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bullet July 8 - July 21, 2006 Human Factors Research and Engineering Newsletter
(To view previous newsletters click here )

Fourth Technical Program Review on FAA human factors research is now available.

"As we look back over those years, we can see significant achievements by all our program managers and researchers. For example, our Web page has matured, and now includes the Human Factors Workbench, which assembles in one easy to use location the most-needed information for practitioners, researchers, and managers in the human factors community. Early versions of the Human Factors Certification Job Aid addressed only Part 25 Transport Category Aircraft displays, controls, and integrated flight deck systems such as the flight management system. Now in version 6.0, the Job Aid has expanded to include human factors summaries of Part 23 Commuter Category Aircraft Regulations and Advisory Circulars for human factors considerations related to displays, controls, and integrated flight deck systems."



 FAA Flight Standards has just released The Operator's Manual for Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance.  Written in response to industry requests for "simplified instructions," the Manual is a short and concise listing of six key factors on human factors in any maintenance organization.  A team of industry, government, and academic human factors practitioners combined wisdom and experience to briefly explain why each topic is critical, how to address the topic, how to measure success, and key sources for additional information.  Chapters cover Event Investigation, Documentation, Training, Shift Turnover, and Fatigue/Alertness. The final chapter addresses the issue of program sustainment and cost justification.  The Manual can be found at: