Organizations are divided into nine operation types that define, in general terms, the type of work performed by the organization. The Operation Type is designated by the last character of the organization code. Selecting one of the Operation Type hyperlinks below will display a listing of all organization codes under the Operation Type.

(rev. 11/9/2006)

Government - 1

(Federal employees)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0501001 NNSA Service Center                       Y
0506001 Management Support Division               N
0510001 NNSA Amarillo Site Office                 Y
0520001 NNSA Nevada Site Office                   Y
0521001 NNSA Nevada Site Office                   N
0530001 Kansas City Site Office                   Y
0540001 NNSA Los Alamos Site Office               Y
0550001 Pinellas Area Office                      N
0558001 NNSA Y-12 Site Office                     Y
0560001 Grand Junction Project Office             N
0561001 Pittsburgh N.R. Office                    Y
0562001 Schenectady N.R. Office                   Y
0570001 NNSA Sandia Site Office                   Y
0580001 NNSA Livermore Site Office                Y
0582001 UMTRA Project Office                      N
0590001 WIPP Project Integration Office           N
0593001 Carlsbad Area Office                      N
0595001 NNSA Savannah River Site Office           N
0701001 Carlsbad Field Office                     Y
1000521 Ames Site Office                          Y
1000721 Argonne Site Office                       Y
1001021 Brookhaven Site Office                    Y
1001501 Chicago Office                            Y
1002001 Environmental Meas. Lab. - Research       N
1002521 Fermi Site Office                         Y
1004031 New Brunswick Laboratory - Research       N
1005021 Princeton Site Office                     Y
1504001 DOE Headquarters                          N
1505001 Albany Research Center                    N
1506001 DOE OSTI - Oak Ridge                      Y
1509521 Thomas Jefferson Site Office              Y
1704001 DOE Headquarters - Washington Area Only   Y
2012001 Bartlesville Project Office               N
2023001 Carbondale Coal Technology Laboratory     N
2025001 Grand Forks Project Office                N
2036001 Laramie Project Office                    N
2041001 National Energy Technology Lab - MGN      Y
2042001 National Energy Technology Lab - PGH      Y
2043001 National Petroleum Tech. Office -OK       Y
2045001 NETL - Albany Research Center             Y
2047501 Federal Energy Technology Center - MGN    N
2050001 Federal Energy Technology Center - PGH    N
2058501 Pittsburgh Research Center                N
2801001 Golden Field Office                       Y
3004001 Idaho Field Office                        Y
3060001 Grand Junction Project Office             N
3260001 DOE Grand Junction Office--LM             Y
3260011 DOE Grand Junction Office--EM             Y
3507501 Nevada Field Office                       N
3507521 Air Resources Laboratory                  N
3507531 Defense Nuclear Agency - Kirtland AFB     N
3507541 U.S. Department of Interior               N
3507551 Environmental Protection Agency (NERC)    N
4004501 Oak Ridge Office                          Y
4009521 Thomas Jefferson Site Office              N
4018001 NNSA Y-12 Area Office                     N
4500001 Ohio Field Office                         N
4510001 Miamisburg Closure Project (MCP)          N
4521001 Fernald Closure Project (FCP)             N
4530001 West Valley Demonstration Project Office  Y
4540001 Ashtabula Closure Project (ACP)           N
4550001 Columbus Closure Project (CCP)            N
4701001 Office of River Protection (ORP)          Y
5015001 Naval Petroleum Reserves - Wyoming        Y
5024501 Naval Facilities Eng. Command             N
5025001 Naval Petroleum Reserves - California     N
6007001 Pittsburgh N.R. Office                    N
6200001 Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office         Y
6501001 Alaska Power Administration               N
6502001 Bonneville Power Administration           N
6507001 Southeastern Power Administration         Y
6507501 Southwestern Power Administration         Y
6509001 Western Area Power Administration         Y
7500521 Pacific Northwest Site Office             Y
7506001 Richland Field Office                     Y
7700001 Rocky Flats Office                        N
8003201 Berkeley Site Office                      Y
8007001 Oakland Field Office                      N
8008201 Stanford Site Office                      Y
8502001 General Services Administration           N
8503001 S.R. Army Corps of Engineers              Y
8505001 S.R. Forest Station                       Y
8505501 Savannah River Field Office               Y
9009001 Schenectady N.R. Office                   N
9501001 SSC Project Office                        N
9607001 SPR Project Management Office             Y
9701001 Yucca Mountain Project Office             Y
9708001 U.S. Geological Survey - Yucca            Y

