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Is Federal or State assistance (i.e. tax credits or tax deductions) available to businesses that establish teleworking or other alternative work arrangements for employees during a pandemic?

Category: Unemployment Issues and Financial Assistance Questions


Currently, the federal government does not offer any assistance to businesses specifically related to planning for pandemic influenza.  However, measures such as teleworking that could benefit a business during a pandemic may qualify for federal or state assistance.  Particular Internal Revenue Service (IRS) laws and regulations—as well similar laws at the State level— would need to be considered to verify the applicability of this assistance.  State laws vary widely in this regard and federal law could evolve as more businesses begin needed planning for a pandemic influenza.

Note: As an overall matter, employers should be guided in their relationship with their employees not only by federal employment law, but by their own employee handbooks, manuals, and contracts (including bargaining agreements), and by any applicable state or local laws.

Not all of the employment laws referenced apply to all employers or all employees, particularly state and local government agencies.  For information on whether a particular employer or employee is covered by a law, please use the links provided for more detailed information.  This information is not intended for federal agencies or federal employees -- they should contact the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for guidance.

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Last Updated: 01/25/2008