CAIRS Environment, Safety and Health

Announcements (Rev. 09/10/07)
Organization Codes (Rev. 09/10/07)
Standard Reports (Rev. 03/07/08)


September 2007


Effective September 10, 2007, the following new features are available for CAIRS.

Addition of Sub-Level Codes
A new field has been added to the CAIRS system labeled "Sub-Level Codes", which allows reporting organizations 
to distinguish and compare performance of various groupings of the workforce.
CAIRS Homepage
CAIRS can collect case information for injuries/illnesses to employees of subcontractors who are exempt 
from reporting requirements, e.g., vending machine supplier.  This information is collected for information 
purposes only.   Cases can be submitted partially complete and these cases are not factored into the 
injury/illness recordable case rates.  A new link has been added to the CAIRS Homepage for "Non-Reportable 
Subcontractor Data".  From this link you can use various selection boxes to view a Log of these cases and 
view the entire report.

CAIRS Database Modules/Search and Distribution/Create Search
The CAIRS Search Selections screen has been modified to include an additional search option, number 87 for 
the Subcontractor/Sub-level Code.   This option allows users' to identify the subcontractor/sub-level 
organization.  Also, the design of the CAIRS Search Selections screen has been changed to include processing 
buttons at the top and bottom of the screen.  

CAIRS Database Modules/Search and Distribution/Create Search/CAIRS Adhoc Reports
Each of the adhoc reports have been modified to add "subcontractor/sub-level code" as an option.

CAIRS Data Input Modules
The organization code names and numbers appearing in drop-down lists and on reports now include the organization 
code with the sub-level code extension.  

The case input form has been modified to indicate that the social security number should not be used for the ID 
number.  The data field size has been change to accept 7 characters only.

September 2004


Effective September 25, 2004, the following new features are available for CAIRS:

CAIRS Homepage           

  Logon Message indicates the total number of cases in both the "workspace" and "production" 
                          and the number of new or revised cases that have been added since the last logon.  

  Shortcut to Workspace allows authorized users direct access to cases ready for review, update, or approval.  
                          Provided through a link in the system message on the CAIRS homepage.

  Shortcut to Production allows authorized users direct access to the initial screen to begin revising a 
                          production case.  Provided through a link in the system message at the CAIRS homepage.

CAIRS - Search and Distribution 	

  Ad-Hoc Reports have been revised to eliminate the cost information and cost statistics. 

CAIRS Basic Reports

  Sort Options for Statistical Data allow for distributions by Program Office.

  Removed Cost Index information as a statistical data option. 

  Revised Case Classification Terminology to be consistent with terms currently used on the OSHA Log; 
                           e.g., "DART Case" replaces Lost Workday Case.

CAIRS Data Input Modules

  Input Status Report provides the status of cases input by User-ID during a specified time period. 

  Data Screening allows select authorized users the ability to change a case from recordable to non-recordable. 

  Enter/Update Workhours provides an audit feature to check for significant deviations in input 
                          values and requires confirmation that all data for the reporting period have been entered.

  Add New Case and DOE F 5484.3 print format has been revised to reflect changes in recording requirements.   Also, new cases can now be submitted to production prior to coding non-mandatory data fields.


April 2003


Due to discontinued collection of property valuation, the Property Damage Experience Reports, Fire Loss and Non-Fire Loss barcharts, and Property damage data will no longer be included in the DOE Standard Report presentations.


Enhanced CAIRS Experience Reports: The CAIRS Basic Reports menu to registered CAIRS users of the production databases, now includes a set of Enhanced Experience Reports for Injury/Illness, Property, and Vehicle. These new versions combine many of the features of the Profile Reports and the Experience Reports and allow the user greater sort and summarization capabilities.

Organization Codes

Listed below are recently approved changes to DOE Organization Codes and/or the names associated with each. (Note: since the CAIRS reports represent a snapshot in time of DOE reported data, these changes may not be reflected within the reports until after processing of the respective quarterly data.)

Link to complete Organization Code listings

Organization Code Changes:


Addition of Sub-Level Codes
A new field has been added to the CAIRS system labeled "Sub-Level Codes", which allows reporting organizations 
to distinguish and compare performance of various groupings of the workforce.  For an explanation of these codes
refer to Organization Code.  Visit Sub-Level Codes for a current listing of these codes as used with 
Security Organizations. 

01/04/2007 - DOE Headquarters

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			           Former Code/Name 
1004034  New Brunswick Laboratory Service Subs.	 		  None	

11/01/2006 - DOE Headquarters

Effective November 1, 2006, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			           Former Code/Name 
17%      DOE Headquarters             				 	   	     None   
1704001  DOE Headquarters - Washington Area Only     1504001  DOE Headquarters
1704004  DOE Headquarters - WAO - Service Subs       None

15%      DOE Other                                   15%      DOE Headquarters

10/10/2006 - National Energy Technology Labs

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			         Former Code/Name 
2041003  NETL University Collaboration				 	   	None   

10/01/2006 - DOE Headquarters

Effective October 1, 2006, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			         Former Code/Name 
1509524  TJ Site Office - Service Subs				 	   	None   

07/01/2006 - Portsmouth/Paducah Project

Effective July 1, 2006, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			         Former Code/Name 
6203004  Paducah	Remediation Services				 	  	6203004  Bechtel Jacobs - Paducah   
6203014  PRS - Subs                           6203014  BJ Paducah - Subs        

07/01/2006 - Savannah River Operations

Effective July 1, 2006, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			          Former Code/Name 
8505526  SR Construction - Parsons Subcontractors     none

05/04/2006 - Albuquerque Operations - NNSA

Effective January 1, 2006, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			         Former Code/Name 
0530001  Kansas City Site Office              0530001  NNSA Kansas City Site Office
0530006  KC Site Offices - Constr.               none
0530007  KC Site Offices - Arch/Engr             none

05/04/2006 - National Energy Technology Labs

Effective November 27, 2005, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			     Former Code/Name 
2045001  NETL - Albany Research Center             1505001  Albany Research Center

All data will be mapped from the former code to the new code.