Production - 2

(Routine and/or production type work)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0515002 BWXT - Amarillo                           Y
0531002 Honeywell FM&T/KC Production              Y
0553002 Martin Marietta Specialty Components      N
0558102 BWXT, LLC  Y-12                           Y
0595102 Westinghouse S. R. - NNSA                 N
3004402 BBWI - AMWTP                              Y
3005002 ICP - BBWI - Production                   N
3005012 INL - BEA, LLC - Production               Y
3005202 Lockheed Envir. Systems & Tech.           N
3006002 ICP - CWI - Projects                      Y
4002502 Martin Marietta (Portsmouth)              N
4003502 Magnagard, Inc.                           N
4003602 Isotek (Bldg 3019)                        Y
4004002 Ashland Synthetic Fuels                   N
4004602 Foster Wheeler                            Y
4005002 RMI Company                               N
4006002 Bechtel Jacobs - ETTP                     Y
4006012 USEC - ETTP                               N
4006302 British Nuclear Fuels, Limited (BNFL)     N
4007002 Martin Marietta (Paducah)                 N
4008002 Lockheed Martin Energy Systems (Y-12)     N
4018102 BWXT, LLC  Y-12                           N
4516002 CH2M Hill - Mound                         N
4523702 Fluor Fernald - FEMP                      Y
7505012 Babcock Wilcox Hanford                    N
7507002 Rockwell Hanford Operations               N
7508502 United Nuclear Industries                 N
7509002 Westinghouse Hanford Production           N
7509012 Westinghouse Hanford Co. (RHO-UORS only)  N
7509022 Westinghouse Hanford Co. (UNC-UORS only)  N
7509032 Westinghouse Hanford Co.(HEDL-UORS only)  N
7707002 EG&G Rocky Flats                          N
7707012 Precision Forge                           N
7707202 EG&G RF - Oxnard Facility                 N
7712002 Kaiser-Hill Oxnard                        N
8501002 Westinghouse Savannah River Co.           Y

Research - 3

(Research type work such as laboratories and universities)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0521503 Bechtel Nevada - Special Tech. Lab        Y
0544003 Los Alamos National Laboratory            Y
0561203 Duquesne Light Company                    N
0561803 Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (BAPL)               Y
0561903 Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (NRF)                Y
0562403 LM-KAPL - Kesselring                      Y
0562503 LM-KAPL - Knolls                          Y
0562703 LM-KAPL - Windsor                         N
0575003 Inhalation Toxicology Research Inst.      N
0578003 Sandia National Laboratory                Y
0580403 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory    Y
0580503 Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab  - Nevada     Y
0702003 Los Alamos National Lab - WIPP            N
0704003 Sandia National Lab - WIPP                N
0705003 CBFO Technical Assistance Contractor      N
1000503 Ames Laboratory (Iowa State)              Y
1000703 Argonne National Laboratory - East        Y
1000713 Argonne National Laboratory - West        N
1000903 Battelle Memorial Institute - Columbus    N
1001003 Brookhaven National Laboratory            Y
1002503 Fermilab                                  Y
1003503 C.E. Lummus                               N
1004003 University of Tennessee                   N
1004023 Michigan State Univ. -Plant Research Lab  N
1004043 Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory           N
1004053 Radiobiology Laboratory at Utah           N
1004503 Mass. Inst. of Tech.                      N
1005003 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory       Y
1005503 REFCOM Waste Management                   N
1009103 Westinghouse Advanced Reactor Division    N
1009203 Westinghouse Electro Mechanical           N
1509503 Thomas Jefferson Nat                      Y
2012073 BDM-Oklahoma                              N
2025003 Grand Forks E.T.C. Subs                   N
2041003 NETL University Colaboration              Y
2052503 Boeing Services International             N
2056003 Western Environmental Technology Office   N
2057003 Gilbert/Commonwealth, Inc.                N
2806003 National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)      Y
3002003 Eaton Operating Company, Inc.             N
3003103 EG&G Idaho Research Subcontractors        N
3005003 INL - BEA, LLC - Research                 Y
3501503 Bechtel Nevada - Special Tech. Lab        N
3506003 Holmes & Narver, ESD Subs                 N
3507003 John A. Blume & Assoc. Eng.               N
3508703 Science Applications Internt              N
4000503 Airesearch                                N
4001503 CEER, Puerto Rico                         N
4002003 Comparative Animal Research               N
4004203 Oak Ridge Inst. for Sci. & Educ (ORISE)   Y
4006503 UT Battelle (ORNL)                        Y
4009503 Thomas Jefferson Nat                      N
6002003 Duquesne Light Company                    N
6008003 Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (BAPL)               N
6009003 Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (NRF)                N
7500503 Battelle Memorial Institute (PNL)         Y
7502003 Westinghouse Hanford Company              N
7509003 Westinghouse Hanford Research             N
8001003 Boeing North American , Inc ---Research   Y
8001013 Rockwell International, Atomics Int       N
8003003 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Y
8004003 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory    N
8005003 Lawrence Livermore Nat                    N
8007503 Southern California - Edison              N
8008003 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center        Y
8501503 Du Pont Research                          N
8509003 Univ. of Georgia Ecology Laboratory       Y
8509103 Univ of S.C. - Inst. of Arch. & Anthr.    Y
9004003 LM-KAPL - Kesselring                      N
9005003 LM-KAPL - Knolls                          N
9007003 LM-KAPL - Windsor                         N
9508003 SSC Laboratory                            N
9703003 National Laboratories - Yucca             Y

