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Interagency and International Agreements  

  Federal Agreements (Reimbursable)
AgricultureDetail of GRD employee to USDA/US Embassy, Baghdad/IraqMar 08
AgricultureEnvironmental SupportJun 00
Agriculture - APHITechnical assistance, contract management, etc. for USAEC (formerly USATHAMA)May 92
Agriculture - RDMEnvironmental compliance activitiesJul 96
Agriculture - USFSIA between USFS-Rocky Mtn Research Station & DA covering design, surveying, geotech, const, environ, & other svcsSep 01
Agriculture - USFSMaster IA between DA and USFS (Region 1) for design, surveying geotechnical, contruction and environmental products and services, and other related goods and servicesAug 99
Agriculture2-way MOA covering USDA and USACE for goods and services; i.e., planning, design, construction, flood damage reduction, et al.Dec 05
ANC Execute design and construction projectsJul 88
AMCMILCON Services in Support of LOGCAP       Dec 08
Army Community and Family Support CenterDesign and Construction Services for CFSC/NAF construction projectsOct 93
CILHI Assistance to Recover Human Remains and Artifacts Jan 94
Commerce Financial management systemJun 92
Commerce - EDALevee restoration programJan 94
Commerce - EDAEnvironmental restoration management Apr 91
Commerce-NOAA2-way MOA with the National Ocean Service for goods and servicesMay 08
Commerce - NOAA2-way MOA covering (USACE:  planning, design, construction, proj mgmt, environ restoration, hazardous & toxic materials removal, R&D, engr or tech assistance, facilities master planning, & other ...) (NOAA:  hydrometeorological assessments & evaluations (incl monitoring); hydrologic, weather, & climate forecasting applications; hydrographic surveying; tech support; charting; R&D, & other ...)Oct 04
Commerce - NOAATechnical Expertise: erosion, inspection, construction Great Lakes Environmental Research LabSep 95
Commerce - NOAAComprehensive Services; Amendment 001 dated Jul 00; Annexes on Hydrographic Surveying, Water Levels, GPS/Geodetic & Related Engineering, and Lidar Bathymetry -- Amendment #2 dated Jul 05Jul 95
Commerce - NOAA, NWS Remote sensing hydrology program Mar 88
Commerce - NWS Acquisition of real estate for the NWS Sep 85
Commerce-NWS HEC Modeling for NWS SoftwareMar 06
Defense - DeCAContract Support for Sustainment, Design and ConstructionJun 07
Defense - IMAMOA between USACE (NAD) and IMA (Northeastern Regional Office) that provides the Installation Management Agency's North East Regional Office with NAD Emergency Management expertise (emergency planning, preparing, and response and recovery services)Apr 05
Defense - MDAManagement of BMDS worldwide deploymentMay 07
Defense - NGBMOA between HQUSACE and NGB for Mobile District to provide nationwide support to NGB and ARNGSep 03
Defense - USAMCMOA between USAMC and USACE re: USACE support for administration and execution of LOGCAPApr 03
Defense - USMAMOA between USMA and ERDC establishing policies and procedures for join research and information exchangeFeb 05
Defense - NAVFAC/AFCEEMOA for the establishment of a Joint Construction Management Office for MILCON/BRAC in San Antonio 24 May 07
EnergyMOA delineating administrative and execution responsibilities for the FUSRAP programMar 99
EnergyEngineering and other technical services with the DOE Office of Environmental ManagementSep 06
Energy - NESTMOA for engineering and other technical services between DA and DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and TechnologyMar 06
Energy - NNSAInteragency Agreement between DOE (Natl Nuclear Security Admin, Ofc of Infrastructure & Facilities Mgmt) and USACE for engineering technical support to NNSA Complex (eight sites)  Amendment 1 (Sep 03)Apr 03
Energy - NNSAConstruction management and other technical services to the PDCF site at Savannah River.  Amend 1Feb 08
Energy Technical assistance from US to Russia effort .... storage  facility for   fissile material from destruction of nuclear weaponsJan 93
Energy Emergency services to restore water supply at SPR sites (w/Amendment 1) Sep 92
Energy Environmental Restoration - Master Interagency Agreement (under Jul 90 MOU)Sep 92
Energy Environmental restoration and waste management program Jul 90
Energy Acquisition and management of real estate for programmatic mission Aug 87
Energy - AL Construction of atomic energy defense facilities Apr 84
Energy - B Technical assistance, contract management, etc. to USAEC formerly     (USATHAMA)May 92
Energy - BPAMaster Agreement between USACE (NWD) and BPA for Corps work in support of BPA's Fish & Wildlife Program, Power Business Line, and other agreed upon related goods or servicesApr 05