04/04/2006 - Chicago Operations

Effective January 1, 2005, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name         			            Former Code/Name 
1001024  Brookhaven Site Office Support Services              none

03/29/2006 - National Energy Technology Labs

Effective January 1, 2006, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
2041909  Ameritex                        2041909  K-Ray Security

01/01/2006 - Oak Ridge Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
4003602  Isotek (Bldg 3019)                        4004502 Isotek (Bldg 3019)

09/15/2005 - Carlsbad Field Office

Effective July 1, 2005, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
0702003  Los Alamos National Lab - WIPP            none
0703124  WTS - Small Subs                          none
0703134  WIPP Vendors                              none
0704003  Sandia National Lab - WIPP                none
0705003  CBFO Technical Assistance Contractor      none

09/09/2005 - DOE Headquarters

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
1509503  Thomas Jefferson Nat                      4009503 Thomas Jefferson Nat
1509504  Jefferson Labs. Service Subs.             4009504 Jefferson Labs. Service Subs.
1509506  Jefferson Labs. Construction Subs.        4009506 Jefferson Labs. Construction Subs.
1509521  Thomas Jefferson Site Office              4009521 Thomas Jefferson Site Office

08/24/2005 - Nevada Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
3505105  Stoller-Navarro Constr.                   none                                  

08/24/2005 - Office of River Protection

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
4702004  Advance Technology Laboratories           none                                         05/01/05

07/21/2005 - Chicago Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
1000521  Ames Site Office                          none
1000721  Argonne Site Office                       none
1001021  Brookhaven Site Office                    none
1001501  Chicago Office                            1001501 Chicago Field Office
1002521  Fermi Site Office                         none
1005021  Princeton Site Office                     none
4004501  Oak Ridge Office                          4004501 Oak Ridge Field Office
4009521  Thomas Jefferson Site Office              none
7500521  Pacific Northwest Site Office             none
8003201  Berkeley Site Office                      none
8008201  Stanford Site Office                      none

07/07/2005 - Idaho Operations

Effective May 1, 2005, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
3004402  BBWI - AMWTP                              3004402 BNFL - Idaho
3004404  BBWI Service Subs                         none
3005003  INL - BEA, LLC - Research                 3005003 INL - BBWI - Research
3005004  INL - BEA, LLC - Services                 3005004 INL - BBWI - Services
3005009  INL - BEA, LLC - Security                 3005009 INL - BBWI - Security
3005012  INL - BEA, LLC - Production               3005012 INL - BBWI - Production
3005044  INL - BEA, Sub/Systems 1                  none
3005054  INL - BEA, Sub - Telstar                  none
3005064  INL - BEA, Sub - Red Inc.                 none
3005074  INL - BEA, Sub - Nuclear Placement Servicenone
3006002  ICP - CWI - Projects                      3005002 ICP - BBWI - Production
3006004  ICP - CWI - Subcontractors                none
3006005  ICP - CWI - Support                       3005005 ICP - BBWI - Construction
3006016  ICP - CWI - Construction Subs             3005016 ICP - BBWI - Construction Subs

05/15/2005 - Portsmouth/Paducah Project

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
6200001  Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office         none
6200004  Portsmth/Paduc--Lex. Office               none
6202105  Uranium Disposition Servcs - Portsmouth   none
6202106  UDS - Portsmouth Subs                     none
6202204  Theta Pro2Serve Management Co             none
6202214  Theta Pro2Serve Management Co -- Subs     none
6202304  LATA/Parralax Portsmouth, LLC             none
6202504  Bechtel Jacobs - Portsmouth               none
6202514  BJ Portsmouth - Subs                      none
6203004  Bechtel Jacobs - Paducah                  none
6203014  BJ Paducah - Subs                         none
6203105  Uranium Disposition Servcs - Paducah      none
6203106  UDS - Paducah Subs                        none
6203204  Swift & Staley Mech. Contr. Inc (Pad)     none

04/01/2005 - Carlsbad Field Office

Effective April 1, 2005, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
0703104  Washington TRU Solutions, LLC - WIPP      0703104 Westinghouse - WIPP
0703114  WTS Subcontractors - WIPP                 0703114 Westinghouse - WIPP Subcontractors

03/31/2005 - Albuquerque Operations - NNSA

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
0562516  Knolls - SPRU                             none

03/31/2005 - Oak Ridge Operations - NNSA

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
 4006012  USEC - ETTP                               none

01/19/2005 - Albuquerque Operations - NNSA

Effective January 1, 2005, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
0515004  BWXT - Subcontractor---Aramark            none

