CAIRS Log page

You can access the CAIRS Log page from the CAIRS Database Tools page by selecting the Logs hyperlink. Logs of accidents are generated from this page. (Note that a Logs hyperlink is available at the bottom of most pages in CAIRS. You can click on this hyperlink to return to the CAIRS Logs page.)

The CAIRS Log page displays the log selection area. Within the selection area users can choose the log type, organization, and accident date for the log generated by CAIRS.

REMEMBER THAT IF NO SELECTIONS ARE MADE, THE DEFAULTS WILL BE PROCESSED (i.e., all accidents for the previous 12 months for all organizations under the user's jurisdiction).

Once selections are made, they are processed by clicking on either the , , or command buttons.

When the Count Records command button is clicked, the system counts the number of cases selected and calculates the maximum number of days away from work (WDL), the maximum number of days restricted (WDLR), and the maximum total dollar loss reflected in the set of records specified by your criteria. The page is recreated with this summary information displayed at the top of the selection area, as shown in the figure below.

When the Make Log command button is clicked, the CAIRS log is generated and an html formated table is displayed on your screen (shown below). When the Unformated Table command button is click, the CAIRS log is generated and an ACSI text table is displayed on your screen.

The following information is displayed on the accident log:

Logs can also be printed or saved for future use.

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