Energy - BPA Design of juvenile fish monitoring facilities Oct 93
Energy - BPA Pacific Northwest Hydropower Data Base and Analysis System Sep 89
Energy - CH Argonne Area Office, technical assistance, contract management, etc.    (USAEC)Sep 92
Energy - CH Brookhaven Area Office, technical assistance, contract management, etc. (USAEC)Sep 92 
Energy - CH Design and construction services Mar 85
Energy - I Technical assistance, contract management, etc. (USAEC) Sep 92
Energy - NETL MOA - Assessment of Advanced Hazardous Waste Characterization Remediation  for assistance from Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC) (now National Energy Technology Lab  - NETL) Aug 95
Energy - NETLIA covering DA utilization of DOE/NETL capabilities to include programs, projects, physical plant and other activities, as requestedOct 05
Energy - NETLAssist METC in management environmental compliance Sep 91
Energy - NV Design and construction services for Nevada Operations Office Jan 85
Energy - P Environmental Compliance assistance to Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center, now FETC Sep 93
Energy - OR Assistance from Oak Ridge Field Office for technical assistance, contract management, etc. (USAEC)Sep 92
Energy - OR Environmental restoration and real estate services Feb 91
Energy - OR East Fork Poplar Creek environmental reconstruction activity Aug 91
Energy - R Assistance from Richland Field Office for technical assistance, contract  management, etc. (USAEC)Sep 92
Energy - R Environmental restoration assistance to the Richland Field Operations Office at the Hanford, WA siteJul 90
Energy - SR Design and construction services to the Savannah River Plant Aug 85
EPA Design and construction of facilities Jan 95
EPA Environmental technology demonstration project (assistance from CERL) in eastern Europe Sep 94
EPA Assistance from USAWES on hydrofracturing process for in situ-treatment of Contaminated Soil (1994-1996)Jun 94
EPA Remedial design and remediation by CENWO--Bay City, MI (1993-1997)Aug 93
EPA Review and coordination of planning and design for EPA's Facilities Management and Services Division and Safety Health and Environmental Management Division (CESAM)Sep 92
EPAConstruction Grant Program, Virgin Islands Aug 92
EPA Design and construction of consolidated EPA Lab facility at Triangle Park, NCMay 92
EPATechnical assistance to improve quality  and quantity of water in the City of Krakow, Poland Jul 90
EPAServices in the administration of the construction grants program Jun 90
EPA - GLNPO Regional (LRD) MOA covering assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments in Great Lakes areasJul 05
EPA Superfund Program Implementation (clarification and extension of  Feb 82 agreement) Dec 84
EPA Superfund Program Implementation Feb 82
FEMAGoods and ServicesDec 08
FEMA (DHS)MOA for providing Corps flood plain mapping services & other related goods and services under future Interagency AgreementsAug 05
FEMA Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program and Amendment 1 (Apr 04)May 99
FEMA Hurricane evacuation study program Apr 95
FEMA Flood Insurance Restudies Jan 93
FEMA Fuel Storage Tank Remediation Program Apr 93
FEMA Disaster assistance to state and local governmentsJun 88
FEMA, DOI, CE Natural disaster assistance to U.S. territories in the Pacific Jun 88
FEMADesign and construction management, RE, and related services Sep 83
FEMA, HUD Rehabilitation of public housing in Virgin Islands Apr 91
GAO Engineering, construction and real estate services Jun 92
GSA - Region 7 Environmental engineering and restoration services (SWF) Apr 91
GSA - Region 7 Design and constructability review (SWF) Sep 90
HHS-PHSMOA for detailing PHS Officers to USACENov 08
HHS-CDCEnvironmental compliance and research services in support of the environmental program (CERL)Jul 94
HHS - FDA RE acquisition and facility design Apr 95
Homeland Security (HS)MOA between DHS and DA for engineering, design and design review, project mgmt, construction mgmt, procurement, RE, and environmental supportJan 04
HSTerms and Conditions covering reimbursable detail of ERDC-GSL employee to D/HSAug 05
HS - USCGProvide short-range aids to navigation data for production of IENCsOct 02
HS - CGDesign, real estate and construction services Oct 91
HUD  Public and Indian housing modernization Sep 93
HUDBrownfields Redevelopment Jun 99
IBWC International wastewater treatment projectsJun 92
IBWCRio Grande River flood fight assistanceNov 90
IJCMOA to cover water resources, infrastructure development and environmental protectionSep 06