01/06/2005 - Ohio Field Office

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
4539024  WVNS Subcontractor -- URS                 none
4539034  WVNS Subcontractor -- ACTS                none

01/01/2005 - Oakland Operations

Effective January 1, 2005, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
8001003  Boeing North American , Inc ---Research   8001003 The Boeing Co., Rocketdyne ETEC
8001006  Boeing North America Inc.--Construction   8001006 The Boeing Co., Rocketdyne Constr

09/26/2004 - Richland Operations

Effective July 1, 2003, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
7506014  Richland Operations - Unitech             none
7506024  Richland Operations - Westech             none

08/26/2004 - Albuquerque Operations - NNSA

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
0520001  NNSA Nevada Site Office           0521001 NNSA Nevada Site Office

06/23/2004 - Strategic Petroleum Reserves

Effective January 1, 2004, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
9607404  SPR Service Subcontractors        9607407 SPR Arch/Engr Subcontractors

05/12/2004 - Grand Junction Project

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
3260001 DOE Grand Junction Office	       	3060001 DOE Grand Junction Office
3260605 SM Stoller - EM                   3060605 Stoller Corp.
3260606 SM Stoller Subs - EM              3060616 Stoller Corp. Subcontractors
3260615 SM Stoller - LM                   None
3260616 SM Stoller Subs - LM              None
3260625 SM Stoller - Misc                 None
3260626 SM Stoller - Misc. Subs           None

The following data are mapped but the codes are currently inactive:

3260634 Stoller Service Subs - WSSRAP     3060634 Stoller Service Subs - WSSRAP
3260635 Stoller Cost Const Subs - WSSRAP  3060635 Stoller Cost Const Subs - WSSRAP
3260636 Stoller Lump Const Subs - WSSRAP  3060636 Stoller Lump Const Subs - WSSRAP
3260637 Stoller Arch/Engr Subs - WSSRAP   3060637 Stoller Arch/Engr Subs - WSSRAP
3260639 Stoller Security - WSSRAP         3060639 Stoller Security - WSSRAP

05/12/2004 - Savannah River Operations

Effective April 1, 2004, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
8505515 SR Construction - Legin	       	8505515 Misc. DOE Construction Contractors
8505516 SR Construction - Krog          None
8505525 SR Construction - Parsons       None

05/01/2004 - Albuquerque Operations - NNSA

Effective May 1, 2004, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                    Former Code/Name 
0531014  Hnywell Subs - American Food and Vending    0531014 Honeywell Subs-Eurest

4/8/2004 - Albuquerque Operations - NNSA

Effective retroactive to 10/1/2003, the following organization
name/code changes are approved. The data is mapped to the new Org Codes to 
accommodate reporting of NNSA Organizations.

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
0521001   NNSA Nevada Site Office                           3507501   Nevada Field Office
0521104   Bechtel Nevada - Amador Valley                    3501104   Bechtel Nevada - Amador Valley
0521204   Bechtel Nevada - Las Vegas                        3501204   Bechtel Nevada - Las Vegas
0521214   Bechtel Nevada - Las Vegas Subs                   3501214   Bechtel Nevada - Las Vegas Subs
0521304   Bechtel Nevada - Los Alamos                       3501304   Bechtel Nevada - Los Alamos
0521405   Bechtel Nevada - NTS                              3501405   Bechtel Nevada - NTS
0521416   B.N. - NTS Subcontractors                         3501416   B.N. - NTS Subcontractors
0521503   Bechtel Nevada - Special Tech. Lab                3501503   Bechtel Nevada - Special Tech. Lab
0521604   Bechtel Nevada - Washington Aerial Meas.          3501604   Bechtel Nevada - Washington Aerial Meas.
0529009   Wackenhut Services, Inc. - NV                     3509009   Wackenhut Services, Inc. - NV
0529054   Westinghouse Electric Corp. - NV                  3509504   Westinghouse Electric Corp. - NV
0558001   NNSA Y-12 Site Office                             4018001   NNSA Y-12 Area Office
0558102   BWXT, LLC Y-12                                    4018102   BWXT, LLC Y-12
0558104   BWXT, LLC Y-12 Service Contractors                4018104   BWXT, LLC Y-12 Service Contractors
0558105   BWXT, LLC Y-12 Construction Contractors           4018105   BWXT, LLC Y-12 Construction Contractors
0558904   Wackenhut Service Subs - Y-12                     4018904   Wackenhut Service Subs - Y-12
0558909   Wackenhut services - Y-12 Security                4018909   Wackenhut services - Y-12 Security
0561001   Pittsburgh N.R. Office                            6007001   Pittsburgh N.R. Office
0561005   Pittsburgh Office Cost. Constr. Subs              6007005   Pittsburgh Office Cost. Constr. Subs
0561006   Pittsburgh Office Lump Constr. Subs               6007006   Pittsburgh Office Lump Constr. Subs
0561054   Westinghouse Plant Apparatus Division             6007504   Westinghouse Plant Apparatus Division
0561803   Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (BAPL)                       6008003   Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (BAPL)
0561804   Bechtel (BAPL) Service Subs                       6008004   Bechtel (BAPL) Service Subs
0561806   Bechtel (BAPL) Constr. Subs                       6008006   Bechtel (BAPL) Constr. Subs
0561809   BAPL Security Forces                              6008009   BAPL Security Forces
0561903   Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (NRF)                        6009003   Bechtel Bettis, Inc. (NRF)
0561904   Bechtel (NRF) Service Subs                        6009004   Bechtel (NRF) Service Subs