Services - 4

(Plant and facility service and maintenance)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0501004 NNSA Service Center Service Subs          Y
0514004 Battelle - Pantex                         N
0515004 BWXT - Subcontractor---Aramark            Y
0521104 Bechtel Nevada - Amador Valley            Y
0521204 Bechtel Nevada - Las Vegas                Y
0521214 B.N. - Las Vegas Subcontractors           N
0521304 Bechtel Nevada - Los Alamos               Y
0521604 Bechtel Nevada - Washington Aerial Meas.  Y
0529054 Westinghouse Electric Corp. - NV          N
0531004 Honeywell FM&T/KC Services                Y
0531014 Hnywell Subs - American Food and Vending  Y
0531024 Honeywell Subs- Burns & McDonnell         Y
0532004 Honeywell FM&T/NM Services (Kirtland)     Y
0540004 Los Alamos Office Service Subs            N
0544004 Los Alamos National Lab Service Subs      N
0544904 Johnson Controls, Inc.                    Y
0553004 Martin Marietta - Pinellas Service Subs   N
0558104 BWXT, LLC  Y-12 Service  Contractors      Y
0558904 Wackenhut Service Subs - NNSA Y-12        N
0560504 RUST Geotech, Inc.                        N
0560704 WASTREN                                   N
0560714 WASTREN Subcontractors                    N
0561054 Westinghouse Plant Apparatus Division     N
0561804 Bechtel (BAPL) Service Subs               Y
0561904 Bechtel (NRF) Service Subs                Y
0561914 Newport News Reactor Services             N
0562404 LM-KAPL - Kesselring Service Subs         Y
0562504 LM-KAPL - Knolls Service Subs             Y
0562704 LM-KAPL - Windsor Service Subs            N
0577004 Ross Aviation, Inc.                       N
0578004 Sandia Lab Service Subs                   Y
0580404 Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Services    Y
0580414 LLNL Service Subcontractors               Y
0580424 LLNL Plant Services                       N
0582004 MK-Ferguson Subs - UMTRA                  N
0583004 Jacobs-Weston Team                        N
0593004 Carlsbad Area Misc. Contractors           N
0593104 Westinghouse - WIPP                       N
0593114 Westinghouse - WIPP Subcontractors        N
0701004 Carlsbad Misc. Service Contractors        N
0703104 Washington TRU Solutions, LLC - WIPP      Y
0703114 WTS Subcontractors - WIPP                 Y
0703124 WTS - Small Subs                          Y
0703134 WIPP Vendors                              Y
1000704 Argonne-East Service Subcontractors       Y
1001004 BNL Service Subcontractors                Y
1001024 Brookhaven Site Office Support Services   Y
1001504 Chicago Operations Support Services       Y
1002504 Fermilab Service Subcontractors           Y
1003504 C.E. Lummus                               N
1005004 PPPL Service Subcontractors               N
1503004 Computer Data Services, Inc.              N
1506004 OSTI Service Contracts                    Y
1509504 Jefferson Labs. Service Subs.             Y
1509524 TJ Site Office - Service Subs             Y
1704004 DOE Hq - WAO Service Subs                 Y
2041004 NETL - MGN Subcontractors                 N
2041204 EG&G Technical Services of W.V.           Y
2041304 Pace Tec                                  Y
2041404 D.N. America                              N
2041504 Energy & Environmental Solutions, LLC     N
2042004 NETL - PGH Subcontractors                 N
2042104 Concurrent Technologies Corp.             N
2042114 Coleman Research Corp.                    N
2042204 Parsons Power                             Y
2042304 SAIC - PGH                                Y
2042404 Trilogic                                  N
2042604 TJR Enterprises - Maintenance             Y
2043004 NPTO Subcontractors                       Y
2044014 Goldbelt Eagle                            Y
2044024 Performance Results Corp                  Y
2044034 RSIS                                      Y
2044044 ProLogic                                  Y
2044054 Technical & Management Services           Y
2047504 F.E.T.C. - MGN Service Subs               N
2048004 EG&G Technical Services of W.V.           N
2050004 F.E.T.C. - PGH Service Subs               N
2057004 Gilbert/Commonwealth Subs                 N