IJCMOA + 4 Amendments -  DA studies, planning, and other services + Amendment 5, Amendment 6, Amendment 7Amendment 8, Amendment 9, Amendment 10,            Amendment 11, Amendment 12, Amendment 13Amendment 14, Amendment 15Sep 98 (last amended Sep 06)
IJCMOA regarding detail of USACE employees to the U.S. Section, IJC, and respective responsibilities thereof.  Lake Ontario Study agreement of 2001 is also attached.Sep 00
Interior  Improvements in water and other infrastructure in American Samoa, Guam, CNMI, and FAS Aug 88
Interior - BLM 2-Way MOA for Natural resource management Denver Office BLM and CERL. Dec 94
Interior -B/Reclamation2 way MOA for goods and servicesAug 06
Interior - FWS2-way MOA for Corps planning, design, construct, environ restoration, hazmat removal, engr & tech assist, training; and for FWS environ mgmt, fish & wildlife resource mgmt, training for both CW and military projects.Jan 03
Interior - FWSHTRW/Environmental Assistance Apr 98
Interior - FWS Great Lakes Research Vessel Jul 92
Interior - FWSFunding of Fish & Wildlife Coordination Activities Jan 03 (supersedes May 80 & Amended Sep 82)
Interior - MMSMOA re: use of Outer Continental Shelf sand, gravel, and shell resources for USACE authorized shore protection projectsApr 99
Interior-NPSEngineering/Environmental and other tech services with Seattle DistrictApr 07
Interior-NPSLA District/Grand Canyon National ParkJun 06
Interior - NPSIA between NPS (NE Region) & USACE (NAD) for technical support, contracting and construction management servicesJul 99
Interior - NPSEnvironmental removal/remedial action and technical support activitiesNov 97
Interior - NPS NHL theme study of Corps of Engineers dams & Bureau of Reclamation water projects Nov 93 (Mod
dated Jul (95)
Interior - NPS Improvements in water resources and other infrastructure developments within the Honolulu Engineer District AORAug 93
Interior - NPS Engineering, construction and real estate services Southeast Region Mar 92
Interior - NPSModified water deliveries to Everglades National Park Jun 91
Interior - NPS  Planning, design, construction and maintenance for the seawall rehabilitation project (Potomac & Anacostia Rivers)Nov 86
Interior - NPSSan Juan historic site foundation (extension Jul 89)May 77
Interior - USGS2-way MOA between USGS and DA for Corps planning, design, construct, environ restoration, R&D, hazmat removal, engr & tech assist, training; and for USGS investigations & tng in earth sciences, remote sensing & geospatial data applications, water resources & hydrologic research, info systems, and other related goods/services for both CW and military projects.  Mar 04
JTF - DODEnvironmental Support Apr 95
Justice - DEA Design, environmental and construction management for intelligence facilities at Ft. Bliss, TXMar 86
Justice - FBI Relocation of Criminal Justice Information Services Division to Clarksburg, WVOct 92 (expired 1995)
Justice - FBOP  Engineering, construction and other services Apr 93
Justice - FBOP Real estate acquisition, environmental and construction managementJan 84
Justice - INS Design and construction of facilities Oct 94
Justice - USMSSupport U.S. Marshals Service in program mgmt, planning, engineer investigations & designs, construction executionAug 00
Kennedy Center Design, engineering, technical services and constructionNov 95
Labor Alternative dispute resolutionJan 94
LaborTech assistance in upgrading water supply, power supply, & sewage system at Nigerian Armed Force Resettlement CenterJul 01
Millennium Challenge CorporationProgram Agreement for 609 (G) Project Development GrantsDec 05
Millennium Challenge Corporation5-year Program Agreement between MCC and USACE for evaluating proposed infrastructure projectsFeb 05
Millennium Challenge CorporationMOA between Mobile District and MCC establishing mutual framework governing responsibilities for provision of Corps technical services to MCC + initial Scope of Work for Honduras roads projects.Nov 04
Missile Defense AgencyManagement of BMDS worldwide deploymentMay 07
Multi-agency Nationwide DGPS Feb 99
NASACenter for Public Works support to NASA installations Dec 95
NASACooperative research using remote sensing/GIS technologyFeb 95
NASARehabilitation and modification of IRFT, HI Mar 92
NASAEngineering and construction support to MSFC -Advanced Solid Rocket Motor Facility May 89
NASAConstruction services for Langley Research Center Mar 86
NASAConstruction of facilities/equipment to support Kennedy Space Center Sep 83
NASA, (Corps)Design and construction services for Huntsville, Cape Canaveral and elsewhere for NASA (+ Amendments 1 and 2)Dec 61
NASA, (Army) Assistance in the secondary administration of NASA contracts Aug 60

NASA, (DOD) Principles governing reimbursement of costs Nov 59
NRCTechnical and management services for nuclear reactor activitiesDec 06
NSF - (OPP)Provide technical assistance, engineering, design and construction management servicesApr 01
NSFStrengthen engineering research through universities Feb 96
NSF Assistance and support on Antarctic Construction ProgramAug 87
Postal ServiceProvide Corps biohazard testing and decontamination goods and services and such other related goods or services as may be agreed upon.Nov 01
Resolution Trust CompanyEnvironmental technical evaluation servicesJan 91
StateAssessment and Feasibility Study for the Ministry of Electricity in Iraq 29 Sep 08
StateSpt to IRMO for O&M Infrastructure Sustainment; AmendmentNov 06
StateSpt to IRMO for Infrastructure Security Protection Amendment; Amendment#2Nov 06
StateSpt to IRMO for Provincial Reconstruction Teams and Provincial Reconstruction Development Committee Projects.  Amendment; Amendment #2Nov 06
StateExecution package for installation of overhead cover systems at facilities within IRAQ theaterAug 06
StateDOD- Defense Security Cooperation Agency - Peacekeeping Operations FundsSep 05
StateInteragency Support Agreement between GRD and PMO (now PCO) covering construction management with S&A targets and defining responsibility related to contracting, project management, security, and other areasApr 04
StateMOA between IIRO and USACE re: F&A functions (CEFMS) support to IIRO Ofc of CPANov 03
StatePlanning, design, contract award, contract administration, and quality assurance in support of Afghanistan National Army Infrastructure requirementsJan 03
State-INLIAA for the construction of prisons in IraqJan 07
State-INLIAA for construction at BIAP, BagdadJun 07
State - INLTechnical Assistance MOA for planning, engineering, construction, procurement, project mgmt, contract mgmt, water resource development, infrastructure development, and environmental protection related to counternarcotics activities and other agreed upon workApr 98
State - INLINL IAA for Iraq Court Security UpgradesJul 08
State - INL INL IAA for construction of new Judicial Education and Development Institute in BaghdadJul 08
State - BDSSA for studies, design and construction, for contingency opeartions facilities at locations within the TAC AORJul 08
State Design and construction of Air Operations Center, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Jun 94
StateAssistance on new embassy construction and upgrading existing embassies.Mar 92
StateConstruction-Richmond Naval Air Station, Miami, FLSep 90
State Construction of Beltsville, MD, communications facility Mar 92
(amended Aug 88)
Transportation - CGDesign, real estate and construction services Oct 91
Transportation - FAAE&C and other technical services provided by SADSep 07
Transportation - FAA Environmental and Health and Safety Program Mar 94
Transportation - FAAPlanning, design, engineering, construction program/project management, and environmental, health, and safety services.Oct 93
Transportation - FAA SPD provide services to Western Pacific Region Aug 92
Transportation - FAA NW Mountain Region - Seattle District assist FAA May 92
Transportation - FAA Security engineering surveys of airports (NWO) Sep 91
Transportation - FAA Design, construction and related engineering contracting services,  FAA Southwest Region and SWDOct 90
Transportation - FAAAcquisition of real property,  FAA Great Lakes Region and LRD Aug 88
Transportation - FAADesign, construction, engineering services Aug 86
Transportation - FHWAA two-way MOA between FHWA and DA resulting from Jan 03 Partnership Agreement.  This MOA is the mechanism for working together on transportation initiatives, both in the U.S. and in other countries.Mar 04
Transportation - IG Engineering, construction management, environmental restoration, R&DMay 98
Transportation - MARAD HTRW rapid response services, MARAD and Omaha District May 91
Transportation - MARAD Support of decommissioned nuclear power barge (Sturgis) Jan 78
Treasury - BEP Wastewater pretreatment facility construction Jun 90
Treasury - BEP Design review and construction services for Ft. Worth facility,   BEP and SWFJun 88
Treasury - IRS Design, review and construction services for Covington, KY facility IRS Central Region Cincinnati Service Center, Cincinnati Resident OfficeSep 88 
Treasury - IRS  Cincinnati Service Center RPMA Dec 87
TVA 2-way MOA for technical assistance and contract management, and related services Sep 05
USAIDInteragency Agreement - Lebanon ReconstructionSep 06
USAIDPASA for reimbursable services in support of USAID 's Bureau for Asia and Near East for Tsunami Reconstruction and Apr 05 Amendment ; Sep 05 AmendmentFeb 05
USAIDParticipating Agency Service Agreement (PASA) for reimbursable services in support of USAID projects in Afghanistan - AmendmentAug 03
USAIDGeneral Agreement establishing a framework for providing USAID-requested technical services to USAID and its partnersMay 03
USAIDParticipating Agency Service Agreement (PASA) to provide A&E tech services for USAID's Iraq Reconstruction Contract (pursuant to terms of MOA between USACE and USAID) final reportMay 03
USAIDEvaluation of Kainji Dam, NigeriaJun 01
USAIDEmergency relief/reconstruction—Latin AmericaJul 99
USAIDMOU (among USAID, USACE, Afghanistan Ministry of Urban Development and Housing and Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation, and Kabul Municipality) for Chil Dukhtaran Housing Project of Greater Kabul to assist displaced familiesJul 05
USAIDMOU for the construction of a childrens' hospital in Basrah, IraqOct 06
USGS2-way MOA for goods and services; pasa includedMar 04
USIA Security upgrade construction – worldwide May 89
USIA Worldwide support of VOA modernization and expansion program Dec 84
Veterans AffairsNational MOA for Design and Construction Services   Amendment 1Sep 07
Veterans AffairsTech Support from Kansas City DistrictApr 07
Veterans Affairs - NCAPlanning, design, and construction servicesMar 01

Non-Federal Agreements (Reimbursable)

AECOMTAA with IWR to provide technical services on water planning activities in AsiaMay 08

Collection of coastal field data

Jul 82

Burgess & Niple, Ltd.TAA with Burgess & Niple, LTD, on Romanian Destructive Water (DESWAT) Project (for hydrological assessments)Apr 02
BNSFImprove regulatory consistency and compliance3 Oct 08

Design, engineering and construction

Jan 85

DC Public Schools

Facilities assessment, engineering services, environmental compliance

Apr 98

Federal Prisons Industries

Guideline for Production and shipment of signs

May 96

Hawaii (DOT)

Construction Mgmt, Engineering & Design

Nov 96

Hawaii (L&NR)

Construction Management, Engineering & Design

 Jul 96

Hawaii State

Maui Second Commercial Harbor Study

Oct 92


Interior Design & Space Planning

May 96

Kansas City

Engineering and design studies on flood protection Brush Creek

May 89


Predicting and management coastal projects

Feb 91


Public Notice System

Aug 91


Town of Vidalia -- SA. Murray, Jr., Hydroelectric Plant

Dec 89


Anacostia River and Tributaries

Dec 91

Port of Oakland

Feasibility Study for Improvement of Oakland Harbor

Sep 96

The Nature ConservancyCRADA for sustainability of the Magdalena River, ColumbiaJul  08

Cooperative Agreements (Non-Reimbursable)

AAPAPartnering Agreement with PIANCMay 05
AMPPartnering Agreement with PIANCApril 07
AAPAMOU/MOA with Army and USACEMar 04
ABC Partnering Agreement Aug 95

General framework of cooperation on canoeing kayaking and rafting

Nov 95
ACEC Partnering Agreement Oct 92
ADSC Partnering Mar 94
AGC Partnering Agreement Feb 95
AgricultureJointly address waterway issues affecting movement of agriculture commodities in the U.S.May 99