0561905   W.E. (NRF) Subs                                   6009005   W.E. (NRF) Subs
0561906   Bechtel (NRF) Constr. Subs                        6009006   Bechtel (NRF) Constr. Subs
0561909   NRF Security Forces                               6009009   NRF Security Forces
0561914   Newport News Reactor Services                     6009014   Newport News Reactor Services
0562001   Schenectady N.R. Office                           9009001   Schenectady N.R. Office
0562205   General Dynamics, W. Milton                       9002005   General Dynamics, W. Milton
0562305   General Dynamics, MARF                            9003005   General Dynamics, MARF
0562403   LM-KAPL - Kesselring                              9004003   LM-KAPL - Kesselring
0562404   LM-KAPL - Kesselring Service Subs                 9004004   LM-KAPL - Kesselring Service Subs
0562405   Gen. Dynam. - Kesselring -Electric Boat           9004005   Gen. Dynam. - Kesselring -Electric Boat
0562406   LM-KAPL - Kesselring Constr. Subs                 9004006   LM-KAPL - Kesselring Constr. Subs
0562409   LM-KAPL - Kesselring Security Forces              9004009   LM-KAPL - Kesselring Security Forces
0562503   LM-KAPL - Knolls                                  9005003   LM-KAPL - Knolls
0562504   LM-KAPL - Knolls Service Subs                     9005004   LM-KAPL - Knolls Service Subs
0562506   LM-KAPL - Knolls Constr. Subs                     9005006   LM-KAPL - Knolls Constr. Subs
0562509   LM-KAPL - Knolls Security Forces                  9005009   LM-KAPL - Knolls Security Forces
0562703   LM-KAPL - Windsor                                 9007003   LM-KAPL - Windsor
0562704   LM-KAPL - Windsor Service Subs                    9007004   LM-KAPL - Windsor Service Subs
0562705   LM-KAPL - Windsor - Electric Boat                 9007005   LM-KAPL - Windsor - Electric Boat
0562706   LM-KAPL - Windsor Constr. Subs                    9007006   LM-KAPL - Windsor Constr. Subs
0562709   LM-KAPL - Windsor Security Forces                 9007009   LM-KAPL - Windsor Security Forces
0580403   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory            8004003   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
0580404   Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Services            8004004   Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Services
0580405   LLNL Cost Constr. Subs                            8004005   LLNL Cost Constr. Subs
0580406   LLNL Lump Constr. Subs                            8004006   LLNL Lump Constr. Subs
0580409   Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Security            8004009   Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab - Security
0580414   LLNL Service Subcontractors                       8004014   LLNL Service Subcontractors

0580416   LLNL Construction Subcontractors                  8004016   LLNL Construction Subcontractors
0580424   LLNL Plant Services                               8004024   LLNL Plant Services
0580503   Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab. - Nevada            8005003   Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab. - Nevada

3/29/2004 - Oak Ridge Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 

4004602 Foster Wheeler	                         	None

3/22/2004 - Idaho Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
3060605  FM Stoller                        3060605 Stoller Corp.
3060616  FM Stoller Subs                   3060616 Stoller Subs

03/15/2004 - Idaho Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                    Former Code/Name 
3005002 ICP - BBWI - Production                 	3005002 Bechtel BWXT Idaho (BBWI) - Production
3005005 ICP - BBWI - Construction               	3005005 Bechtel BWXT Idaho (BBWI) - Construction
3005016 ICP - BBWI - Construction Subs          	3005016 BBWI Subcontractors - Construction
3005012 INL - BBWI - Production                 	None
3005003 INL - BBWI - Research                 	  3005003 Bechtel BWXT Idaho (BBWI) - Research
3005004 INL - BBWI - Services                 	  3005004 Bechtel BWXT Idaho (BBWI) - Services
None                                            	3005007 Bechtel BWXT Idaho (BBWI) - Arch./Eng.
3005009 INL - BBWI - Security                 	  3005009 Bechtel BWXT Idaho (BBWI) - Security

03/04/2004 - Savannah River Operations

Effective January 1, 2004, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                    Former Code/Name 
8505515 Misc. DOE Construction Contractors - SR	       	None

01/16/2004 - Nevada Operations

Effective October 1, 2003, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
3505104 Stoller-Navarro       	            3505104 Shaw Environmental, Inc.

10/24/2003 - Savannah River Operations

Effective July 1, 2003, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
8505004 SRFS Service Subcontractors	       	None

10/01/2003 - Albuquerque Operations - NNSA

Effective October 1, 2003, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name          Former Code/Name 
0570001  NNSA Sandia Site Office          0570001 Office of Kirtland Site Operations

3/7/2003 - Idaho Operations

Effective retroactive to 10/1/2002, the following organization
name/code changes are approved, transferred from Oak Ridge Operations to 
the Grand Junction Project of Idaho Operations: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 

3060634 Stoller Service Subs - WSSRAP	   			4009004 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Services
3060635 Stoller Cost Const Subs - WSSRAP	   4009005 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Cost Constr
3060636 Stoller Lump Const Subs - WSSRAP	   4009006 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Lump Constr
3060637 Stoller Arch/Engr Subs - WSSRAP	   	4009007 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Arch/Engr
3060639 Stoller Security - WSSRAP		   						4009009 Morrison-Knudsen (WSSRAP) Security

2/12/2002 - Idaho Operations

Effective retroactive to 10/1/2001, the following organization
name/code changes are approved, transferred from Albuquerque Operations: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
3060001 Grand Junction Project Office          0560001 Grand Junction Project Office
3060504 Rust Geotech, Inc.                     0560504 Rust Geotech, Inc.