2058504 Pittsburgh SpaceMark, Inc. Subs.          N
3003104 EG&G Idaho Service Subcontractors         N
3004004 Idaho Office Service Subs                 N
3004404 BBWI Service Subs                         Y
3005004 INL - BEA, LLC - Services                 Y
3005014 BBWI Service Subcontractors               N
3005024 LITCO Subcontractor - Coleman             N
3005034 LITCO Subcontractor - Parsons             N
3005044 INL - BEA, Sub/Systems 1                  Y
3005054 INL - BEA, Sub - Telstar                  Y
3005064 INL - BEA, Sub - Red Inc.                 Y
3005074 INL - BEA, Sub - Nuclear Placement ServiceY
3006004 ICP - CWI - Subcontractors                Y
3060504 RUST Geotech, Inc.                        N
3060634 Stoller Service Subs - WSSRAP             N
3060704 WASTREN                                   N
3060714 WASTREN Subcontractors                    N
3260634 Stoller Service Subs - WSSRAP             N
3501104 Bechtel Nevada - Amador Valley            N
3501204 Bechtel Nevada - Las Vegas                N
3501214 B.N. - Las Vegas Subcontractors           N
3501304 Bechtel Nevada - Los Alamos               N
3501604 Bechtel Nevada - Washington Aerial Meas.  N
3502004 Computer Sciences Corporation             N
3502504 EG&G Kirtland                             N
3502804 EG&G Special Technologies Laboratories    N
3502904 EG&G Washington D.C.                      N
3503004 EG&G Las Vegas                            N
3503504 EG&G Los Alamos                           N
3504004 EG&G Amador Valley Operations             N
3504504 EG&G Santa Barbara                        N
3505004 Fenix & Scisson, Inc. Service Subs        N
3505104 Stoller-Navarro                           Y
3505114 IT Corporation Subcontractors             N
3506004 Raytheon Services - Nevada                N
3506014 Holmes & Narver, Inc., ESD Services       N
3506024 Raytheon Services Subcontractors          N
3507104 Johnson Controls World Services Inc.      N
3507414 EG&G Woburn                               N
3507424 EG&G Andrews AFB                          N
3507434 KMS Fusion                                N
3507444 Naval Research Lab                        N
3507454 SAI of Las Vegas                          N
3507464 U of Rochester                            N
3507514 Nevada Miscellaneous Contractors          N
3508004 Nye County Sheriff                        N
3508504 Reynolds Elec. & Engr. Co. Services       N
3509504 Westinghouse Electric Corp. - NV          N
4000804 American Museum of Science & Energy       N
4000814 American Museum of S. & E. Subcontract    N
4001004 East Tenn. Mechanical Contractor          N
4001044 East Tennessee Mech. Contr Subs           N
4002504 M.M. Portsmouth Subcontractors            N
4004204 ORISE Service Subs                        Y
4004504 Oak Ridge Office Subs/Services            Y
4004704 Bechtel National, Inc. - (FUSRAP)         N
4006004 BJC/OR Service Subs                       Y
4006104 M&EC Service Subcontractors               N
4006304 BNFL Service Subcontractors               N
4006404 DRS Service Subcontractors                N
4006504 UT Battelle ORNL Service Subs             Y
4007004 M.M. Paducah Service Subs                 N
4007504 Wackenhut Services Subcontractors - OR    N
4008004 LMES Y-12 Service Subcontractors          N
4009004 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Services        N
4009504 Jefferson Labs. Service Subs.             N
4018104 BWXT, LLC  Y-12 Service  Contractors      N
4018904 Wackenhut Service Subs - NNSA Y-12        N
4500004 Ohio Office Service Contractor            N
4516004 CH2M Hill - Mound Service Subs            N
4521004 FEMP Office Service Subcontractors        N
4523704 Fluor Fernald Service Vendors             Y
4530004 West Valley Project Service Contractor    Y
4539004 West Valley Nuclear Services, Inc.        Y
4539014 West Valley Nuclear Serv. - Service Subs  Y
4539024 WVNS Subcontractors - URS                 Y
4539034 WVNS Subcontractors - ACTS                Y
4540004 Ashtabula Project Service Contractor      N
4550004 Columbus Project Service Contractor       N
4700814 BNI-WTP Service Subcontractors            Y