Construction of research and quarantine facility (Melaleuca)Feb 95
AgricultureForest insect and disease suppression on DOD landsDec 90
AgricultureImplementation Sec. 404(q), Clean Water Act to minimize duplicationJan 83
AgricultureConservation of forests, vegative cover, soil and waterMar 63
Agriculture - FSSeasonal variations in soil moistureSep 93
Agriculture - FSWater and land resources at Lake QuachitaJun 85
Agriculture - NRCSPartnership Agreement between NRCS and ASA(CW) to work together on wetlands conservation compliance and regulation; wetlands creation, restoration, and enhancement; natural disaster recovery; and watershed planning and implementation.     Memo to the Field  Memo to the Field -2Jul 05
Agriculture - SCSEmergency for repair or restoration of non-Federal water control facilitiesMay 86
Agriculture - SCSFlood protection by engineering worksSep 65
AlAPartnering AgreementJun 94
AISESPartnering Agreement and MOU with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society to enhance opportunities in engineering, science, and mathematicsJun 04
AlabamaEstablishing mutual framework with Cullman, AlMay 97
APWAPartnering AgreementMar 96
ASCEPartnering AgreementAug 07
American Waterways Operators

Inland Waterways InfrastructureAug 97

B.A.S.S.FishingJun 96
Boy Scouts of AmericaCooperative relationshipMar 87
CATHALACPartnering Agreement              Aug 07
Chicago Metro Sanitary DistrictOperate and maintain the Chicago Sanitary and Ship CanalJan 84
CIAR&D — Remote SensingJan 93
Commerce Implement Sec. 404(q) Clean Water Act to minimize duplicationAug 92
Commerce - NESS - NOAAData collection system program—environmental, physical, chemical or biological propertiesNov 75
Commerce - NMFSExchange of personnel to facilitate interagency cooperationJul 85
Commerce - NOAAComprehensive ServicesJul 95
Commerce - NOAARestore and create fish habitatJan 91
Ducks UnlimitedProtection, Restoration, & Mgmt of Wetlands/UplandsJul 02
EnergyIWR/ERDC work with Oak Ridge National LaboratorySep 05
EPARestoration of Degraded Urban Rivers                Aug 06
EPAPartnership Agreement for Watershed Management between ASA(CW) and EPA Ofc of Water; Field Memo; Press ReleaseNov 04
EPAMOU Supporting Brownfields EffortsOct 03
EPAImplementation of the Clean Water ActAug 92

Determination of mitigation under the Clean Water Act Sec. 404(b)(1) GuidelinesFeb 90
EPADetermination of geographical jurisdictionJan 89

Sec. 404 enforcement procedures re: applicability of previously issued Corps permitsJan 89
EPAFederal enforcement for Sec. 404 programJan 89