3060506 Rust Geotech Subcontractors            0560506 Rust Geotech Subcontractors
3060605 MACTEC - ERS                           0560605 MACTEC - ERS
3060616 MACTEC - ERS Subcontractors            0560616 MACTEC - ERS Subcontractors
3060704 WASTREN                                0560704 WASTREN
3060714 WASTREN Subcontractors                 0560714 WASTREN Subcontractors

2/4/2002 - Albuquerque Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
0570001 Office of Kirtland Site Operations     0570001 Kirtland Area Office

1/16/2002 - Carlsbad Field Office

Effective retroactive to 2/1/2001, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
0703109 Sante Fe Protective Services (WIPP)    0703109 Day & Zimmerman Security (WIPP)

10/26/2001 - Oakland Operations

Effective retroactive to 9/1/2000, the following organization
name/code changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
8009005 Separations Process Research Unit      none

7/6/2001 - Albuquerque Operations

Effective retroactive to 1/1/2001, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
0531002 Honeywell FM&T/KC Production           0531002 Allied Signal, Inc.
0531004 Honeywell FM&T/KC Services             0531004 Allied Signal Service Subcontractors
0531006 Honeywell FM&T/KC Lump Constr.         0531006 Allied Signal Const. Subcontractors
0531009 Honeywell FM&T/KC Security             0531009 Allied Signal Security Forces
0531014 Honeywell Subs-Eurest                  none
0531024 Honeywell Subs-Burns & McDonnell       none
0532004 Honeywell FM&T/NM Services (Kirtland)  0532004 Allied Signal - Kirtland

7/6/2001 - Office of River Protection

Effective retroactive to 1/1/2001, the following organization

name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
4700814 BNI-WTP Service Subcontractors         none

7/6/2001 - National Energy Technology Laboratory0

Effective immediately, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
2042604 TJR Enterprises - Maintenance          2042606 TJR Contracting
2042606 TJR Enterprises - Construction         2042004 NETL - PGH Subcontractors

7/6/2001 - Yucca Mountain

Effective immediately, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
9703003 National Laboratories - Yucca          none
9707704 Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC (BSC) - YM   9707704 Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC - YM
9707714 BSC Yucca Service Subcontractors       none
9707716 BSC Yucca Construction Subcontractors  none

6/01/2001 - Office of River Protection

Effective immediately, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
4700805 Bechtel National Inc. - WTP (BNTNL)       4700805 British Nuclear Fuels Limited (ORP)

5/9/2001 - Oak Ridge Operations

Effective retroactive to 1/1/2001, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
4018001 NNSA Y-12 Area Office                  none
4018102 BWXT, LLC Y-12                         4008002 Lockheed Martin Energy Systems (Y-12)
4018104 BWXT, LLC Y-12 Service Contractors     4008004 LMES Y-12 Service Contractors

3/12/2001 - Albuquerque Operations

Effective retroactive to 1/1/2001, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
0515002 BWXT - Amarillo                        0515002 Mason & Hanger - Amarillo
0515006 BWXT Subcontractors                    0515006 M&H Subcontractors
0515009 BWXT Security                          0515009 M&H Security Forces

3/12/2001 - National Energy Technology Laboratory

Effective retroactive to 1/1/2001, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                         Former Code/Name 

2043001 National Petroleum Technology Office -OK   none
2043004 NPTO Subcontractors                        none

2/8/2001 - NOTE: The Carlsbad Field Office change below, results in a shift of statistical data from Albuquerque Operations to the new Carlsbad Field Office.

1/26/2001 - Carlsbad Field Office

Effective retroactive to 10/1/2000, the following organization
name changes are approved: 

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
0701001 Carlsbad Field Office                  0593001 Carlsbad Area Office
0701004 Carlsbad Misc. Service Contractors     0593004 Carlsbad Area Misc. Contractors
0703104 Westinghouse - WIPP                    0593104 Westinghouse - WIPP
0703109 Day & Zimmerman Security Force         0593109 Day & Zimmerman Security Force
0703114 Westinghouse - WIPP Subcontractors     0593114 Westinghouse - WIPP Subcontractors

1/08/2001 - Office of River Protection

Effective retroactive to 4/7/2000, the following organization
name changes are approved:

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
4707114 CH2M HILL Service Subs - ORP           4707114 Lockheed Martin Service Subs - ORP
4707116 CH2M HILL Construction Subs - ORP      4707116 Lockheed Martin Construction Subs - ORP

12/07/2000 - National Energy Technology Labs

Effective retroactive to January 1, 2000, the following organization
name changes are approved for the National Energy Technology Labs (formerly 
Energy Technology Centers):

New Organization Code/Name                     Former Code/Name 
2041001 National Energy Technology Lab - MGN   2041001 Federal Energy Technology Center - MGN
2041004 NETL - MGN Subcontractors              2041004 FETC - MGN Subcontractors
2042001 National Energy Technology Lab - PGH   2042001 Federal Energy Technology Center - PGH
2042004 NETL - PGH Subcontractors              2042004 FETC - PGH Subcontractors