4701014 ORP Service Subcontractors                N
4702004 Advance Technology Laboratories           Y
4707104 CH2M HILL Hanford Group                   Y
4707114 CH2M HILL Service Subs - ORP              Y
5025104 NPRC Miscellaneous Contractors            N
6007504 Westinghouse Plant Apparatus Division     N
6008004 Bechtel (BAPL) Service Subs               N
6009004 Bechtel (NRF) Service Subs                N
6009014 Newport News Reactor Services             N
6200004 Uranium Disposition Services--Lexington OfY
6202204 Theta Pro2Serve Management Co             Y
6202214 Theta Pro2Serve Management Co -- Subs     Y
6202304 LATA/Parralax Portsmouth, LLC             Y
6202504 Bechtel Jacobs - Portsmouth               Y
6202514 BJ Portsmouth - Subs                      Y
6203004 Paducah Remediation Services              Y
6203014 PRS - Subs                                Y
6203204 Swift & Staley Mech. Contr. Inc (Pad)     Y
7500504 Battelle -PNL- Subs                       N
7501004 Boeing Computer Services                  N
7501504 Fenix & Scisson - Hanford                 N
7501904 Johnson Controls, Inc. - RL               Y
7502504 Advance Med Hanford                       Y
7502514 HPM Corporation                           N
7503004 Kaiser Engineers Hanford - Operations     N
7505004 Fluor Daniel - Hanford                    Y
7505024 Waste Management Fed. Services - Hanford  N
7505034 Duke Engineering Services Hanford         N
7505044 NUMATEC Hanford                           N
7505054 Lockheed Martin Hanford                   N
7505064 Dyncorp Hanford                           N
7505094 Hanford Service Subcontractors            Y
7506004 Richland Operations Misc. Contracts       Y
7506014 Richland Operations - Unitech             N
7506024 Richland Operations - Westech             N
7509004 Westinghouse Hanford Services             N
7509104 Westinghouse Hanford Service Subs         N
7707004 Rocky Mountain Managment Group            N
7711004 Kaiser-Hill RFETS                         N
7713004 DynCorp - RF                              N
7713104 CSS - RF                                  N
7714004 RMRS - RF                                 N
7715004 SSOC - RF                                 N
7717004 Misc. Rocky Flats Service Subs            N
7717014 Rocky Flats Service Sub - Navarro         N
8003004 Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Services       Y
8003014 LBNL Service Subcontractors               Y
8004004 Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Services    N
8004014 LLNL Service Subcontractors               N
8004024 LLNL Plant Services                       N
8007004 Oakland Office Service Subs               N
8008004 Stanford Linear Accel. Center - Services  N
8008014 SLAC Service Subcontractors               Y
8500204 American Telephone & Telegraph            N
8501004 Service America                           N
8501014 Westinghouse S.R. Subcontractors          Y
8501024 Diversco                                  N
8501034 Industrial Phases - SR                    N
8505004 SRFS Service Subcontractors               Y
8506004 S.R. Timber Operators                     Y
8507004 Miscellaneous DOE Contractors - SR        Y
8507504 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel.                 N
8509504 Wackenhut Services Subcontractors - SR    Y
9004004 LM-KAPL - Kesselring Service Subs         N
9005004 LM-KAPL - Knolls Service Subs             N
9007004 LM-KAPL - Windsor Service Subs            N
9508004 SSC Lab Service Subcontractors            N
9606514 DynMcDermott Service Subcontractors       Y
9607404 SPR Service Subcontractors                Y
9609504 Williams, Fenix & Scisson                 N
9701004 Yucca Mountain Service Subcontractors     Y
9702004 EG&G - Yucca Mountain                     N
9703004 Lawrence Livermore Lab - Yucca            N
9703504 Los Alamos National Lab - Yucca           N
9703704 MACTEC - Yucca Mtn. Project               N
9706004 Sandia National Lab - Yucca               N
9707004 Science Applications Internat             N
9707704 Bechtel SAIC Co., LLC (BSC) - YM          Y
9707714 BSC Yucca Service Subcontractors          Y