Designation and management of ocean dredged material disposal sitesJul 87
EPAControl discharges of solid waste material into waters of U.S.Jan 86
EPAPermitting for log transfer facilitiesOct 85
EPACooperative action for water quality managementMar 76
EPAArea-wide waste treatment management planning assistance to state and local governmentsNov 74
EPAInteragency coordination of water quality management planning assistance to state and local governmentsApr 71
EPAControl discharges and deposits in navigable waters of the U.S.Jan 71
ERO - WESU.S. Army Research Development & Standardization Group - UK Relationship with WESJul 92
FEMADam SafetySep 92
FEMAMaintaining and updating the national inventory of dams with Amendment 2/95Mar 89
FERCPolicy and guidance for review of preliminary permit of license applications for non-Federal hydropowerJul 83
FERCNon-Federal hydropower developmentNov 81
Girl ScoutsCooperative relationshipNov 90
GLFCPartnering – Sea LampreyDec94
GSAConstruction of new HQ buildingOct 91
HENAACHispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Corporation  partnership with USACEAug 06
HHSEmergency planning and responseJan 91
HUDUrban development programsOct 79
HWACPartnering AgreementJun 93
IndianaManagement of outgranted lands and facilitiesOct 90
IndianaForestry management planMay 90
InteriorTransfer O&M, Repair and Rehab of Columbia River Treaty Fishing Access SitesJun 95
InteriorWaterfowl habitat conservationJan 89
InteriorManagement of land and water resourcesFeb 73
InteriorDivision of responsibilities in Alaska, the Columbia River Basin, and Missouri River BasinMar 62
Interior - Bureau of ReclamationPartnership between Reclamation and ASA(CW) (USACE) to increase coordination, collaboration, and cooperation in management of water and related land resources.  (news release) and memo to the fieldFeb 05
Interior - BuRecSatellite data collectionOct 92
Interior - BuRecCooperative involvement in western water resource development projectsMar 84
Interior - BuRecFormalized free exchange of design information coordination of engineering, design, and construction practicesNov 79
Interior - BuRecDivision of responsibilities in the Central Valley Basin, California (with Att. No. 1, Feb 62)Dec 58
Interior - BuRecFloods, irrigation & use for water, New MexicoJul 47
Interior - FWSPartnership AgreementJan 03
Interior - FWSImplementation of Sec. 404(q) of the Clean Water ActNov 85
Interior - FWSProcedures for developing general plans on fish and wildlife managementApr 55
Interior - FWSPromote sound planning on fish and wildlife matter related to river basin projectsAug 54
Interior - MMSUse of sand, gravel and shell resources on the Outer Continental Shelf, Duval County, FLMar 95
Interior - NPSTrail of Tears NatI Historic Trail on Corps lands & watersSep 97
Interior - USGSPartnership Agreement for Science in Natural Resource ManagementMar 04
Interior - USGSInteragency Sedimentation ProjectNov 94
Interior - USGSUse of the USGS national water data storage and retrieval systemJun 78
Interior - USGSProcedures for cooperation on exchange of informationAug 78
Interior - USGSNational water data exchangeJun 79
Iraq FoundationCRADA for marsh restoration activitiesMay 06
ITRCPartnership to help transfer new & innovative ideas, concepts, and technologies among USACE, ITRC, and state regulators at USACE-involved DOD environmental sites.May 03
KentuckyManagement of outgranted lands and facilitiesMar 91
Multi-Agency-DOI, USDA, EPAEstablishment of policies and procedures to implement Sec 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, PL 109-58 with the intent to improve the efficiency of processing oil and gas use authorizations on Federal lands.Oct 05
Multi-Agency--DOI (OSM, FWS) and EPAReviewing and processing of surface coal mining applications proposing placement of dredged and/or fill material in U.S. watersFeb 05
Multi-AgencyCoordinate & support implementation of NatI Tourism StrategySep 97
Multi Agency--DOD, EPA, DOEEnvironmental SecurityJul 96
Multi Agency--Interior, Agriculture, CEProcurement of Recreation Reservation ServicesOct 95
Multi Agency/Disney CoPublic knowledge and commitment to sustaining natural resourcesDec 99
Multi-AgencyCoastal America PartnershipJul 94
Multi-AgencyEcosystem management in the Chesapeake BayJul 94
Multi-AgencyGeographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS)Nov 92
Multi-AgencyBiological Management Plan for the Middle Rio Grande Bosque ecosystemAug 92
Multi-AgencyIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA)May 92
Multi-AgencyMagnetic Levitation Initiative (MAGLEV)May 91
Multi-AgencyWatts Bar Reservoir permit coordinationFeb 91
Multi-AgencyWatchable wildlife programDec 90
Multi-AgencyThe plan for Federal response to a catastrophic earthquakeMay 87
Multi-AgencyEnergy generated at the Cumberland Systems Project Jul 84
Multi-AgencyNon structural damage reduction measures as applied to common flood disasterDec 80
Multi-AgencyCost application for multiple-purpose projectsMar 54
Multi-Agency/Wilderness InquiryPrograms, projects, activitiesOct 97
NASAMission to Plant Earth ProgramOct 91
NASA - JSCDefine R&D areas of mutual interest and cooperative programs in space explorationOct 88
National Audubon SocietyManagement of Natural ResourcesMar 06
NAWICPartnering AgreementJun 93
NRCRegulation of nuclear power plantsJul 75
NSPEPartnering AgreementMar 93
OhioManagement of outgranted lands and facilitiesMay 90
Pacific Basin Development CouncilPartnership - formalizes existing collaboration between respective organizationsJan 03
PVARecreational land and water resourcesApr 96
PohnpeiHydropower project on the Nanpil RiverJan 85
The Nature ConservancyNatural resource management of DOD landsDec 88
The Nature ConservancyMOU – Management of biological resources within context of Corps CW and regulatory missionsDec 00
The Nature ConservancyRegional MOU between TNC South Central Division and SWD to facilitate management of environmentally sustainable projectsJul 04
TransportationPort readiness (Revision #1, Sep 88)Jan 85
Transportation – Coast GuardDifferential Global Positioning System (DGPS)Feb 94
Transportation – Coast GuardRegulation of waterways safety and avoid duplicationMay 77
Transportation – Coast GuardSurveillance and enforcement of federally contracted ocean dumping activitiesSep 76
Transportation - Coast GuardBridges and causewaysApr 73
Transportation - Coast GuardInspection of Corps vesselsMay 69
Transportation - FAAConstruction of highways necessitated by reservoir and other developmentsJan 70
Transportation - FHWAPartnership AgreementJan 03
Transportation - MACooperation in marine transportation systems technology, port and waterways development, joint R&D and applied engineeringNov 84
TVAKentucky Lock additionJan 91
TVAEnvironmental and natural resources programs and projectsApr 86
TVARegulating the waters of the U.S.Aug 85
TVANavigation facilities of the Tennessee RiverOct 62
University of NebraskaTechnology Transfer for the Peter Kiewit Institute               May 01
USACEDefinition of organizational relationships and activities between HNC MM CX and NWD HTRW CXFeb 06
USAFPartnering Agreement;  2008 UpdateAug 94
U.S. Power SquadronMOU between USPS (non-profit NGO) and USACE (MVN) providing a foundation to work together on common-interest issues and to jointly plan and carry out mutually beneficial programs, projects, and activitiesMay 03
Western States Water CouncilPartnership with SWD/NWD/SPD for Western States Watershed Study               Oct 06