10/05/2000 - DOE Headquarters

Effective immediately, the following new organization is approved:

New Organization Code/Name              Former Code/Name 
1505001 Albany Research Center          none

9/18/2000 - Oakland Operations

Effective immediately, the following organization name changes are approved:

New Organization Code/Name   	  	          Former Code/Name 
8001003 The Boeing Co., Rocketdyne ETEC           8001003 Rockwell International, Rocketdyne ETEC
8001006 The Boeing Co., Rocketdyne Construction   8001006 Rockwell Rocketdyne Construction

09/08/2000 - Albuquerque Operations

Effective (retroactively) January 1, 2000 the following new organization 
code is approved:

New Organization Code/Name   	  	Former Code/Name
0502019 Wackenhut Services - TSD        none

07/25/2000 - Savannah River Operations

Effective (retroactively) October 1, 1999 the following organization 
code reactivation is approved:

New Organization Code/Name   	  	         Former Code/Name
8509003  Univ. of Georgia Ecology Laboratory     same

06/07/2000 - Oak Ridge Operations

Effective immediately the following organization name changes and additions are approved:

New Organization Code/Name   	  	         Former Code/Name
4006503  UT Battelle (ORNL)                      4006503  Lockheed Martin Energy Research (ORNL)
4006504  UT Battelle ORNL Service Subs           4006504  LMER ORNL Service Subs
4006506  UT Battelle ORNL Constr Subs            4006506  LMER ORNL Subcontractors
4006566  UT Battelle ORNL/SNS Constr Subs        none
4007504  Wackenhut Service Subs - OR             none

04/07/2000 - Office of River Protection

Effective immediately the following organization name change is approved:

New Organization Code/Name            Former Code/Name
4707104  CH2M HILL Hanford Group      4707104  Lockheed Martin Hanford - ORP    

03/27/2000 - Albuquerque Operations

Effective immediately the following organization status change is approved:

New Organization Code/Name            Former Code/Name
inactive                              0593004  Carlsbad Area Misc. Contractors   

03/27/2000 - Energy Technology Centers

Effective immediately the following new organization is approved: 

New Organization Code/Name   	  	           Former Code/Name
2041504  Energy & Environmental Solutions, LLC     none

03/27/2000 - Ohio Field Office

Effective immediately the following organization name changes are approved:

New Organization Code/Name                       Former Code/Name
4523702  Fluor Fernald - FEMP                    4523702  Fernald Envir. Rest. Mgmt. Corp (FERMCO)  
4523704  Fluor Fernald Service Vendors           4523704  FERMCO Service Vendors
4523706  Fluor Fernald Constr. Subcontractors    4523706  FERMCO Subcontractors
4523709  Fluor Fernald Security Forces           4523709  FERMCO Security Forces

02/09/2000 - Oak Ridge Operations

Effective January 10, 2000 the following organization change 
and mapping of historical data is approved:

New Organization Code/Name   	  	      Former Code/Name
4007509  Wackenhut Services - OR Security     4008009  Lockheed Martin Security Forces

02/08/2000 - Richland Operations

Effective October 1, 1999 the following organization changes and 
mapping of historical data are approved:

New Organization Code/Name   	  	  Former Code/Name
7505004  Fluor Daniel - Hanford           7505004  Fluor Daniel - Hanford

  Map data to 7505004, case series 200    7505012  Babcock Wilcox Hanford
  Map data to 7505004, case series 300    7505025  Waste Management Fed. Services Hanford
  Map data to 7505004, case series 400    7505034  Duke Engineering Services Hanford

02/08/2000 - Office of River Protection / Richland Operations

Effective October 1, 1999 the following organization changes and 
mapping of historical data are approved:

New Organization Code/Name   	  	           Former Code/Name
4701001  Office of River Protection (ORP)          none
4701014  ORP Service Subcontractors                none
4700805  British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL-ORP)  none
4700815  BNFL-ORP Construction Subcontractors      none
4707104  Lockheed Martin Hanford - ORP             7505054  Lockheed Martin Hanford
4707114  Lockheed Martin Service Subs - ORP        none
4707116  Lockheed Martin Construction Subs - ORP   none

Standard Reports

CAIRS Reports listed below are available at: Statistics.

March 2008


DOE Summary through 2007, 4th quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through December, 2007 is available from the CAIRS menu.

February 2008


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2007, 4th quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2002 through 2007, 4th quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2007, 4th quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

November 2007


DOE Fiscal Year 2007, Annual Summary Report, is available: The DOE FY Summary Report prepared for the period of October, 2006 through September, 2007 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE Summary through 2007, 3rd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through September, 2007 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2007, 3rd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2002 through 2007, 3rd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2007, 3rd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

August 2007


DOE Summary through 2007, 2nd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through June, 2007 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2007, 2nd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2002 through 2007, 2nd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2007, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

May 2007


DOE Summary through 2007, 1st quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through March, 2007 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2007, 1st quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2002 through 2007, 1st quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2007, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

February 2007


DOE Summary through 2006, 4th quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through December, 2006 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2006, 4th quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2001 through 2006, 4th quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2006, 4th quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

January 2007


DOE Fiscal Year Annual Summary Reports for fiscal years 2004, 2005, and 2006 have been revised as follows: In the Fiscal Year 2004 report, Tables 3.1 through 3.8, column headings were corrected to indicate DART Case Rates (DARTC) rather than DART Rates (DART). In the Fiscal Year 2005 and 2006 Reports, Tables 3.1 through 3.8, data were revised to show DART Case Rate (DARTC) information rather than DART Rate (DART) information by quarter for each organization. These reports are available from the CAIRS menu.