Cost Plus Construction - 5

(Construction contracted on a cost plus basis)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0501005 Albuquerque Office Subs (SAIC)            N
0521405 Bechtel Nevada - NTS                      Y
0540005 Los Alamos Office Cost Constr. Subs       N
0544905 Johnson Controls Subcontractors           N
0558105 BWXT, LLC  Y-12 Construction Contractors  Y
0560605 MACTEC - ERS                              N
0561005 Pittsburgh Office Cost Constr. Subs       N
0561905 W.E. (NRF) Subs                           N
0562205 General Dynamics, W. Milton               N
0562305 General Dynamics, MARF                    N
0562405 Gen. Dynam. - Kesselring -Electric Boat   Y
0562705 LM-KAPL - Windsor - Electric Boat         N
0580405 LLNL Cost Constr. Subs                    N
0582005 MK-Ferguson Co. - UMTRA                   N
0582105 MK-Ferguson Subcontractors - UMTRA        N
1001005 BNL Cost Constr. Subcontractors           N
1002505 Fermilab Cost Constr. Subcontractors      Y
3001005 Catalytic Inc.                            N
3004605 Jones/Boecon Co.                          N
3004805 Kaiser Engineering - ID                   N
3005005 ICP - BBWI - Construction                 N
3005505 MK-Ferguson Company - ID                  N
3006005 ICP - CWI - Support                       Y
3060605 Stoller Corp.                             N
3060635 Stoller Cost Constr Subs - WSSRAP         N
3260605 SM Stoller - EM                           Y
3260615 SM Stoller - LM                           Y
3260625 SM Stoller - Misc                         Y
3260635 Stoller Cost Constr Subs - WSSRAP         N
3501405 Bechtel Nevada - NTS                      N
3505105 Stroller-Navarro Construction             N
3506505 Raytheon Services /PO                     N
3508505 Reynolds Elec. & Engr. Co. - NTS          N
3508515 Reynolds Elec. & Engr. Co. - TTR          N
3508525 Reynolds Elec. & Engr. Co. - Systems      N
4004505 MK-Ferguson at SSC                        N
4004705 Bechtel (FUSRAP) Costr. Subs              N
4005105 Lockheed Martin/MK-Ferguson Co.           N
4005505 Rust Engineering Company                  N
4006005 LMES K-25 Subcontractors                  N
4006105 M&EC - Oak Ridge                          N
4006305 BNFL - Oak Ridge                          N
4006405 Parallax, Inc.                            N
4009005 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Cost Constr.    N
4018105 BWXT, LLC  Y-12 Construction Contractors  N
4542005 RMI Environmental Services                N
4551005 Battelle Memorial Institute - CEMPO       N
4700805 Bechtel National Inc. - WTP (BNTNL)       Y
6007005 Pittsburgh Office Cost Constr. Subs       N
6009005 W.E. (NRF) Subs                           N
6202105 Uranium Disposition Servcs - Portsmouth   Y
6203105 Uranium Disposition Servcs - Paducah      Y
7500605 Washington Closure Hanford, LLC           Y
7500705 Bechtel Power Co.                         N
7501805 General Electric, Shippingport            N
7503005 Kaiser Engineers Hanford - Cost Const     N
7504505 Morrison Knudsen Co., Inc. - RL           N
7506005 Richland Office Subs                      N
7508005 UE&C - Catalytic, Inc. (UCAT)             N
7508805 US Corps of Engineers - RL                N
7700005 Rocky Flats Office Cost Constr. Subs      N
7707005 J. A. Jones - Rocky Flats                 N
8004005 LLNL Cost Constr. Subs                    N
8009005 Separations Process Research Unit         Y
8500505 Bechtel Construction - SR                 Y
8505005 SRFS Construction Subcontractors          Y
8505515 SR Construction - Legin                   Y
8505525 SR Construction - Parsons                 Y
9002005 General Dynamics, W. Milton               N
9003005 General Dynamics, MARF                    N
9004005 Gen. Dynam. - Kesselring -Electric Boat   N
9007005 LM-KAPL - Windsor - Electric Boat         N
9508005 SSC Lab Cost Constr. Subcontractors       N
9606515 DynMcDermott Cost Constr. Subs            N
9705005 Reynolds Elec. & Engr. Co. - Yucca        N
9705015 Kiewit/PB - Yucca Mtn Project             N
9705025 REECo Misc Subcontractors - Yucca         N

