality acquisition processes and quality products while developing a highly competent, motivated, and productive workforce. It allows for more employee involvement in the performance appraisal process, increases communication between supervisors and employees, promotes a clear accountability of contribution by each employee, facilitates employee pay progression tied to organizational contribution, and provides an understandable basis for salary changes.

CCAS is a contribution-based appraisal system that goes beyond a performance-based rating system. Thus, it measures the employee's contribution to the mission of the organization. Salary adjustment and award decisions are linked to, and based on employee contribution. CCAS provides a great deal of compensation flexibility: employees have the opportunity to earn a larger-than-average salary increase if their contribution justifies it. On the other hand, employees could earn a smaller increase, or no increase at all (except locality pay), if their contribution does not measure up. Under CCAS, employees are rewarded just as their contributions merit; those not contributing at the required level will have to do better in order to receive monetary rewards.

This section will tell you all about CCAS. Please choose one of the links on this page to learn more about this important intervention.

Appraisal Forms

The CCAS appraisal form provides a means to document contribution objectives, self-assessments (Part III), and supervisor assessments (Part II) all on one form.


The eCAS database allows employees to enter their contributions with a click from their desktop. eCAS collects all employee contributions categorically by factor for their review at the end of the appraisal cycle.

CCAS Software Description

The purpose of this section is to give you a very general idea of the two primary software tools used to support the CCAS process.

There are currently two software tools used by organizations participating in the AcqDemo. The first is an Oracle database and data maintenance application called CAS 2 Net. This application has two functions. First, it is used to store, retrieve, and modify the personnel records of all AcqDemo employees in each pay pool (think of a pay pool as an organization). Since it contains information protected by the Privacy Act, the database is secure - only a few selected individuals in each pay pool have passwords that allow them access to the data. The second function of CAS2Net is to provide support for supervisor assessments and the pay pool panel process. The application, which resides on a server at the US ARMY ALTESS, is accessed via the internet using a standard web browser.

The second tool is a Microsoft Excel application, called the CCAS Spreadsheet. Personnel records from CAS2Net are imported into the spreadsheet. Contribution scores can then be entered into the spreadsheet, which then computes contribution-based pay adjustments for all employees. The spreadsheet may be downloaded from CAS2Net by authorized data maintainers from each paypool.

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This page last updated: July 31, 2008
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