December 2006


DOE Fiscal Year 2006, Annual Summary Report, is available: The DOE FY Summary Report prepared for the period of October, 2005 through September, 2006 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE Summary through 2006, 3rd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through September, 2006 is available from the CAIRS menu.

November 2006


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2006, 3rd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2001 through 2006, 3rd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2006, 3rd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

September 2006


DOE Summary through 2006, 2nd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through June, 2006 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2006, 2nd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2001 through 2006, 2nd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2006, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

July 2006


DOE Summary through 2006, 1st quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through March, 2006 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2006, 1st quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2001 through 2006, 1st quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2006, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

April 2006


DOE Summary through 2005, 4th quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through December, 2005 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2005, 4th quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2000 through 2005, 4th quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2005, 4th quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

January 2006


DOE Fiscal Year 2005, Annual Summary Report, is available: The DOE FY Summary Report prepared for the period of October, 2004 through September, 2005 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE Summary through 2005, 3rd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through September, 2005 is available from the CAIRS menu.

December 2005


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2005, 3rd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2000 through 2005, 3rd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2005, 3rd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

October 2005


DOE Summary through 2005, 2nd quarterhas been revised and is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through June, 2005 has now been revised where necessary to show corrected workhours and rates for Las Almos National Laboratory and is available from the CAIRS menu.

DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2005, 2nd quarter Revised: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2000 through 2005, 2nd quarter and were revised to accommodate corrections to Los Alamos National Lab data. Reports are available from the CAIRS menu.

Field Office Reports for 2005, 2nd quarter are revised: Field Office Reports for Albuquerque Operations - NNSA were revised and are available from the CAIRS menu.

September 2005


DOE Summary through 2005, 2nd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through June, 2005 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2005, 2nd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2000 through 2005, 2nd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

August 2005


Field Office Reports for 2005, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu.

June 2005


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2005, 1st quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 2000 through 2005, 1st quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

DOE Summary through 2005, 1st quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through March, 2005 is available from the CAIRS menu.


Field Office Reports for 2005, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for the balance of the DOE Operations are complete. These now include: Albuquerque Operations - NNSA, Chicago Operations, DOE Headquarters, and Grand Junction Project, Naval Petroleum Reserves, and Power Administration. The reports are available from the CAIRS menu.


Field Office Reports for 2005, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Carlsbad Field Office, National Energy Tech Labs, Golden Field Office, Idaho Operations, Nevada Operations, Oak Ridge Operations, Ohio Field Office, Office of River Protection, Portsmouth/Paducah Project, Richland Operations, Rocky Flats Office, Oakland Operations, Savannah River Operations, Strategic Petroleum Reserves, and Yucca Mountain Project are available from the CAIRS menu.

April 2005


DOE Fiscal Year 2004, Annual Summary Report, is available: The DOE FY Summary Report prepared for the period of October, 2003 through September, 2004 is available from the CAIRS menu.

March 2005


DOE Summary through 2004, 4th quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through December, 2004 is available from the CAIRS menu.

February 2005


Field Office Reports for 2004, 4th quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2004, 4th quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1999 through 2004, 4th quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

January 2005


Field Office Reports for 2004, 3rd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

December 2004


DOE Summary through 2004, 3rd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through September, 2004 is available from the CAIRS menu.

DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2004, 3rd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1999 through 2004, 3rd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

October 2004


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2004, 2nd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1999 through 2004, 2nd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

DOE Summary through 2004, 2nd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through June, 2004 is available from the CAIRS menu.

September 2004


Field Office Reports for 2004, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Albuquerque Operations - NNSA, Chicago Operations, DOE Headquarters, and Oak Ridge Operations are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.


Field Office Reports for 2004, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Carlsbad Field Office, National Energy Tech Labs, Golden Field Office, Idaho Operations, Grand Junction Project, Nevada Operations, Ohio Field Office, Office of River Protection, Naval Petroleum Reserves, Power Administrations, Richland Operations, Rocky Flats Office, Oakland Operations, Savannah River Operations, Strategic Petroleum Reserves, and Yucca Mountain Project are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

July 2004


DOE Fiscal Year 2004, Semi-Annual, Summary Report, is available: The DOE FY Summary Report prepared for the period of October, 2003 through March, 2004 is available from the CAIRS menu.

June 2004


DOE Summary through 2004, 1st quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through March, 2004 is available from the CAIRS menu.

DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2004, 1st quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1999 through 2004, 1st quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.


Field Office Reports for 2004, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Albuquerque Operations - NNSA, Carlsbad Field Office, DOE Headquarters, Nevada Operations, Oak Ridge Operations, Power Administrations, Richland Operations, Oakland Operations, and Strategic Petroleum Reserves are available from the CAIRS menu. This completes all Field Office Reports for the 1st quarter of 2004.