Lump Sum Construction - 6

(Construction contracted on a lump sum basis)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0501006 NNSA Service Center Construction Subs     N
0506006 Management Support Div. Subs              N
0510006 Amarillo Office Subs--Cruz                N
0515006 BWXT Subcontractors                       Y
0521416 B.N. - NTS Subcontractors                 Y
0530006 KC Site Office - Const                    N
0531006 Honeywell FM&T/KC Lump Constr.            Y
0540006 Los Alamos Office Lump Constr. Subs       N
0544006 Los Alamos National Lab Constr. Subs      Y
0553006 Martin Marietta - Pinellas Constr. Subs   N
0558006 Y-12 Site Office Subcontractors           Y
0558106 LMES Y-12 Constr. Subcontractors          N
0560506 RUST Geotech Subcontractors               N
0560616 MACTEC - ERS Subcontractors               N
0561006 Pittsburgh Office Lump Constr. Subs       N
0561806 Bechtel (BAPL) Constr. Subs               Y
0561906 Bechtel (NRF) Constr. Subs                Y
0562406 LM-KAPL - Kesselring Constr. Subs         Y
0562506 LM-KAPL - Knolls Constr. Subs             Y
0562516 Knolls - SPRU                             N
0562706 LM-KAPL - Windsor Constr. Subs            N
0570006 Kirtland Area Office Subs                 N
0578006 Sandia Lab Constr. Subs                   Y
0580406 LLNL Lump Constr. Subs                    N
0580416 LLNL Construction Subcontractors          Y
1000706 Argonne-East Subcontractors               Y
1000716 Argonne-West Subcontractors               N
1001006 BNL Lump Constr. Subcontractors           Y
1001606 Chicago Office Subs                       N
1002506 Fermilab Lump Constr. Subcontractors      Y
1005006 PPPL Lump Constr. Subcontractors          N
1504506 DOE Office Subs                           N
1509506 Jefferson Labs. Construction Subs.        Y
2041606 NETL Construction                         Y
2042606 TJR Enterprises - Construction            N
2047506 F.E.T.C. - MGN Constr. Subs               N
2050006 F.E.T.C. - PGH Constr. Subs               N
2058506 Pittsburgh SSI Construction Subs.         N
2806006 NREL Construction Subcontractors          Y
3001006 Catalytic Operations Inc. (All Subs)      N
3003106 EG&G Idaho Lump Constr. Subs              N
3004006 Idaho Office Constr. Subs                 N
3004506 Jelcom                                    N
3005016 ICP - BBWI - Construction Subs            N
3005206 LESAT Subcontractors                      N
3006016 ICP - CWI - Construction Subs             Y
3060506 RUST Geotech Subcontractors               N
3060616 Stoller Corp. Subcontractors              N
3060636 Stoller Lump Constr Subs - WSSRAP         N
3260606 SM Stoller Subs - EM                      Y
3260616 SM Stoller Subs - LM                      Y
3260626 SM Stoller - Misc Subs                    Y
3260636 Stoller Lump Constr Subs - WSSRAP         N
3501416 B.N. - NTS Subcontractors                 N
3505506 Guy Jones                                 N
4002506 M.M. Portsmouth Subcontractors            N
4004206 ORISE Constr. Subs                        N
4004506 MK-Ferguson at SSC Subcontractors         N
4004706 Bechtel (FUSRAP) Lump Constr. Subs        N
4005106 LMES/MK-Ferguson Subcontractors           N
4005506 Rust Engineering Subs                     N
4006006 BJC/OR Construction Subs                  N
4006106 M&EC Construction Subcontractors          N
4006306 BNFL Construction Subcontractors          N
4006406 Parallax Construction Subcontractors      N
4006506 UT Battelle ORNL Constr Subs              Y
4006566 UT Battelle ORNL/SNS Constr Subs          Y
4007006 M.M. Paducah Constr. Subs                 N
4008006 LMES Y-12 Constr. Subcontractors          N
4009006 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Lump Constr.    N
4009506 Jefferson Labs. Construction Subs.        N
4510006 MEMP Office Subs                          N
4516006 CH2M Hill - Mound Const Subs              N
4523706 Fluor Fernald Constr. Subcontractors      Y
4539016 West Valley Nuclear Serv. - Const. Subs   Y
4542016 RMI Environmental Services Const. Subs    N
4551016 Battelle Memorial Inst. - CEMPO Subs      N
4700816 BNI-WTP Construction Subcontractors       Y
4707116 CH2M HILL Construction Subs - ORP         Y
5024506 Naval Facilities Eng. Command Constr.     N
6007006 Pittsburgh Office Lump Constr. Subs       N
6008006 Bechtel (BAPL) Constr. Subs               N
6009006 Bechtel (NRF) Constr. Subs                N
6202106 UDS - Portsmouth Subs                     Y
6203106 UDS - Paducah Subs                        Y
6509006 W.A. Power Administration Subs            N
7500616 Washington Closure - Lump Construction    Y
7501806 G.E. - Shippingport Subs                  N
7503006 Kaiser Engineers Hanford - Lump Const     N
7504506 Morrison Knudsen Co., Inc. - RL           N
7505096 Hanford Construction Subcontractors       Y
7508006 UCAT Subcontractors - RL                  N
7508806 US Corps of Engr Subs - RL                N
7509106 Westinghouse Hanford Lump Const Subs      N
7700006 Rocky Flats Office Lump Constr. Subs      N
7707006 EG&G Rocky Flats Subcontractors           N
7717006 Misc. Rocky Flats Lump Constr. Subs       N
8001006 Boeing North America Inc.--Construction   Y
8003006 Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Construction   N
8003016 LBNL Construction Subcontractors          Y
8004006 LLNL Lump Constr. Subs                    N
8004016 LLNL Construction Subcontractors          N
8007006 Oakland Office Constr. Subs               N
8008006 Stanford Linear Accel. Center - Construc  N
8008016 SLAC Construction Subcontractors          Y
8500516 Misc. S.R.S. Const. Subcontractors        Y
8505516 SR Construction - Krog                    Y
8505526 SR Construction - Parsons Subcontractors  Y
9004006 LM-KAPL - Kesselring Constr. Subs         N
9005006 LM-KAPL - Knolls Constr. Subs             N
9007006 LM-KAPL - Windsor Constr. Subs            N
9508006 SSC Lab Lump Constr. Subcontractors       N
9601006 Gregory & Cook / Reading & Bates - SPR    N
9602006 Michael Curran - SPR                      N
9606006 Ebasco Constructors Inc. - SPR            N
9606516 DynMcDermott Lump Constr. Subs            Y
9607506 SPR Construction Subcontractors           Y
9608006 Thacker Construction                      N
9609506 W.F.& S. Monitored Contracts              N
9707716 BSC Yucca Construction Subs               Y

