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Southern California Area
Southern California Area Interactive Project Map District projects that are in the Southern California Area. For more information on projects within this area, please contact Greg Fuderer @ (213) 452-3923 or click on our Interactive Project Map:

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Date Item Title Author Hits
Wed, 07 November 2007 139030 - Fairmont Park Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration, CA Edward Louie 113
Wed, 11 January 2006 000232 - Port San Luis, CA Keith Ayers 2777
Wed, 11 January 2006 008180 - Sun Valley Watershed, CA Darrell Buxton 2845
Wed, 11 January 2006 008302 - Regional Sediment Management Pilot Program Tony Risko 2762
Wed, 11 January 2006 009190 - LA County Drainage Area (LACDA), CA Katie Parks 3047
Wed, 11 January 2006 010469 - Ventura Harbor Sand Bypass, CA Se-Yao Hsu 2659
Thu, 08 November 2007 010526 - Malibu Creek Watershed Restoration Jodi Clifford 3996
Wed, 11 January 2006 010649 - San Juan Creek, South Orange County, CA Edward Louie 2751
Wed, 11 January 2006 012868 - Whitewater River Basin, CA David Van Dorpe 3242
Wed, 11 January 2006 013080 - Oceanside Harbor, CA Keith Ayers 2806
Tue, 05 December 2006 013275 - Peninsula Beach (East Beach) and Vicinity Alex Hernandez 3822
Wed, 11 January 2006 013283 - Ventura & Santa Barbara Shoreline, CA Tony Risko 2781
Thu, 08 December 2005 013374 - Prado Dam, Corona, CA Greg Fuderer 4238
Wed, 11 January 2006 013545 - Wilson and Oak Glen Creeks, CA Greg Boghossian 2643
Wed, 11 January 2006 013609 - Solana/Encinitas Beaches, CA Susie Ming 3594
Fri, 12 May 2006 013662 - San Clemente Shoreline, CA Regina Blasberg 3285
Fri, 07 July 2006 013663 - San Diego County Shoreline / Oceanside, CA Regina Blasberg 3326
Wed, 11 January 2006 013666 - Los Angeles County, CA (DMMP) Ehsan Eshraghi 2674
Wed, 15 November 2006 013666 - Regional Dredged Material Mangement Plan, Los Angeles, CA Susie Ming 2492
Mon, 04 August 2008 013683 - Port of LA Channel Deepening Project Joy Jaiswal 3047
Wed, 23 October 2002 013683 - Port of LA, West Basin Terminal Improvements Joshua Burnam 3034
Mon, 09 January 2006 0136xx - Special Area Management Plans (SAMPS) Regulatory Division 4689
Wed, 11 January 2006 013774 - Westminster, CA (East Garden Grove) Edward Louie 2801
Wed, 27 December 2006 013778 - San Juan Creek/San Mateo Creek SAMP Jae Chung 3882
Fri, 12 December 2008 013779 - Riverside SAMP, CA Jae Chung 3280
Thu, 17 April 2008 013780 - San Diego Creek SAMP Cori Farrar 3840
Thu, 17 April 2008 013781 - Otay River Watershed SAMP Laurie A. Monarres 228
Wed, 11 January 2006 014430 - Westminster (Coyote & Carbon), CA Edward Louie 2466
Wed, 11 January 2006 014737 - SAR, Big Bear Lake, CA David Van Dorpe 2746
Wed, 11 January 2006 014754 - Santa Clara River Watershed, CA Darrell Buxton 3682
Wed, 11 January 2006 015730 - Santa Barbara Harbor, CA Dina Aman 2937
Wed, 11 January 2006 015750 - San Diego River - Mission Bay, CA Dina Aman 2761
Wed, 11 January 2006 016110 - San Diego Harbor, CA Dina Aman 2900
Wed, 11 January 2006 024190 - Ventura Harbor, CA Jeff Cole 2955
Wed, 11 January 2006 031323 - Shoreline Erosion Control Development Tony Risko 2633
Wed, 11 January 2006 036290 - Santa Ana River Basin, CA Katie Parks 2916
Wed, 11 January 2006 060130 - Mojave River Reservoir, CA Phil Serpa 2812
Wed, 11 January 2006 074656 - Port Hueneme, CA Jeff Cole 2775
Wed, 11 January 2006 074722 - Redondo Beach - King Harbor, CA Jim Fields 2692
Thu, 12 January 2006 074983 - San Luis Rey River Flood Control Edward Louie 3829
Wed, 11 January 2006 075232 - Sepulveda Dam Rec. Development, CA Edward Louie 2764
Thu, 13 November 2003 075234 - Rehabilitation Of The Hansen Dam Lower Lakes Heather Self 2573
Wed, 11 January 2006 075354 - Santa Ana River Mainstem, CA Girish Desai 5809
Fri, 31 October 2008 076163 - Upper Newport Bay Harbor, CA Jane Grandon 6957
Wed, 11 January 2006 076357 - South Perris Water Supply Desalination, CA Eddie Ireifej 2264
Wed, 11 January 2006 081248 - LA County Drainage Area (LACDA), CA Eddie Ireifej 2196
Wed, 11 January 2006 081477 - LACDA (Cornfields) Darrell Buxton 2536
Wed, 07 November 2007 104561 - California Coastal Sediment Master Plan Heather Schlosser 2499
Wed, 07 November 2007 104592 - Carpinteria Shoreline Feasibility Study Alex Hernandez 3431
Wed, 07 November 2007 104598 - Hunts Canyon, City of Palmdale, CA (205) Ehsan Eshraghi 38
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  • Arizona / Nevada Area  ( 46 items )
    Arizona/Nevada Interactive Project Map District projects that are in the Arizona / Nevada Area. For more information on projects within this area, please contact Jennie Ayala @ (602) 640-2989 x285 or click on our Interactive Project Map:

  • FUDS Program  ( 1 items )
    Environmental-response activities initiated by the Department of Defense (DoD) at several military installations in the 1970s evolved into the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP). The Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) component of DERP is managed and executed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Under FUDS, local USACE districts address response actions related to unexploded ordnance (UXO), discarded military munitions (DMM), and munitions constituents (MC) originating from UXO, DMM, or other military munitions.|

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