May 2004


Field Office Reports for 2004, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Chicago Operations, National Energy Tech Labs, Golden Field Office, Idaho Operations, Grand Junction Project, Ohio Field Office, Office of River Protection, Naval Petroleum Reserves, Rocky Flats Office, Savannah River Operations, and Yucca Mountain Project are available from the CAIRS menu.

March 2004


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2003, 4th quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1998 through 2003, 4th quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE Summary through 2003, 4th quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through December, 2003 is available from the CAIRS menu.


Field Office Reports for 2003, 4th quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format. NOTE: Effective October 1st, 2003, these reports have been restructured to show all National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) organizations as part of the Albuquerque Operations - NNSA.

January 2004


DOE Fiscal Year 2003, Annual Summary Report, is available: The DOE FY Summary Report prepared for the period of October, 2002 through September, 2003 is available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2003, 3rd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1998 through 2003, 3rd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

DOE Summary through 2003, 3rd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through September, 2003 is available from the CAIRS menu.

December 2003


Field Office Reports for 2003, 3rd quarter have been revised: Note: due to corrections in the CAIRS database, Field Office Reports for: Albuquerque Operations, Chicago Operations, DOE Headquarters, National Energy Tech Labs, Idaho Operations, Nevada Operations, Oak Ridge Operations, Ohio Field Office, Office of River Protection, Richland Operations, Oakland Operations, Savannah River Operations, Strategic Petroelum Reserves, and the Yucca Mountain Project have been revised and are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.


Field Office Reports for 2003, 3rd quarter are being revised: Note: due to corrections in the CAIRS database, Field Office Reports for: Albuquerque Operations, Chicago Operations, DOE Headquarters, National Energy Tech Labs, Idaho Operations, Nevada Operations, Oak Ridge Operations, Ohio Field Office, Richland Operations, Oakland Operations, Savannah River Operations, Strategic Petroelum Reserves, and the Yucca Mountain Project are being revised and will be available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format as soon as they are completed.

November 2003


Field Office Reports for 2003, 3rd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Carlsbad Field Office, Chicago Operations, National Energy Tech Labs, Golden Field Office, Idaho Operations, Nevada Operations, Ohio Field Office, Office of River Protection, Pittsburgh Naval Reactors, Power Administrations, Richland Operations, Rocky Flats Office, and Strategic Petroelum Reserves are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.


Field Office Reports for 2003, 3rd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Naval Petroleum Reserves, Savannah River Operations, and Schenectady Naval Reactors are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

October 2003


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2003, 2nd quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1998 through 2003, 2nd quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.


DOE Summary through 2003, 2nd quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through June, 2003 is available from the CAIRS menu.

September 2003


DOE Fiscal Year 2003, Semi-Annual, Summary Report, is available: The DOE FY Summary Report prepared for the period of October through March, 2003 is available from the CAIRS menu.


Field Office Reports for 2003, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Albuquerque Operations are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format. This completes all 2nd quarter Field Office Reports.


Field Office Reports for 2003, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Chicago Operations, DOE Headquarters, Golden Field Office, Nevada Operations, Oak Ridge Operations, Pittsburgh Naval Reactors, Oakland Operations, and Yucca Mountain Project are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

August 2003


Field Office Reports for 2003, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Idaho Operations, Ohio Field Office, Office of River Protection, Richland Operations, Rocky Flats Office, and Savannah River Operations are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.


Field Office Reports for 2003, 2nd quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Carlsbad Field Office, National Energy Technology Labs, Naval Petroleum Reserves, Power Administration, Schenectady Naval Reactors, and Strategic Petroleum Reserves are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

July 2003


DOE Summary through 2003, 1st quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Illness Summary Report prepared for the period of January through March, 2003 is available from the CAIRS menu .


DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2003, 1st quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1998 through 2003, 1st quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.

May 2003


Field Office Reports for 2003, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: Carlsbad Field Office, National Energy Technology Labs, Golden Field Office, Savannah River Operations, Strategic Petroleum Reserves, and Yucca Mountain Project are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format. (Note: Due to discontinued collection of property valuation, the Property Experience Reports and property barcharts have been ommitted from these reports).

April 2003


Field Office Reports for 2003, 1st quarter are available: Field Office Reports for Naval Petroleum Reserves and for Schenectady Naval Reators are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format. (Note: Due to discontinued collection of property valuation, the Property Experience Reports and property barcharts have been ommitted from these reports).

March 2003


DOE Summary through 2002, 4th quarter is available: The DOE Occupational Injury and Property Damage Summary Report prepared for the period of January through December, 2002 is available from the CAIRS menu.

DOE and Contractor Injury and Illness Experience Data through 2002, 4th quarter are available: Detailed injury and illness statistical data are available in various formats for Total DOE and Contractors. These data have been updated for the period of 1997 through 2002, 4th quarter and are available from the CAIRS menu.


Field Office Reports through 2002, 4th quarter are available: Field Office Reports for all DOE Field Organizations are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

February 2003


Field Office Reports through 2002, 4th quarter are available: Field Office Reports for: National Energy Tech Labs, Golden Field Office, Naval Petroleum Reserves, Power Administrations, and Schenectady Naval Reactors are available from the CAIRS menu in HTML format.

Archived What's New (from Jan. 1998 through Dec. 1999)