Architectural/Engineering - 7

(Architectural/Engineering activities)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0530007 KC Site Office - Arch/Engr                N
0540007 Los Alamos Office Arch/Engr Subs          N
1003007 Giffels Associates, Inc.                  N
3004007 Idaho Office Arch/Engr Subs               N
3005007 Bechtel BWXT Idaho (BBWI) - Arch./Eng.    N
3007007 Ralph M. Parsons Co.                      N
3060637 Stoller Arch/Engr Subs - WSSRAP           N
3260637 Stoller Arch/Engr Subs - WSSRAP           N
3505007 Fenix & Scisson, Inc. Arch/Engr Subs      N
3506007 Holmes & Narver, Inc., ESD Arch/Engr      N
4004507 Oak Ridge Office Subs - Arch/Engr         N
4004707 Bechtel (FUSRAP) Arch/Engr Subs           N
4009007 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Arch/Engr       N
4510007 Miamisburg Office Subs                    N
7503007 Kaiser Engineers Hanford - Arch./Eng.     N
7507507 Stone & Webster Engr. - RL                N
7507517 Stone & Webster Subcontractors - RL       N
7700007 Rocky Flats Office Arch/Engr Subs         N
8008007 SLAC Arch/Engr Subcontractors             N
9508007 SSC Lab Arch/Engr Subcontractors          N
9607407 SPR Arch/Engr Subcontractors              N
9704007 Raytheon Services Nevada - Yucca          N

Oil & Gas - 8

(Drilling for or storing of petroleum products)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
5014008 Navarro Research and Engineering Inc.     Y
5014108 Fluor Daniel (NPOSR) Subcontractors       N
5015008 Fenix & Scisson - Wyoming                 N
5015018 NPOSR Misc. Contractors                   Y
5027008 Bechtel Petroleum Oper. Inc. - Calif.     N
5027108 Bechtel Petroleum Subs - Calif.           N
9606508 DynMcDermott Petroleum Operation Co.      Y
9606518 DynMcDermott Oil & Gas Subs               N

Security - 9

(Security and protective forces)

CODE      ORGANIZATION                         ACTIVE
0502009 Albuquerque Transportation Division       Y
0502019 Wackenhut Services - TSD                  Y
0502209 DOE Central Training Academy              Y
0515009 BWXT Security                             Y
0529009 Wackenhut Services, Inc. - NV             Y
0531009 Honeywell FM&T/KC Security                Y
0544809 Protection Technologies Los Alamos        Y
0553009 Martin Marietta - Pinellas Security       N
0558909 Wackenhut Services - NNSA Y-12 Security   Y
0561809 BAPL Security Forces                      Y
0561909 NRF Security Forces                       Y
0562409 LM-KAPL - Kesselring Security Forces      Y
0562509 LM-KAPL - Knolls Security Forces          Y
0562709 LM-KAPL - Windsor Security Forces         N
0578009 Sandia Security Forces                    Y
0580409 Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Security    Y
0593109 Day & Zimmerman Security Force            N
0703109 Santa Fe Protective Services (WIPP)       Y
1000709 Argonne-East Security Force               Y
1000719 Argonne-West Security Force               N
1001009 BNL Security Forces                       Y
1001509 Chicago Operations Security Forces        N
1002509 Fermilab Security Subcontractors          Y
1504509 Worldwide Security - HQ                   Y
2041909 Ameritex                                  Y
2042909 Scott and Sons                            N
3005009 INL - BEA, LLC - Security                 Y
3060639 Stoller Security - WSSRAP                 N
3260639 Stoller Security - WSSRAP                 N
3509009 Wackenhut Services, Inc. - NV             N
4002509 M.M. Portsmouth Security Forces           N
4004509 Oak Ridge Office Security Forces          N
4007009 M.M. Paducah Security Forces              N
4007509 Wackenhut Services - OR Security          Y
4008009 Lockheed Martin Security Forces           N
4009009 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP Security)        N
4018909 Wackenhut Services - NNSA Y-12 Security   N
4516009 CH2M Hill - Mound Security                N
4523709 Fluor Fernald Security Forces             Y
4539009 West Valley Nuclear Services - Security   Y
5014109 NPR#3 Security Forces                     N
5027009 BPOI - Security Forces                    N
6008009 BAPL Security Forces                      N
6009009 NRF Security Forces                       N
7501809 Security Bureau, Inc. - Shippingport      N
7505099 Hanford Security                          Y
7506009 Benton County Sheriff                     N
7507009 Rockwell Hanford Security Forces          N
7509009 Westinghouse Hanford Security             N
7707009 EG&G Rocky Flats Security Forces          N
7709009 Wackenhut Services - Rocky Flats          N
7716009 Wackenhut Services - Rocky Flats          N
8003009 LBNL Security Forces                      N
8004009 Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Security    N
8007009 Oakland Security Forces                   N
8509509 Wackenhut Services, Inc. - SR             Y
9004009 LM-KAPL - Kesselring Security Forces      N
9005009 LM-KAPL - Knolls Security Forces          N
9007009 LM-KAPL - Windsor Security Forces         N
9606509 DUCI Security Forces                      N
9609009 Protective Services - SPRO                Y

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