AT&L's Actions Taken

The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) has taken aggressive action to implement improvements in the oversight of key acquisition leaders in order to ensure the integrity of our acquisition processes.

Initially, the USD(AT&L) constructed a three-part plan to address concerns raised Darleen Druyun's plea agreement. This plan consisted of a Defense Science Board Task Force study, a Multi-Service/Agency Team review of contracts, and referral of two protests to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The results of this three part plan have led to a number of insights and changes that the Department is making to protect the integrity of acquisition decisions.

Cultural Changes - Top Down

Ethics is one of our most critical core values. The Secretary of Defense and the USD(AT&L) have articulated, in writing, the importance of ethics and integrity in everyday decision making in the Department, at all levels. Ethical lapses in the Department will not be tolerated.

The USD(AT&L) has written to the top 100 defense companies and the top defense trade associations, enlisting their support in placing ethics at the forefront of their vision and values.

The USD(AT&L) is working with others in the Department to institutionalize as SES orientation program that addresses the sustainment of an ethical culture. In addition, a Best Practices Clearing House is in progress which will provide easy reference and guidance to the acquisition workforce.

Checks & Balances/Leadership

Senior key leaders should participate in continuous learning and periodic self, staff and peer assessments. This is being enhanced in the Department by the initiation of a new 360 degree development tool for key acquisition leaders, which will provide information for self-improvement and periodic self-assessments.

In addition, special attention is being given to ensure that key acquisition leaders are assigned responsibilities in a way that protects our acquisition checks and balances by maintaining separation between execution and oversight.

Acquisition Process Reviews

Historically, the Department has reviewed acquisition programs, rather than the processes that support them. USD(AT&L) is considering the implementation of acquisition process reviews to ensure the efficacy of acquisition processes in our Military Departments and Defense Agencies.

In summary, the Department is instituting cultural changes to ensure ethics is a core value in every day decision making, enhancing the acquisition checks and balances for senior key acquisition leaders, and considering the implementation of Acquisition Process Reviews to ensure that the processes underpinning the Department's acquisition programs institutionalize proper oversight and the disciplines contained in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook.

This page last updated: April 30, 2008
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