International Agreements (Reimbursable and Non-Reimbursable)



   English version
   Dari version
MOU (among USAID, USACE, Afghanistan Ministry of Urban Development and Housing and Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation, and Kabul Municipality) for Chil Dukhtaran Housing Project of Greater Kabul to assist displaced familiesJul 05
BahamasWater DrainageMay 95
Belarus/DOD`CECRL- remote sensing, environmental investigations & restorationsJul 93
CanadaMOC between Department of Transport of Canada and U.S. Department of Transportation regarding Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway SystemMay 03
CanadaExchange of Info on Civil Engineering TechnologyJun 96
CanadaSouris River - flood control improvementsOct 89
CISStorage of Nuclear WeaponsJun 92
ColombiaWater Resource Management Technical ServicesMar 07
ColombiaTechnical and professional services; comprehensive evaluation, sedimentationAug 96
El SalvadorSave the Children Federation, lnc. -- Construction Management ServicesFeb 92
FinlandCooperation in Cold Regions Engineering, Scientific and Technological ResearchJun 94
FSMWater resources and infrastructure development projects (under Compact of Free Association, Sec 226)Sep 89
HondurasTechnical assistance for San Pedro Sula ValleyAug 90
IsraelR&D, Scientist & Engineer Exchange (DOD)Dec 87
Japan Cooperative R&D AgreementJun 88
JapanEnvironmental Protection (EPA)Jul 85
JapanImplementing Arrangement between USACE and The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of Japan (Flood Control and Water Resources Management); IA Extension Feb 08Mar 03
KoreaCRADA for R&D with Korean Ocean R&D Institute (KORDI)Oct 07
KuwaitUS and Kuwait MOU re: Reconstruction of Infrastructure and Restoration of Basic Services in Kuwait.  Letter of ExchangeFeb 91
OASPartnering Agreement with PIANCDec 05
Panama Canal AuthorityReimbursable services from the Army, including planning, engineering, construction, procurement, project management, and contract managementDec 00
RomaniaTech cooperation in water resource management, river engineering, wetland mgmt, environmental assessment and remediation, and disaster preparednessJan 06
Russia/DODMilitary RelationsSep 93
The NetherlandsMOA between the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Mgmt of The Netherlands and USACE for Info Exchange and RDT&E Projects    (supporting documents)May 04
UNESCO-ICHARMIWR-OAS Partnership for flood/storm damage reduction, et al3 Jul 06
UNESCO-CAZALACIWR-OAS Partnership for integrated water resources management, et al in Latin America and the Caribbean3 Jul 06
UNESCO-IHEMOU re: Partnership between UNESCO Institute for Water Education and USACEMar 02
World BankLetter Agreement to provide technical assistance in HondurasFeb 99
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