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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the Nation's oldest and largest water resources agency. Through its civil works programs, the Corps conducts feasibility studies and builds flood damage reduction projects. Where it is shown to be cost-effective, these projects can include nonstructural measures and flood proofing techniques. Major projects require specific authorization and funding by Congress, while small projects can be implemented with agency authority.

The Corps' Flood Plain Management Services Program provides flood hazard determinations, technical data on flood hazards, and guidance on flood proofing, floodplain regulations, flood warning, emergency preparedness, and evacuations planning. It also staffs the National Nonstructural/Flood Proofing Committee (NFPC), which supervises research and provides technology transfer on relocation, elevation, and other flood proofing techniques. The Committee also conducts workshops, develops and disseminates publications, and coordinates with other agencies and associates involved in flood proofing.

For additional information on the National Nonstructural/Flood Proofing Committee and its activities, contact...

Corps of Engineers, CECW-PD National
Nonstructural/Flood Proofing Committee
Attn: Larry Buss
106 South 15th Street
Omaha, NE 68102-1618
E-mail the NFPC

  Visitors since 9 August 2006