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  Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory . . .
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GSL Research News

 Evaluation of Concrete for New Chickamauga Lock

Chickamauga Lock - Concrete cracks at one of the lock ports
Concrete cracks at one of the lock ports used for filling and emptying the chamber

Researchers in GSL’s Concrete and Materials Branch (CMB) are conducting the initial material evaluation of concrete proposed for the new Chickamauga Lock, being constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Nashville District. This evaluation includes determining the quality of the cement, fine and coarse aggregates, mineral additives, and chemical admixtures. In addition, CMB team members will determine the concrete mixture proportions of the various types of concrete recommended for lock construction and how each of those mixtures will be used. Their research will also address how well the mixtures resist conditions such as freezing and thawing, chemical attack, alkali reactivity, and barge impacts.

This work represents one aspect of the Engineer Research and Development Center's (ERDC) responsibility to serve as the USACE laboratory for quality assurance. ERDC laboratories perform this function for Corps Districts, by providing assurance that all construction materials meet the minimum requirements of the project specifications. Construction materials include portland-cement concretes, asphalt concrete, soils, stones, joint materials, steel reinforcements, and other materials as requested. For further details, contact the GSL Concrete and Materials Branch or visit the Materials Testing Center Web site.

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Page last updated: January 2007