Argonne National Laboratory National Security
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Director's Message

Staff Biographies
Alan Foley
Mary Anne Yates


About Us


To become a leading resource to government agencies in

  • Infrastructure protection,
  • Nonproliferation,
  • Safe nuclear systems,
  • Advanced detection, and
  • Emergency preparedness and response.

Mission Statement

The primary mission of Argonne's Office of National and Homeland Security (ONHS) is to provide and strengthen connections between government sponsors and the broad set of scientific and engineering capabilities and facilities at Argonne National Laboratory to develop programs that both address the needs of the sponsor and sustain those capabilities and facilities. In addition, ONHS will serve as a resource to both the sponsors and the Laboratory community to provide policy analysis and serve as the point of contact for all issues related to National and Homeland Security.

Technical Strengths

  • Nuclear engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Materials sciences
  • Applied physics
  • Biology
  • Computer sciences
  • Decision sciences
  • Basic research
  • Multidisciplinary research
  • Radiological assistance team

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of Energy
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